22 Years' Battery Customization

What color is the normal battery electrolyte?

Sep 10, 2019   Pageview:937

The storage battery electrolyte consists of dilute sulphuric acid in the steam and water preparation, color is colorless transparent.Density is 1.24 1.30 grams per cubic centimeter.The proportion of 12.75 to 12.85 G/CM3 sulfuric acid with pure water, if a battery is water consumption in the use process, add pure water recharged.

For instance, lead-acid battery electrolyte consists of 80% sulfuric acid and distilled water according to certain proportion and density is 1.24 1.30 g/cm cubes.The proportion of 12.75 to 12.85 g/cm3, some lead-acid batteries, such as motorcycle lead-acid battery electrolyte needs to refill, so, take extra care when filling, never works.If the battery water consumed in use process, add pure water recharged.

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