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Lithium battery trend in the power battery market

Aug 30, 2019   Pageview:621

"The standard of mainstream and non-mainstream judgment is not a rebuttal of each word."


Nowadays, some people look at the problem and are accustomed to asking right and wrong first, eager to talk about right or wrong. But materialist dialectics believes that things are sports development, and there is no eternal boundary between mainstream and non-mainstream.


In the era of horse-drawn carriages more than 100 years ago, cars were not main stream; in the era of kerosene lamps in the old era, light bulbs were non-mainstream... New things such as Taobao and WeChat were not main stream at the beginning of their birth. Numerous historical facts have proved that the irresponsible "conclusion" approach often ends with "scratching".


Regrettably, when faced with things, many people can only judge from their limited vision, position and specific time and space, and cannot see their problems by breaking through their limitations.


Mainstream is just a relative concept


It took tens of thousands of years for mankind to transition from stoneware to fire civilization, and it took thousands of years to evolve into farming civilization. It is thousands of years. The era of industrial civilization is coming. The technology changes during this period, not once. The so-called "non-mainstream" has replaced the "mainstream".


I don't know when from the beginning, the other word of "mainstream" seems to become "who I am afraid of", just like everyone is now mentioning the "sentimental" word, some have changed taste.


Recently, Mingzhu Dong and Yinlong New Energy once again became popular. Shilin Huang, president of Ningde Times, publicly stated that now Mingzhu Dong has put all the lithium titanate batteries invested by his company. Because the energy density is relatively low, the future will not be too main stream, it is not very optimistic about the technology.


Just relying on the "mainstream" to judge the quality of the power battery, this logic seems a bit far-fetched.


Truth is relative and infinite. Can the standard of judgment of everything be so single and absolute?


At that time, Galileo's two small iron balls thrown on the Leaning Tower of Pisa completely overthrew the ancient Greek mechanics theory represented by "mainstream authority" such as Aristotle. It is also the theory of "not mainstream". Let Newton put forward "three laws" on this basis.


In 2015, Yinlong sold nearly 7,000 vehicles a year, with an annual growth rate of 2228%, and quickly became one of the leading companies in China's new energy industry.


From the acquisition of the US Austrian titanium to the development of the fourth generation of high-energy-density lithium titanate batteries, is it true that Yinlong is not optimistic about the future development potential and huge business opportunities of lithium titanate batteries? And Dalian Wanda Group, CIMC and other excellent capital investment in Yinlong is only because "man is more stupid money", or simply for Mingzhu Dong's human feelings? Shopping malls such as battlefields, savvy entrepreneurs naturally see the development prospects of lithium titanate.


Mingzhu Dong bluntly said: Some people are "small eyes, only look at the three points." Jianlin Wang, chairman of Wanda Group, said in his shareholding in Yinlong: "The role of entrepreneurs is to be forward-looking and to see points that others cannot see."


The word "mainstream" is not a criterion for judging whether a company is good or bad. The IQ of a consumer is always online, and the market is a "touchstone." Whether a company has real skills or not is not theirs.


No power battery is perfect


To speak with facts and true things is the standard for testing things right and wrong. The word "mainstream" is just a hat that has been deducted by the times.


At present, the development status of domestic new energy vehicles, the battery types can be described as rich and varied, and the market's most important indicators of battery focus on five aspects: safety and stability, cycle life, resistance to wide temperature, charging speed and energy density.


As far as the power battery is concerned, at present, the ternary lithium battery and the lithium iron phosphate battery and the lithium titanate battery have applications in the electric vehicle field.


Due to the high capacity density of the ternary lithium battery and the relatively long cruising range, domestic car manufacturers have turned to ternary lithium batteries, including BAIC, BYD and JAC. However, the ternary lithium battery has the disadvantages of poor safety, poor high temperature resistance and poor life. At the beginning of 2016, it was also stopped by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and the ternary lithium battery bus was suspended for the list of recommended models for the promotion of new energy vehicles.


Compared with ternary batteries, lithium iron phosphate batteries are more and more active in the electric bus market due to their stable safety performance, high temperature performance and light weight. However, the low temperature performance is poor, the tap density of the positive electrode material is small, and the like, and there is no advantage in the micro battery.


After Gree Electric and Zhuhai Yinlong vigorously cooperated, the lithium titanate battery - the power battery that had not received much attention from the market earlier, also came to the stage from behind the scenes. On several occasions, Mingzhu Dong said that he would do "the person who cuts gold out of the sand." Then, Mingzhu Dong’s lithium titanate battery can be as successful as Chuanfu Wang’s lithium iron phosphate battery. Is Musk the same as the ternary lithium battery?


Lithium titanate batteries are also the longest and safest batteries in lithium batteries. On the life cycle, ordinary lithium-ion batteries are about 1000-2000 cycles, and lithium titanate is 30,000 cycles, which is 15 times that of the former. Moreover, Yinlong New Energy has mastered the world's top lithium titanate core technology, and has overcome the industry's recognized "five major problems", achieving 6 minutes of fast charging, wide temperature resistance, 30 years of cycle life, no fire and no explosion.


In the field of power batteries, the low energy density of batteries has become the reason why some people in the industry slammed lithium titanate batteries "not mainstream".


In many cases, Yinlong has publicly acknowledged the problem of low energy density in lithium titanate batteries. At the same time, Yinlong has also indicated to the society that it has been actively developing and improving this shortcoming. Today, the fourth-generation high-energy density lithium titanate battery developed by Yinlong has a 40% reduction in cost compared with the third generation. Increase by 60%. In addition, Yinlong has mastered the core technology of hydrogen and titanium research and development, which will effectively solve the problem of battery energy density, and successfully solve the problem of the cruising range of new energy vehicles through the combination of lithium titanate battery and fuel cell.


May give more time and respect to technology.


"China has a population of 1.3 billion. Isn't there a young man who is worthy of Jobs in terms of IQ, personality, and innovation? If you look at it in proportion, there is absolutely. They are like seeds, but unfortunately they fall into intolerance on the cultural soil. Tolerance is the water of innovation. If there is no water for tolerance, then the soil will be difficult to support innovation. Even the best seeds will fall on this soil, and Jobs will not grow.” 360 founder Hongyi Zhou once clear Said.


The initial stage of a new thing is often not understood or trusted by everyone. When it is good, it is called a madman. If it is not good, it will be a madman and a liar. And once he made the original embarrassing thing and made the enterprise billions of billions, he would give him a monument and give him a god.


Do you know as the saying "shot head bird" how many people's psychology killed the idea? Science and technology innovation has been shouting for so many years. In the real life, can we give more tolerance and encouragement to those "innovative actions".


We see that it is precisely because of Lei Jun and Xiaomi, Yun Ma and Taobao, and countless other entrepreneurs and startups who dare to choose a path of innovation that breaks the rules and pursues excellence. Tens of thousands of users may also have the opportunity. Enjoy better products and services.


In today's era of change, society is developing and technology is improving.


At present, the energy density gap between lithium titanate battery and lithium iron phosphate battery is shrinking, coupled with the favorable factors of lithium titanate battery technology entering the subsidy policy list, the industry is optimistic that 3 to 5 years, lithium titanate The battery will be able to develop rapidly, and together with the ternary lithium battery and lithium iron phosphate battery, the three-legged situation in the power lithium battery market.


Scientific and technological progress needs to be viewed in a dialectical area. The true meaning of innovation lies in the ability to bear the risks that others cannot afford and to create better products and services that others cannot create. In the face of people with this spirit, we deserve more respect.


If you want to build a good new energy vehicle, the innovation of power battery technology also needs a tolerant soil. It may give the technology innovators a little more time, and it is also a new opportunity for the Chinese automobile industry.


The page contains the contents of the machine translation.


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