Custom 18650 Battery Wrap-Need, Types And Custom Methods
Jun 20, 2020 Pageview:2041
18650 battery wrap also refers to the sheath that covers it. Sometimes it can crack or peel off, which makes it unsafe to use. The original battery wrap includes product specifications such as voltage, how to dispose of it, and the manufacturer’s information. Moreover, it contains some information on how to handle the battery, the dangers, and it’s content.
The battery wrap is an integral part of all the batteries because it makes them look visually alluring. These batteries come up with so many designs, such as with plain colors or mixed color patterns. Apart from 18650, other batteries have wraps that serve the same purpose.
If the battery wrap is scratched or damaged, you need to rewrap with a new one to make your 18650 battery safe. Also, you can purchase customized wraps to make your batteries even more visually attractive. The 18650 battery has a dimension of 18mm x 65mm. It’s worth noting the size so that you can get fitting 18650 battery wraps. The 18650 battery wrappers are affordable and can serve you for almost a decade.
When do you need a custom 18650 battery wrap?
The 18650s are unsafe without wrap because the whole battery is a negative terminal. If you don’t use it, your 18650 could be short and may explode. The wrap on your battery acts as a shield and protects it from any metal contact. It is essential for your safety.
If you see any tears or rips on the battery packaging, you should replace or add a new wrap on the battery. The batteries must be entirely rewrapped by removing the old wrapping. Cut off the shrink battery wrap to your battery’s exact size. However, pre-cut shrink-wraps are sold, which makes the work much more straightforward.
With the success of custom battery wraps, many online retailers and individual vaping artisans have begun offering pre-packed battery packaging. Custom battery wraps can be a great cost-efficient way to give your battery a little style or flair without custom accessories. It is a fun way to inspire new color in an old vapor, and a collection of plain batteries can become a piece of art that you’re proud to show.
How many types of 18650 battery wraps?
When it comes to finding battery wraps to replace on your old batteries, you will amaze there are wraps to please even your imagination. They are available in various colors, design patterns, and images that you can choose to wrap around your batteries. From Amazon to eBay and every company in between, just a quick Google search of “18650 battery wrap” will result in pages of battery wrap suppliers. You can find cool battery wraps with Star Wars, race cars, even one’s with SpongeBob on them. The most common wraps which are readily available as follows:-
PVC heat shrink tube wrapping
This high-quality PVC heat shrink tube offers great protection and wrap for skin covering of 18,650 batteries. The different materials shrink quickly and evenly to the item to be protected when exposed to heat above 80 degrees for a few seconds. It acts as an insulation to protect the battery and has stable performance.
Custom wrapping
Custom wraps are mainly used for rewrapping the battery; the vapers used custom wrap designs to make battering batteries look attractive and appealing. Custom wraps are the most inexpensive battery wraps. They are available in various designs and colors that protect the battery and have a long-lasting life.
How do you customize a 18650 battery wrap?
Experienced customization persons are also known as vapers, who take wrap designs very seriously. Some have even found a way to customize batteries using custom graphics. Rewrapping cells began by repairing old wraps that have scratch and holes. Most common customized wraps are made for 18650 batteries.
There are different types of custom wraps that you can make. The simplest way is through wrapping batteries using plain shrink tubing. However, it will restrict you to a single color. Furthermore, if you want something stylish with an image or design, use a transparent and clear shrink tubing above a graphic. You will need materials such as shrink tubing, illustration, picture editing software like GIMP or Photoshop, paper, printer, hairdryer, scissors, and batteries.
Let’s have a look at the procedure how to customize battery wrappers:-
Find Template or Image
Firstly, search images online of the design you would like to put on your battery. Get the correct dimension of the image which matches the battery. Find layouts online that you can use to get accurate dimensions for the battery. Then, crop to resize the fitting image.
Print Image
Next, you would need to print off your images. You can use matte photo paper for greater quality and less chance of splitting. Then cut out your pictures, taking care to cut straight, and trim the corners.
Prepare Your Battery
Never add a new wrap over the pre-existing one, because this can lead to tight fits in certain batteries. To remove the original wrap from the battery, you can gently make a small cut at the very bottom of the wrap. Be careful that you don’t crack or puncture the battery itself.
Arrange Wrap
Now that your image is ready and your batteries have been prepared, cut off your transparent shrink tube to the right battery size. Then place your picture in the tubes and slide the battery into it. Make sure the picture is straight and just like you want it, arranged.
Once you’ve all done and your image is correctly aligned, it’s time to shrink the tubing. You can use a heat pistol or a hairdryer. Continue to warm up until the battery is nice and snug.
The Final Verdict
Custom 18650 wraps have become a topic of discussion in today’s world. Everything we use needs care and attention so that 18650 batteries also need care and safeguard against external encounters. That can be done using battery wrap. If you keep batteries protected, they last longer than usual and work efficiently.
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