23 Years' Battery Customization

Tell Me More about Mailing Lithium Batteries

Aug 01, 2019   Pageview:915

Lithium-ion batteries have been powering many products we use in our daily lives such as mobile phones, tablets, laptop, portable medical devices and computer. These batteries contain more energy than many other battery types. They allow electronic devices to run for hours or even days. While lithium-ion batteries are quite safe, but due to their high energy we are required to treat them with care. It's also very important to buy replacement batteries from reputable sources since poor quality or counterfeit batteries have been the cause of number of mishaps and fires in the home, workplace and onboard aircraft.

Considering their vulnerability, mailing of lithium batteries is a bigger challenge. To mail lithium batteries, you need to be trained and understand the necessary regulations. This article will highlight the requirements and prohibitions on mailing lithium-ion batteries. Let's have a look at what can happen if lithium-ion batteries are not transported in accordance with mailing safety requirements.


How Do You Mail Lithium Batteries Overseas?

Many courier companies consider lithium batteries as hazardous and have put these batteries on their prohibited lists. When mailing lithium batteries, there are some standards you need to follow ensuring the safe transportation of lithium batteries.

According to USPS, mailed packages containing lithium batteries should meet following standards.

● No more than 1 g of lithium is allowed inside each cell.

● Each battery is not permitted to contain more than 2 g of lithium.

● All battery packages must be labeled with a complete return address.

● In case you want to mail non-installed batteries, your package should have a DOT-approved lithium battery mark (UN3090).

● Mailed package cannot include more batteries than it’s needed to run the device.

● Each mailpiece must incorporate no more than 2 batteries or 8 cells.

● In case you are mailing batteries without equipment, make sure the package doesn't exceed the limit of 5 pounds.

● Whether installed or individual, overall watt-hour rating for every cell should not be more than 20 Wh, whereas for each battery it shouldn't exceed more than 100 Wh.

● Damaged or recalled batteries are not allowed unless approved by the management.

Remember, regulations regarding the power and quantity of cells change frequently. So it's a good idea to contact your chosen mailing carrier to get the information you need.

Make sure you check local regulations before mailing lithium batteries overseas. This is because every country follows different laws and legal requirements that need to be met.

Packaging Requirements for Mailing Lithium Batteries Overseas

● Mailpieces incorporating lithium batteries should be rigid, properly sealed, and of appropriate size. Also, marking has to be pasted on the address side of the mailpiece without any folding.

● Packaging material must be strong and durable enough to withstand crushing and resist exposure of internal contents during general mail handling.

● Batteries inside the equipment must be properly installed.

● All exterior packaging should have a complete mailing and return address.

How Do You Mail Lithium Batteries Internationally?

Lithium batteries are not allowed to send in international mail unless they are contained in the equipment such as laptops, computers, and mobile devices. Most countries apply this prohibition regardless of lithium battery type.

While sending lithium batteries internationally, it is mandatory to submit a Material Data Sheet (MDS) for the battery. This represents viability and overall estimated cost to ship for intended destination. These limitations exist because lithium batteries are energy-dense batteries and can generate heat if they short-circuit during transport. Another aspect you should consider is - what happens if casing gets damaged? This can definitely result in some serious issues.

Shipping carriers or companies are not permitted to mail packages having solely lithium cells or batteries to international locations. They must be installed inside the equipment. Mailing of specific amount of lithium batteries are allowed internationally. No documentations or markings are permitted on these international packages.

What Do You Need To Pay Attention To While Mailing Lithium Batteries?

Lithium batteries are flammable and are prone to be overheated when exposed to extremely high temperatures. Owing to this, when mailing lithium batteries, you need to be vigilant about some particular laws. These simple points can help you mail lithium batteries in a right way.


● Batteries inside equipment such as tablet or smartphone are allowed. Also, there's a restriction to contain limited amount of cells or batteries in device. For instance, the device can include up to 2 batteries or 4 cells.

● Extra batteries, loose batteries, and power banks are not allowed.

● While mailing lithium batteries, make sure you turn off the device. Even, you should confirm that there's no other way to switch on the device mistakenly during the transit. Device should be protected against accidental activation.

● Make sure the installed lithium batteries are protected from short-circuit.

● When mailing lithium batteries, make sure to follow all the legislations. If you are sending airmail, everything will be monitored by International Air Transport Association (IATA). Give a read to their regulations before you send any batteries or equipment containing batteries.

● Utilize secure packaging to restrain the batteries from moving and crushing.

● Avoid packing batteries along with metal items or metal containers.

● Make sure you label the batteries correctly as per latest regulations. Also, consider the country’s requirements to which you are sending the batteries.

● Devices that contain the batteries should be properly cushioned.

● Make sure the batteries have not been identified by manufacturer as defective. Defective batteries have the potential to set on fire and are not allowed to be transported.

● If you're unsure about the laws, check with a specialized company before mailing.

● If your mailpiece contains two or three electronic devices, make sure to securely pack the equipment to prevent movement during transit. Also, place a lithium battery handling label on the package without folding it, along with emergency contact number. Make sure the package is properly packed, marked and labeled.


Billions of lithium-ion batteries are transported around the world and it is expected to increase considerably over the coming years. The laws governing the mailing of devices with lithium batteries are extremely extensive and keep changing with the time. Make sure to abide by the rules of your mailing company. As long as you follow courier company's regulations, your package would get clearance easily.


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