23 Years' Battery Customization

How Long Do 18650 Batteries Take To Charge?

May 22, 2019   Pageview:3276

The 18650 battery is a lithium-ion rechargeable battery and also, known as 18650 cell. It is one of the most common types of batteries used in laptops, portable mobile chargers, and other electronic devices. The 18650 cell comes with a voltage of 3.7V and there are of two types - unprotected and protected.

Have you purchased a set of 18650 batteries? If so, then do you know that you have to charge your new batteries before using them in the device you want to?

If so, then it’s good. However, there are many people who are unaware of it. Now, the main concern is how long does it take to charge a 18650 battery? Well, the charge time for batteries is the most noticeable way to estimate the health of the battery. If the battery is taking a very long time, then it indicates that you have bought a defective piece and you need to replace it.

Nevertheless, the question –how long do 18650 batteries take to charge is quite important so that you can keep your device always ready to work properly.


18650 Battery First Charge

Generally, newly purchased batteries come with a half charge to keep them in good health. Ultimately, it will generally take a few hours to fully charge your batteries for the first time.  However, it doesn’t indicate how long it will take if your batteries are discharged down to their lowest limit. If you are charging your batteries for the first time, it will normally take 2 or 3 hours.

Have you ever wondered why it is advised to charge a battery for the first time? Well, it is done to extend and enhances battery life.

Plus, properly stored 18650 batteries, which are based on the lithium-ion technology, are charged to about half. They lose some of their charge while the entire dispatch process. Thus, property treated batteries will probably come with less than 50% charge when you purchase it. When you get your device for the first time, you are sure to spend a long duration of time to configure and test it. It will probably run out of the battery so quickly and to avoid this situation, it is better to charge the newly bought battery.


How to Discharge 18650 Battery?

When you charge and discharge 18650 battery, it is counted as one whole cycle. It is recommended that you should charge lithium-ion batteries up to 4.2V and discharge them up to 2-3V. On the safe side, never discharge the 18650 battery lower than 3.0V.

Keep in mind that discharging can occur anytime when you’re using the battery. In order to discharge your 18650 battery, you need to just use it for power. In this way, it will draw the electricity from your device and as a result, the battery will discharge current.  Alternatively, battery testing tool or equipment can be quite helpful to discharge 18650 battery. While discharging the battery, avoid over-discharging. Otherwise, it can lead to an electrical short.

How Long Do 18650 batteries Hold Charge?

A 18650 battery is considered to be the most advanced power holding units that you can purchase. Before you actually use it, you need to first understand how 18650 batteries work, how efficient and competent they are like, and how long do they hold a charge. Well, A 18650 battery generally holds its charge for an indefinite period if you’re not using it. In addition to it, it usually takes a 4 to 5 hours to full charge and this feature makes these batteries a feasible option for those who are seeking long-term power storage technology.

There is also one thing that you need to keep in mind that these batteries lose their power or capacity with the passage of time. Thus, it is also vital to understand how exactly 18650 batteries lose their charge so that you can easily prevent it from happening to your battery.

· Heat

Exposure to hear is the biggest faction why the battery starts losing their charge. Avoid exposure of your batteries to excessive heat. Plus, constant use can bring your batteries to huge heat level and thus, you need to be cautious while using. Also, you need to warm up cold batteries before you use them. Otherwise, an instant boost in heat can cause severe damage to some delicate components.

· Low battery

Generally, many of us charge batteries only when they reached a quite low level or when they are just about to die. Because of this, you can damage them. Thus, if you want the battery last longer, then you need to avoid this habit. The low charge can cause overheating to the battery, resulting in severe damage to it.

· Improper use

If you’ve just charged your battery, and charge it too soon, then you are sure to damage your battery. Thus, it is crucial that you should let your battery cool down before you charge it again.


How Long Does A 18650 Battery Last In A Mechanical Mod?

Before you know how long your 18650 battery last in a mechanical mod, you need to first understand what is a mechanical mod. Well, it is an unregulated device without a circuit board and it operates directly off a batter. As it comes with no circuitry and thus, the batteries keep offering continuous power and vapor production minimizes as the batteries reach its endpoint.

Now, the simple answer to your question going in your mind is it truly relies on how you vape and the resistance of the coil. If you are taking a lot of rips every 1-2 hours, then you won’t notice the battery drop until a few days.  But, if you are chain vaping, then you are sure to notice the drop much sooner.

Considering all things, 18650 Battery generally take a few hours for a full charge. But, don’t overcharge and over-discharge in order to protect them from any type of damage.


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