Jun 04, 2019 Pageview:1055
LLB stands for lithium-ion battery and also named as Li-ion battery. It is mainly known for its rechargeable properties. The battery was invented by a Chemist named M Stanley Whittingham back in the 19th century. The invention got a huge response due to its refreshable properties. From then till now it is being used in mobile electronics. Lithium-Ion Batteries enriched vehicles have now been introduced. We have also seen an elevation in its use coming with each passing day.
People also use these Lithium-Ion Batteries to run off-the-grid systems, especially in commercial areas. Commercial areas require a continuous supply of electricity so they need huge backups to run these off-the-grid systems in emergency cases. What an electric off-the-grid system consists of, find the lines given ahead:
What Does Off-Grid Systems Consist Of?
These off-grid systems have proved to be the stand-alone power systems, best to provide electricity to the community with its small powerhouse. To make grid systems you will require some specific and necessary components, written as follows:
1.Solar Panels:
Off-the-grid systems take energy from sunrays by using solar plates. So the solar panel is the most important component of an off-grid system. The number of solar panels is based on the power you need through your off-grid systems. More power you need more solar panels you will require in numbers. An expert can give you a detailed note on the power of each solar panel and their quantity according to your requirement.
2.Lithium-Ion Batteries to store energy:
When solar panels will bring energy from the sun, you will require Lithium Ion Batteries to store it. If you don’t have a battery, the electric supplies will work till the sun is shining but after that power will be finished as you haven't stored it. Therefore, for the continuous junction and provision of electricity, you need Lithium Ion Batteries to store energy.
3.Charge controllers:
Charge controllers required to take care of the expensive batteries you purchased to store electricity. Charge controllers come in various power volts but for a small off-grid system, a controller with 12 volts of energy is enough. It is the least expensive yet most require component for your off-grid system as it helps to increase its life.
4.Power Inverters:
Power inverter is a device that changes Direct current into the alternating current. You must know that all the appliances we use in houses are run on alternative current but solar panel brings direct current. Therefore, to make it useable for the home and other appliances, you need power inverter to make the off-grid system work.
What Are the Advantages And Disadvantages Of Lithium-Ion Battery Off Grid System?
There are many advantages of using Lithium Ion Batteries and some of them are given below:
1.Offer Power for Longer Hours because Lithium Ion Batteries are a good home to store power and energy. Make sure to purchase Lithium Ion Batteries from a reliable source to get performance.
2.The battery life of Lithium-Ion Batteries is very high because their self-discharge is too low compared to other batteries. This thing increases the life of this expensive battery.
3.You don't need to maintain Lithium-Ion Batteries because they kept on working without interruption.
4.Unlike other battery cells, Lithium-Ion Batteries do not need priming at its first charge as they are always ready to use.
5.There are verities of Lithium-Ion Batteries available according to devices and their nature. So, you can get specific batteries for your specific devices.
As nothing comes without Disadvantages so some of the limitations of Lithium-Ion Batteries are:
1.You have to make sure that these batteries are not overcharged because overcharging can decrease their life.
2.Many international and national cargo services have lemmatized the amount of Lithium-Ion Batteries to be transported at one time. Therefore, you can have a problem while transporting them.
3.Lithium-Ion Batteries do not have a long life like other batteries so you may need Lithium-Ion Batteries replacement from time to time.
4.Due to the highest transportation charges and other prices, the cost of Lithium Ion Batteries becomes huge.
5.Although this technology is in continuous use from 1970, still it is considered as immature and new technology. However, more work is being done in the niche to make it mature and powerful technology.
How to Make Lithium-Ion Battery off Grid Systems?
To make a Lithium-Ion Battery off Grid System you need to understand the System international units of electricity-related stuff such as volts, watts, and amps along with their relation and direct or indirect dependency on each other.
1.Order your Lithium Ion Batteries from a reliable store
2.Next thing you need to do is designing the battery bank. The battery bank or battery storage capacity requires understanding your requirements in a day along with shines of the sun remains in your area. If the sun shines less you need more power enriched batteries to store energy even when the sun is not shining.
3.Calculate the solar panel requirements as well because the slab of solar power panel plays the main role in bringing energy to your home.
4.Place solar panels on a place where they receive sunshine for the most time. Make sure to place them in a gliding way.
5.You need cables from the combiner box to each string and they are just here. Plug these cables with each string of the solar panel. Make sure to attach each cable in right string.
6.Attach panels in a way that positive of one panel goes with negative of another panel.
7.Put a voltmeter on it and see how it looks like.
8.Bravo, it is working.
There are some areas where electric grid systems don't work because of being in remote areas. In such places, off-grid systems come as support. Therefore, lithium-ion batteries used to store energy for later use.
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