23 Years' Battery Customization

How many amps does an 18650 battery have?

Aug 24, 2019   Pageview:10615

Those who are quite familiar with battery world probably have heard about the 18650 battery, which is a type of rechargeable lithium-ion battery. Without a doubt, lithium-ion batteries are more and more in devices, especially portable ones. In fact, we can say that these batteries are found in everything, from smartphones to cameras to fitness gadgets to flashlights.

As battery technology has evolved, cells such as 18650 that were initially reserved/meant for device manufacturers have eventually found their path into consumer's hands. Until now, lithium-ion is proven to be one of the most promising chemistries of all batteries.


When it comes to buying 18650 battery online, you surely end up finding so many manufacturers. The best thing you can do is to pick reputable and trustworthy battery manufacturers to make sure that you’re going to make the right purchase. But, more importantly, you need to aware of the specifications of the battery you’re going to buy. In this post, our main concern is to tell you how many Amps does 18650 battery have, why it is important to know about them and much more. So, let’s get started to enhance your knowledge on 18650 batteries.

Do You Know How Many Amps 18650 Battery Has?

Well, the first thing you need to know that 18650 battery is actually a cell that is 18mmX65mm in size. Thus, it means that the name - 18650, actually defines the size of the lithium-ion battery cell. But, there can also be small variations.

If we talk about the most important specifications for 18650 batteries, then amps is one of them. Amps or amperes are used for measuring the amount of current flowing through the device. It is quite important to know how many amperes are being pulled from the batteries you’re using. Wondering why? It is all because of the fact that the battery is rated up to certain amperage and beyond which you can be drawing too much current that can potentially damage the battery.

However, you will be pleased to know that 18650 cells come in a wide range of amps ratings.

An amp a measure of current, and you can say that you’re dealing with how much water is coming out of the pipe. For instance, if your battery features 1 amp hour, then it means that it is capable of discharging 1 ampere of current within one hour. And the highest-amp batteries available on the market are 30amp.

What Is The Voltage Of A Completely Charged 18650 Battery?

Besides amps, another important specification of batteries is voltage. And you need to know that 18650 cells are generally rated at 3.6 or 3.7 and sometimes, 3.65 volts. However, these all ratings are all the same, essentially. And they all are average voltage during a full discharge. The complete voltage range of 18650s batteries (most of them) is between 2.5 and 4.2 volts. You should avoid going below three volts. Now, you might be wondering why so? Then, it is all because going below or above this range when discharging or charging can lead to heat generation, fire, smoke or explosion.

In fact, when it comes to question - what is the voltage of completed charged 18650 battery? Then, you have to think about two voltages. First one is the voltage that charger uses and it is always almost 4.2V and another one is the voltage that battery will rest at after you plug it off the charger.

Undercharging the battery will make it last for more cycles. And overcharging it will make it function longer, but minimize the cycle life.

What Factors Will Affect 18650 Battery Amps?

Well, there are a number of factors that affect 18650 battery amps. Following are the most common you need to know -

· Surface area/electrode area -

With a high electrode or surface area, you achieve a higher capacity in the battery. And high-capacity batteries have a low amp value. Thus, it all means that you will low amps in your battery with high electrode or surface area.

· Strength of electrode -

An electrolyte acts as a medium that encourages the movement of the ions from the cathode to anode and also, vice-versa. All you need to know that any electrolyte lower in amount would lead to slow and low movement of the ions affecting the overall amps of the battery.

Also, one thing you need to know that electrolyte conductivity is of prime significance when selecting an electrolyte. It means that electrolyte passing from one electrode to another and it further all depends on the ease with which the electrolyte can move through separators pores.

· Operating temperature -


Well, high temperatures are advantageous as the electrolytes are lighter, active minerals are porous and then battery internal resistance is quite less at such temperature. But, high temperatures also lead to quite high non-uniform expansion of active material that generates lots of stress. Also, heat makes the electrolyte to evaporate that eventually damages the battery internal structure. More importantly, heat could lead to other unwanted chemical reactions.

That’s all on the 18650 battery, and how many amps does it have. There is no doubt that buying a battery has become quite a difficult job these days and all thanks go to the advanced battery technology that has provided so many options. However, rechargeable lithium-ion battery like 18650 is still in lead and they are mostly found in so many common applications we use on a daily basis.

The best thing you can do while buying the battery is to check the label on your application in which you want to use the battery. That label generally provided all the information regarding the battery you should use. More importantly, you should buy a 18650 battery or any other battery from a manufacturer that has good reputation in the market.


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