23 Years' Battery Customization

How to dispose of RC LiPo batteries

Aug 21, 2019   Pageview:1174

For RC enthusiasts, there is no battery technology like LiPo. It is not only because of their high capacity but because they are light and very affordable.

But there is a catch. Lithium polymer batteries are very dangerous and combustible. They are not items you can just throw anywhere and continue with your business.

If you think your batteries are no longer serving you as expected, it is time to dispose of them. And that is one of the most challenging areas. Unlike alkaline batteries, LiPos are dangerous to the environment.

You need to take a precautionary measure during disposal. And that is what we are going to look at in this article.


How do you dispose of RC LiPo batteries?

There three major ways of disposing of RC LiPos:

Method 1 of disposing of RC LiPo batteries

Step 1:- Find a safe container to keep the batteries

You might not be in a position to dispose of the batteries immediately. As such, you need a proper container to keep the batteries in.

A fireproof container should be considered. Find an ammo box, a LiPo safety bag, or simply a bucket full of sand.

Be sure to keep the container as far from the fire as possible. As much as it may be fire proof, you don’t want to provoke ignition. Place the container on a ceramic or concrete surface.

Step 2:- For damaged batteries

One of the major reasons for disposing LiPo batteries is when they are damaged, defective, or recalled. They are more dangerous than just dead ones.

Some hobbyists argue that you can discharge them safely at home when LiPo batteries are swollen or puffed. But you will be risking a lot if you take such a step. Swelling technically means the battery is damaged. The inside of the batteries should never meet the environment.

If you notice some leakage, corrosion, puncture, or burn on the battery, take immediate action. Consider the following.

· Consider calling HHW (Household Hazardous Waste. This is a team of experts trained to handle such items. If they are not near you, then you can simply call them to discuss available options.

· Find recycling plants. Call2Recycle.org can give you some tips. Call customer care to see if they can help; if they can’t, they might suggest a better option.

· Do not transport them anyhow. It is illegal to transport LiPos in some containers even when they are in good condition. You need to buy a safety bag first then you can solve the other issues later.

Step 3:- Call professional disposal services

There are many professionals trained to handle any issue with batteries. Consider calling them to discharge and disposal batteries that are swollen. It is the easiest option you have. Ensure they understand how to dispose of the batteries and have the tools.

Step 4:- call hobby shops

Some hobby shops can help you get rid of the batteries easily. It may cost you a small fee, but it is worth it.

Method 2: Discharging with a LiPo charger

Step 1: Set the charge right

There are computerized LiPo chargers that have discharge options. Simply set to discharge and you are good to go. It is the easiest method of all.

Ensure the current of the set to a low of 5A – 1A. But this process may take much longer than even charging.

Step 2:- Keep the charger and battery in a safety container

As stated above, using a charger may take a long time. You need to keep them in a fireproof container, especially if they are puffed.

Step 3: Ensure the battery is completed drained

The battery should be discharged to 0.0V. Some chargers may not achieve this minimum voltage. Besides, some LiPos may still be combustible at this voltage.

You may need to use another discharge method. A commercial LiPo discharger may be of much help and can bring the battery to 0.


Method 3 of disposing LiPo batteries: Build your own bulb discharger

Step 1: Get the right materials for DIY

Buy yourself halogen light bulbs, wire, and heat shrink. A shrink should be among the tools you when discharging LiPos safely at home.

Though halogen light bulbs heat, they are faster than LED bulbs.

Step 2: Plug the soldering into the outlet

The proper working of this charger depends highly on the soldering. Two electronic components soldered together; they make a solder by binding the two. This solder can forge a permanent connection between the parts.

In this instance, you are soldering a light bulb with a 14 AWG wire. Be careful since the heat can be quite high. While still hot, fill the metal connector cups with solder.

Reduce the length of the wires by trimming to around 8 to 15cm. You need a red and black wire for this process.

Step 3:- inserting the light bulb prongs

Now join the prongs, strands, and the solder by connecting negative and positives far from each other.

Step 4: Discharging

Your discharger is ready. Plugin your battery and follow safety precautions for a safe discharge.

Advantages of disposing of RC LiPo batteries

There are several advantages to disposing of RC LiPo batteries. For a start, it is a safe thing to do. Besides that:

· You eliminate the risk or explosions which can cause serious disasters. Swollen LiPos are the last thing you want in your house.

· It helps protect the environment. LiPo components are not like alkaline ones that have no threat to the environment.

How to recycle RC LiPo batteries

Do not try recycling LiPo batteries that have mechanical defects. If they are swollen or cracked, the best thing to do is to follow the disposal procedure above.

But if they can be recycled, visit the nearest recycling center. You can always call their customer care for advice on what to do.

Services like Household Hazardous Waste and Call2Recycle are there for such situations. There are RC hobby shops that may have experts in handling these products. Consider calling the as well.

If you are looking for some peace of mind with your LiPos, just get in touch with professionals, and they will give you a way forward. It is that simple.


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