Sep 24, 2019 Pageview:2059
No matter how much you hear that lithium-ion batteries are completely safe, there have been cases when the consumers have experienced issues with them. Occasionally, lithium-ion batteries have risks like catching fire or explosion.
You might have seen cases like cell phone batteries exploded while charging. But do you know the reasons behind it? In this article, we are going to explore the aspects that make the lithium-ion batteries explode and what goes on inside it. Also, we will gather up some information on how to prevent these batteries from the explosion.
The lithium-ion batteries are used inside your smartphones, laptop, and every other modern gadget. The lithium-ion battery technology is responsible for the portable device revolution single-handedly. To understand why these batteries explode you need to know what is going on inside the batteries. The same chemical that makes these batteries impeccable also make them susceptible to fire and explosion.
What Makes A Lithium Ion Battery Explode?
The Lithium-ion battery technology is great at storing energy both chemical and electrical. But when it is released during trickle, it powers your devices. But when it is released all at once, the battery can explode. The most common problem is a short circuit which happens when the plastic separator fails & anode starts touching cathode. Several factors whose failure causes explosion are given below.
1: Bad Design or Manufacturing Defects:
When the battery is poorly designed by the manufacturers, there is nothing you can do to stop it from igniting. Generally, the main issues include:
· Not enough space for the electrodes and separator in the battery.
· The battery expands as it charges and the electrodes bent leading to short circuit.
· When the quality control isn’t kept right or some component isn’t kept in the right amount, it will lead to defect in the battery chemistry.
Even the slightest change in the composition of the Lithium-ion batteries will have a huge impact on its working.
2: External Factors:
You must have read it on every electronic device guidelines to keep it away from extreme heat. This is a rule which is universal for all batteries. And if the rule is not followed, there is nothing you can do to prevent the batteries from catching fire.
Other factors like dropping the batteries too hard or piercing it with some sharp object will damage the separator. As the anode and cathode start touching, the battery will short-circuit without any doubt.
3: Charger Problems:
There are many people who think that they can charge their phones with any charger which is available nearby. But this can be a big mistake. Every device comes with a charger which is the recommended one. A badly manufactured or poorly insulated charger can also damage the battery. If the charger generates more heat near the Lithium-ion battery, it can result in enough damage to cause battery failure.
So, if you can’t get your hands on an original charger, at least use the reliable ones from third parties. Even though the batteries come with built-in protection to prevent overcharging, the smart move is to charge them properly.
4: Thermal Runaway & Multiple Cells:
Some products use single-cell Lithium battery whereas some used multiple cells. And thermal runaway increases when the temperature increases. So, even a failure of single-cell will lead to failure of the whole battery. Thermal runaway follows the concept of the domino effect. So, a single cell failure will lead to a very big problem.
Why Do lithium ion batteries Catch On Fire?
Lithium batteries are designed in such a way that they deliver high output with minimal weight. The battery components are light which signifies that the partitions are also thin between the cells and the outer covering. As the partitions are fragile, they get punctured easily. From the punctured separator, the anode and cathode electrodes start touching each other resulting in short circuit. Even a little spark can ignite the Lithium metal as it is highly reactive.
Another possibility is if the battery reaches the point of thermal runaway and the heat of the contents starts exerting pressure on the Lithium-ion battery. This will potentially lead to an explosion that can’t be controlled easily.
How Do You Prevent A Lithium Ion Battery From Explosion?
The Lithium-ion battery is highly susceptible to heat which leads to fire and explosion. The slightest compromise of the internal component will risk the working. But you can prevent the Lithium-ion battery from exploding by following certain tips.
· Avoid keeping these batteries in extreme temperature like leaving your phone in direct contact of sun, leaving the battery in hot vehicles, using a blanket to cover your laptop, or keeping your cell phone in a warm pocket.
· You might be well organized but avoid storing all the Lithium-ion battery cells together without proper insulation. Having so many items in close proximity might not be a big risk, but if one of the batteries catches fire, then the situation will get worse.
· Avoid overcharging your batteries. Even though the Lithium-ion batteries don’t suffer from memory effect, they don’t cope well if they are drained entirely before charging or they are overcharged.
· Never throw these batteries without covering the terminals.
Every year, the recycling trucks, landfills, and garbage disposal services have to deal with fires that are caused by Lithium-ion batteries. Every company which manufactures the batteries provide specific guidelines for their disposal that you need to follow at all cost.
We all can agree that lithium-ion batteries play a major role in our lives. But keeping these batteries in proper conditions is our duty as well. Generally, the fire and explosion cases caused by Lithium-ion batteries were started due to the carelessness of the consumers. If you are slightly careful, you can prevent them from malfunctioning and there will be no such incident.
Lithium-ion is a safe and secure technology. It is mainly mishandling that result in fire and explosion. So, the next time you take a battery in hand, make sure that you follow the preventive measures.
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