22 Years' Battery Customization

Talk about lipo battery storage box

Aug 26, 2019   Pageview:1016

You have to admit that lithium polymer batteries are one of the highest used batteries in terms of machinery and also portable or mobile devices that are yet to be done in modern time. Because of the easy process of manufacturing and also the less cost comparatively then the others have made is type of battery so much popular in terms of regular and massive used in the companies for manufacturing.

We all know that how the actual process of lithium polymer battery is done and also how it works along with all of the safety concerns and what to look for when we are purchasing a pack of lithium polymer battery and also how to charge and properly the balanced used to get the best out of the battery service so actually how is it that you are going to store lithium polymer battery between the uses and also the great lifespan to be maintained. As already in many of the user manual, lithium polymer cell that is dropping below 3 volts under a load of about 3.6 volt in open circuit voltage is almost always and irreversible damage forever as it will have the capacity reduced to a significant amount and also inability to accept the charging process due to cell oxidation.


As overtime the battery is sitting idle position they will naturally self-discharge and this process is very much natural to occur and also lithium polymer batteries are actually very good in this respect and self discharging process is much slower than most of the other rechargeable batteries available in the market but they still lose the proper amount of capacity as they just sit around doing nothing and that ratio is about 1% per month of its total capacity.

Introduction of lithium polymer battery storage box

This type of batteries have been the basic type of storage for energy capacity used by remote control mechanics enthusiastic for many years till today’s death and also it’s quite tough to beat the trick of low cost and lightweight and also high discharge capability offered by the chemistry behind this type of battery. For all the actual and advanced level of performance all of the remote control modular has to take a quiet amount of particular care and attention towards the maintenance of their battery packs as an incorrect setting on your charger or a just few many amps of discharge might be all that it takes to ruin the total capacity of the battery.

There are a lot of already made battery storage packs or boxes available in the market that are used to properly hold and also isolate the terminals of the battery so that they are not able to short circuit while being held inside the storage boxes or even get quite disorganized as per the difficulty of your use. At first the cans for ammunition where one of the most popular storage for lithium polymer batteries as the inside was pretty much well covered so that nothing like any type of rust oxidation we are able to occur inside the environment of the can but this has already been proved to be quite difficult to handle of the batteries or to organize all of them in a proper manner.

But later on the experts came up with a brilliant yet simple idea of making the proper partitions inside a similar type of box that is also able to hold each battery in its place rather than just clashing with each other and also proper ports that can hold the battery terminals are the wires that are attached to it in order to prevent any type of short circuit for fast discharging due to oxidation or environmental factors that can be harmful towards the physical infrastructure of the battery body.

Advantages of lithium polymer battery storage box

While speaking of handling more than two or three packs of battery that are lithium polymer based it is more likely that when you are putting all of them inside one single box they are going to be not organized definitely. And even putting all of these batteries in multiple boxes are not a proper solution towards your organisation and also it can be quite time-consuming in terms of finding all the battery in one place so in order to get rid of this specific problem they are one is a solution and that is lithium polymer battery storage box which can be quite helpful towards all the users and containers of these type of batteries and give them an upper hand.

There are many moduli that store their battery packs inside ammunition cans with the gas gets removed to mitigate the risk of damage from a lithium polymer fire but to be honest this type of metal box is not actually prevent or snap out the fire they just simply provide a way to contain a lithium polymer battery flare up and also avoid any type of collateral damage.

If you have somehow damaged the back of a lithium polymer battery it is more likely that after being suffered from a severe leakage it is like to flare up and also cause a minimum amount of explosion in the surrounding area but while having the lithium polymer battery storage box you can have The upper hand of safety towards the collateral area and also ensure the proper organized way to have the ability to handle all of your batteries.

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How to use lithium polymer battery storage box properly

Lithium polymer battery storage box in modern times is coming with actually quite a lot of facilities such as an added charging device and proper amplifier so that you can have the sufficient amount of voltage properly insured through the charging procedure of your battery as well as you are storing them inside one single box.

While also effects to be added that the ammunition case for the bat safe is both quiet effective and also popular in terms of the uses and the hand ability but there is also fact that you always have to maintain the wiring and all the shapes that are attached to the interface of the box for the proper charging and storage facility of lithium polymer battery is to be of a fit shape and not to be leaking or any type of short circuit from anywhere.


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