23 Years' Battery Customization

18650 Button Top Battery Introduction

Jun 05, 2019   Pageview:1142

Battery cells come in either a replaceable or a rechargeable form, the 18650 button top battery which is considered a matured battery cell comes in the rechargeable form and is present in many carries on devices used today such as phones, flashlights, camera devices, etc. It can also be found in heavier devices, but in larger amounts, for example, the Tesla is known to run on 7180 of the 18650 battery.


What Is An 18650 Button Top Battery?

The 18650 button top battery properly known as the 18650 cell is a rechargeable lithium-ion battery. Its name was derived from the size of its lithium-ion battery cell which is 18mm x 65mm. The 18650cell has an energy charge between 1800mAh and 3500mAh as well as a voltage of 3.7 volts. The button top type of the 18650 battery cell refers to the contact side of the battery, usually, the positive contact which would appear slightly protruded instead of flat.

Types of 18650 Button Top Battery Cells

There are two types of the 18650 cells; they are the protected 18650 batteries and the unprotected 18650 batteries.

The protected 18650 Battery cells are characterized by a small and round electric circuit which is built into the body of the battery to protect against heat or intense temperatures, overcharging and undercharging, and short circuits. A short circuit is a situation where the battery positive and negative sides connect hereby resulting in an extremely high current. This could result in a dangerously high temperature, which may eventually cause a fire.

This integrated circuit also helps protect the device in use from explosion or leakage related damages. This type of battery cells is usually the advised and much safer choice than unprotected battery cells. If thoroughly inspected, it would be noticed that protected battery cells usually have a button top.

The unprotected 18650 battery cells are a less favorable choice even though they are cheaper than the protected battery cells; they are cheaper due to a lack of the electric circuit. These battery cell types are more liable to overheating, explosion, and other damages the protected battery cell is covered against. If at all, one must make use of this type of battery cell, it is advised that they are used under extensive control and monitoring.

How To Charge An 18650 Button Top Battery

The recommended battery charger for the 18650 cells is the Nitecore'si2 Intelli-charge Charger For 18650 batteries. This charger is capable of charging up to two cells at a go, and apart from the 18650 batteries, it's capable of charging other types such as the AA and the NiMH rechargeable batteries.

The Nitecorei2 is the most recommended because not only is it able to detect battery status, it adjusts charging voltage and mode to the best points. This is very beneficial and important as it helps in preventing incidents that may result from overcharging.


What Application Fields Is The 18650 Button Top Battery Suitable For?

The 18650 cells have been referred to as ''the gasoline of the 21st century'' by Battery Bro. This is because it is a battery cell that is useful in so many different aspects of our day to day lives.

The 18650 can be used to power flashlights, smartphones, laptops, various electronic appliances as well as electric cars such as the Tesla which was previously mentioned above. This battery cell is suitable for use in most electronic devices that allow for it to be charged as it is a rechargeable battery.

How To Pick The Right 18650 Battery For Your Device

It is very important to note that the 18650 cell isn't a standardized cell, meaning the battery cells come in different builds and capacities and for different tasks. It is necessary to always look out for the CDR (continuous discharge rating) of a 18650 battery before purchase.

CDR refers to the rate at which current can be generated from a battery cell without causing it to overheat. Matching the CDR of the 18650 battery cell with the power load of the device it is to be used on can help prevent overheating, which not only damages the battery and reduces its lifespan, but could result in explosion and damage of the device.

How To Distinguish The Good From The Bad

As great as battery cells such as the 18650 button top batteries may be, it is important to be able to distinguish between the good/original from the bad/fake ones because like every product in the market, it's very possible to get a fake battery and dangerous too.

Unlike with some other products which it may be easier to tell the good from the bad, it is harder with batteries as wrappings, specifications, and brandings of both products could appear the same. It is very necessary and important to be careful when purchasing battery cells as getting a fake one could be hazardous not just for your device but also for you as the handler of such battery.

The only reliable way to differentiate between good and bad is by their weight. It is advised to always do a quick search online for the manufacturer stated the weight of a battery cell. If the weight specified on the body of your 18650 button top battery is the same as what the manufacturer has stated online, then you are in good hands, if not then that is a fake battery and should be avoided.

To check for the manufacturer stated weight of a particular cell, simply type in the name of the 18650 battery cell followed by 'datasheet' and search the internet. This will provide you with specification information on genuine battery cells, information ranging from weight to capacity.


Wrapping It Up

While the 18650 button top battery may be suitable for majority use, it is necessary that the right specifications are met when purchasing and is also advised that you get your battery from certain verified manufacturers and stores to reduce the risks of purchasing a fake.


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