22 Years' Battery Customization

Best Inverter Battery for Home-Chinese Brand and Buying

APR 14, 2020   Pageview:1007

If you’re reading this article, I’m certain that you have one or more electrical appliances in your house. Some of these include refrigerators, Television sets, home theatres, etc. All these appliances rely on electricity to function. However, in situations when power is off, life can get on a stand still since you can use none of these appliances without power.

The above scenario is one of those that inspired the innovation of inverters. An inverter is basically a power back up device that powers up electrical appliances in situations when grid power is off. Inverters are basically comprised of batteries, the charging system for the batteries and the power output system where the devices pickup power from

While choosing an inverter battery for your home, you need to be cautious in order to get one that meets your needs. Don’t simply buy an inverter because it’s what your friend has in their house. You may find out that the power requirements of your friend are different from yours. That’s why you need to do your own analysis before buying an inverter for your home.

Here are some of the things you need to look at while buying an inverter battery for your home.


1.Know the power you need

You do not need to be an electrician or an engineer to calculate the power that all your devices use. Every appliance you have at home has its power rating written on its packaging or on a sticker attached on the appliance. Just read off the power rating of all your devices and sum it up to get the total power (in watts) that they need if powered up at once.

3.2V 20Ah Low Temperature Square LiFePO4 Battery Cell
3.2V 20A Low Temp LiFePO4 Battery Cell -40℃ 3C discharge capacity≥70% Charging temperature:-20~45℃ Discharging temperature: -40~+55℃ pass acupuncture test -40℃ maximum discharge rate:3C

So, while choosing an inverter, choose one with an output power rating that is slightly higher than your requirements. Getting an inverter whose power output is lower than what your devices need will require you to choose a few appliances that you can run when power is off. However, the ideal situation should be getting one that has a power rating that is slightly higher than what you need if you want to run all the appliances at a go even when grid-power is off

2.That battery capacity of the inverter

The battery capacity mainly affects how long the inverter can run when grid power is off. The larger the battery capacity the more the time it will run when power is off. The battery capacity of inverters is rated in Ampere Hours (AH). You should determine the battery capacity you need by basing on your power needs and your budget for the inverter because the higher the battery capacity, the more the price.

Which batteries are good for a home inverter?

The commonly used batteries for inverters are lead acid batteries mainly because of their low overhead cost compared to other battery technologies. However, the more efficient and durable option are Lithium-ion batteries. These batteries are available in higher capacities and have more charge cycles than Lead acid batteries.

Lithium-ion batteries also have a bigger depth of charge than lead acid batteries. Lastly Lithium-ion batteries are also safer and more durable than lead acid batteries. However, buying a lithium-ion battery will require paying almost thrice the price of the lead acid battery. This high overhead cost is the reason why many inverters still use lead acid batteries despite the many benefits Lithium-ion batteries have over lead acid batteries.

Low Temperature High Energy Density Rugged Laptop Polymer Battery 11.1V 7800mAh
Low Temperature High Energy Density Rugged Laptop Polymer Battery Battery specification: 11.1V 7800mAh -40℃ 0.2C discharge capacity ≥80% Dustproof, resistance to dropping, anti - corrosion, anti - electromagnetic interference

Which is the best inverter battery brand in China?

There are many inverter batteries brands in china. But the following are among the top brands that are leading in the inverter battery market in no particular order.

1.Large power

This is a Chinese company that manufactures various types of batteries including inverter batteries. In the recent the years, they have invested heavily in research and development that has led to production of some of the most reliable and durable batteries in china. If you’re looking for inverter battery solutions, you should trust large power to get you the best.

2.Jiangsu Sunda Photoelectric

This is another Chinese company that is among the leaders when it comes to manufacturing solar products and inverters. Their inverter batteries have been used by many customers around the world and they all testify to have got a good experience using these batteries.

3.SunPal power company

SunPal is also up there when it comes to the companies that manufacture the best solar power equipment and inverter batteries. They have also heavily invested in research in order to produce inverter batteries that are more efficient and durable. They also have a good number of positive reviews from satisfied customers around the world


Local shop or online, where should you buy the inverter battery?

As we have earlier discussed, while buying an inverter battery you need to pay a lot of attention to a couple of parameters. Whether you buy the inverter battery from a local shop or from an online store, this principle still applies.

The advantage of buying from a shop is you’ll have the chance of seeing the batteries physically and also ask the seller all the questions you have about the battery. That’s why buying from the shop is the option I would recommend if you’re buying an inverter battery for the very first time.

On the other hand, buying from an online platform gives you the chance to read reviews from the people that have used the same battery you’re about to buy. This gives you a non-biased insight of the good and bad regarding the inverter battery you’re about to buy. But buying online is more appropriate if you know exactly what you’re going to buy. You also need to ensure that the seller gives warranty of at least 1 year on the inverter battery.


The inverter battery you buy will largely affect how your invert system will work. To avoid disappointment, make sure you analyze your power requirements and then base from that to choose an inverter battery that can meet those requirements. Buying an inverter battery with a bigger capacity would be the best option if you can afford to get one.

If its your first time to buy these batteries, consider buying one from your local shop/store so that have a physical look at the battery and also ask the seller as many questions as you wish. Buying from online is more ideal for people who know exactly what they want.


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