Aug 24, 2019 Pageview:1374
Lithium batteries, lithium-ion batteries, lithium-polymer batteries, people are often confused by these "lithium" batteries, and the necessary explanation of the principle of lithium-ion batteries becomes the key to solving this puzzle. Because in all these battery theories involving "lithium", the principle of lithium-ion batteries is a link ,that runs through the three and has a role in carrying forward the past.
First, we need to clarify the three concepts that we first proposed. In the history of the development of lithium batteries, the first stage is a lithium primary battery. The negative electrode of this battery is a lithium metal. On this basis, the second stage has developed a rechargeable lithium battery, which is a theoretical lithium ion battery. The rechargeable lithium battery is No metal lithium exists. Just lithium-ion batteries. Because lithium compounds and electrolytes as positive materials are different, there are lithium ion battery principles based on different materials. In recent years, it is often said that lithium-polymer batteries have been developed on the basis of liquid lithium-ion batteries. Its appearance has brought lithium batteries to the third stage, because lithium-polymer batteries are lithium-ion batteries. The electrolyte is improved from liquid to solid or gel-state batteries. Therefore, its working mechanism does not break away from the principle system of lithium-ion batteries, but only improves the principle of lithium-ion batteries.
Secondly, we should understand the principle of lithium-ion battery in structure. In general, lithium-ion batteries have five parts: positive, negative, diaphragm, organic electrolyte, and shell. In the principle of lithium-ion batteries, the diaphragm is the most technical manufacturing process, and the electrolyte depends on the liquid or polymer. Different.
Third, understand the principle of lithium-ion battery from the mechanism of action. Lithium-ion batteries are the general term for lithium-ion embedded compounds as positive polar materials. In this sense, as long as the lithium-ion batteries that work, whether liquid or polymer, and many battery manufacturers are working hard to build power batteries, Both apply to the common principle of lithium-ion batteries. Under the principle of lithium-ion battery, the battery charging process is the embedding and deembedding process of lithium ions. When charging, lithium ions are deembedded, and the cathode is embedded in the negative electrode from the positive electrode. When discharging, it is the opposite.
Understand the above lithium ion battery principle, and finally you can use an image metaphor to end. People generally use the "rocking chair battery" as a description of the principle of lithium ion battery, that is, lithium ions are always in the "positive-negative-positive" motion state. The lithium-ion battery is like a rocking chair. The two ends of the rocking chair are the positive and negative poles of the battery. The lithium ion is the "person" who moves at both ends. This metaphor explains the principle of lithium-ion batteries from the mechanism of action.
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