23 Years' Battery Customization

How to open a lithium battery?

Jun 20, 2019   Pageview:1459

Lithium-Ion Battery became popular in the 1990s and from that time to till date, it has been the only fastest growing and most durable battery. These batteries are overly efficient and long-lasting. Their tiny bodies are capable of holding enormous amounts of energy which is responsible for keeping your cellphones, laptops and many other types of equipment running for hours. Thus, they are the best alternatives for the conventional batteries out there.

These batteries are so conventional now that you will hardly find any electronic gadget which doesn't have these batteries inside them. Besides being so popular and common, these batteries pose some severe risks as well. There are many fire catching and smoke development issues which come with these batteries.


Is it dangerous to open a lithium battery?

Have you ever wondered what lies inside a lithium-ion battery? Did you ever try to cut into the cell or planning to do it? Well, in both cases we recommend you to be very careful because there are some safety hazards which are involved with a lithium battery. Have you ever heard of cellphones and laptops exploding? Do you know the reason behind their explosion?

Regrettably, there are tons of incidents which are involved with the lithium batteries. They catch fire, tend to blast, cause, and may even put your life in severe danger. There are hundreds of cases where the lithium batteries inside the hoverboards set many houses on fire. There are even worse scenarios where these batteries caused a blast in airplanes, resulting in the emergency landing.

That is why the lithium battery is not only dangerous for all us, but opening it can put you in much severe trouble. These batteries are hazardous by nature, and if you try to open it, the thin line of polypropylene will cause the electrodes react with each other and "BOOM."

What happens if you cut open a lithium battery?

Well, now that you know about the risks and hazards which are packed inside this small lithium battery, let’s find out what exactly happens when you cut open it:

· There is a 99.9% chance that you will face a short circuit if you try to open a fully charged or a partially charged lithium battery. The reason for this short circuit is the construction of this battery. It consists of anode and cathode, which are positive and a negative electrode. These electrodes are responsible for producing current. Therefore, upon cutting the battery, there is an excessive discharge which causes a strong reaction resulting is such a high intensity of current that it ends up in a short circuit.

· The lithium-ion batteries contain flammable solvents as well. If you try to cut open the battery, friction will be produced, which in turn will provide heat. And, that's where the problem begins as heat is enough to ignite and explode the battery.

· If the above two reasons aren't enough to make you stay away from these fatal batteries, then we have another scariest right for you. The liquid which is present inside the lithium batteries is highly reactive, and upon cutting it open, it can come out with pressure and splash and can even burn you severely.


How to open a lithium battery safely?

Although opening this lithium battery poses life-threatening risks, but cutting it open is a need for several experiments. There are many projects which require opening the cells and study them for different purposes. However, in any case, some safety precautions must be taken to reduce the damage and risks to a minimum. So, let’s find out how can you use and open the lithium batteries safely and securely.

· Lithium has the property of reacting with moistness and wetness. Upon contact, these batteries can ignite and may even explode. Therefore, when trying opening it, do your best to stay away from any signs of humidity or moisture.

· Never cut open the batteries in your home or any open space. There are lots of elements in air which can reach with it and start a fire. Therefore, find yourself a safer place, such as a lab. Even if you want to open it outdoors then find a fire-safe surface. The best option, in this case, is concrete.

· No matter how safe your environment is or how many precautionary measures you have taken, never forget to protect your eyes and skin from the danger of this battery. You can wear protective gloves and wear Uvex glasses as extra cautionary measures.

· The type of cutters you use to cut open the lithium batteries are also necessary. For that purpose, we recommend you insulated pliers and cutters which are specifically designed to deal with wires and electric cables. Remember! Choosing the right tool is the first and foremost step towards a safer process.

· Never start cutting the battery from the middle. Always start from the top. This way you won't agitate the thin protective layer which lies between anode and cathode. So, use the insulated wire cutters to separate the top of the battery.

· You need to have adequate knowledge of the battery construction, only then you will be able to open it successfully. The first thing to do after cutting the top off the battery is to cut off the connections and then proceed forward rapidly.

· To extract the lithium out of your battery, use the specialized pliers, and remove it carefully, do not try to force it out by any other means. Moreover, be aware that the battery comes with a plastic container which must be handled very carefully. If you try to break or pinhole it, it will explode or lead to a short circuit.

· As already mentioned, lithium reacts quickly with moisture, which is even present in the air. Therefore, after extracting it from the battery, do not keep it in the open air. Either store it using liquid paraffin oil or use it immediately.

So, these were some necessary cautionary measures which must be taken before you try to open the lithium-ion battery. Remember! Your safety and life should be your priority.


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