Oct 23, 2020 Pageview:886
The need for recycling batteries is ever-growing because of its positive impact on the environment. In this article, we shall discuss what kind of batteries can be recycled and what appropriate disposal methods should be used.
It is mainly the rechargeable batteries that can and should be recycled. However, due to environmental reasons, all types of batteries are being recycled, as long as corporations are provided with a subsidy (in case the recycling process is not cost-efficient). Some of the recyclable batteries are discussed below:
Lead Batteries
Much of the Recycling of Lead batteries are done within the manufacturing industry. The reason is that recycling the Lead to place them within new batteries is more cost-efficient as compared to using new Lead. Moreover, you can buy new Lead batteries at cheaper rates if you return old Lead batteries while buying them.
Naturally, Lithium-Ion batteries are not as hazardous, but when disposed of in bulk, they become an environmental concern. The credit for this growing concern mainly goes to the striking popularity of Lithium-Ion batteries, which keeps going up with the passage of time.
Recycling of these batteries are cost-efficient, instead, it is done due to the environmental concerns that come along with their disposal. The government has to subsidize much of the recycling process.
Nickel-Cadmium Batteries
Given the extremely dangerous nature of these batteries, extra precautions are taken in order to recycle them. They have to be isolated from all other kinds of batteries and then are recycled and disposed of appropriately. Organizations exist that come right at your doorstep to receive such batteries, to minimize environmental and physical damage.
Metal-Hydride Batteries
When these batteries are available in a bulk, they can be sent to a recycling program. However, it is preferred to dispose of such batteries with home waste if they are relatively few in number.
There are 2 major types of batteries that are used in cars:
?Lead-Acid Batteries
?Lithium-Ion Batteries
According to all major authorities and research experts, it is not a probable option to dispose of batteries in an ordinary recycling bin if they are rechargeable. Since car batteries are rechargeable, it would be natural to assume that they should not be disposed of with ordinary means either.
In a recycling bin, every kind of trash is thrown together without regard to the kind and reactivity of the material being thrown. Although there may be a differentiation between plastics, papers, and metals, usually different materials get jumbled up and even irrelevant trash is thrown within the recycling bin.
In an unfortunate event, if an inappropriate material happens to get in contact with highly reactive old batteries, it could lead to a disaster, or a heavy fire that could lead to potential death.
Moreover, the people handling the trash from the recycling bin may not be as experienced with handling old batteries, and the mishandling could lead to an accident.
Instead of simply disposing of car batteries in the recycling bins or keeping them at home, there is a standard procedure for people with old car batteries to get them recycled before they are disposed of.
According to estimates, materials in the car batteries are the most recycled materials in the world. When recycled properly, they significantly reduce the need to buy more raw materials to make new batteries. Not only does this save the environment, in the case of Lead-Acid batteries it is also extremely cost-efficient.
Basic Details regarding recycling of Car Batteries
If you want to get your old car battery recycled, here are some basic steps you need to follow:
?An online search can be used to look for spots that recycle car batteries.
?Check in with them to see if they handle the particular type of your car’s battery.
?Get your battery recycled. The methodology is discussed in detail in the technical details section.
?Now take the separated parts to appropriate stores to sell them for a price. The battery recyclers may also have a scheme to buy those removed parts. Check in with them for it.
Technical details regarding the recycling of Car Batteries
Removal of Metal
The metal within the batteries is embedded within the plastic casing. In the initial process, the material is removed from the plastic and then sent to the furnace to purify it and melt it down. This leads us to the next step of the recycling process.
Reuse of both Metal and Plastics
Once the metal has been melted, it is made into strips again so they can be used as electrodes within the battery. They are then sent to the manufacturing industry.
On the other hand, the plastics (usually polypropylene) are thoroughly washed and sent to the manufacturing industry to make new casings for new batteries. It is also sent to the battery manufacturers.
Treatment of Acid
The acid within the old Lead batteries may be toxic or dangerous. On the other hand, the same acid cannot be reused within the new batteries. In such a case, the only option the manufacturers are left with is to neutralize the acids. After neutralization, the liquid may be used for other purposes or discarded entirely.
The newly made batteries contain most of the materials that are previously recycled.
Making batteries from raw materials is not sustainable, as it will lead to more land-fills, poisoning of the environment, and various kinds of disasters like fires and explosions. The responsibility lies on everyone, first and foremost on the government, then the manufacturers, and finally the ordinary people to ensure the batteries are recycled.
In cases where this kind of recycling is not cost-efficient the government will have to step in to ensure the recycling process continues, even if they have to pay for it.
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