Jun 02, 2020 Pageview:1733
The discharge rate of a battery has a huge impact not only on its performance but also on its lifetime. If you are familiar with your battery to discharge rate, it can aid you quite impressively in many situations and can avoid any kind of trouble in your work. For this purpose, to calculate the time at which your battery will discharge we have a device known as Battery Discharge Calculator. The basis for these kinds of electronic equipment is the specifications, and features of different electric sources connected with the battery sources. It also analyses and tells us how different battery elements can affect the battery discharge rate. Let’s discover out more about this astonishing device.
How do you calculate battery discharge?
The C-rate or theoretically battery discharge rate is the measure of time in hours at which the battery will be discharged. Its basic definition is the ratio between the discharge current and the theoretical current obtained at which the battery will deliver it’s measured capacity in about one hour. Practically with the help of Peukert’s law we can calculate the discharge rate of battery with avoiding all the complexities. Mostly Battery Discharge Calculators also work on the same principle which is being programmed or coded in the form of integrated chips inside these calculators. Move towards the next paragraph to understand this law in a very easy manner.
This law states that “As the battery’s available capacity decrease the rate of discharge increases”. It means that the battery;s available capacity and it’s rate of discharge have an inverse relation with each other, if one goes high the other goes low and viceversa. Mathematically Peukert’s law is t=H(C/IH)^k. Where “H” stands for rated discharge time in hours, “C” is defined as the measured Capacity of the discharge rate in amp-hours.“k” is the Peukert’s constant, and “t” is the discharge time we need to calculate and “I” is the amount of current discharged in amperes. With the help of this formula the battery discharge rate can easily be calculated. Thanks to the advancement in the science and technology which is helping us day by day to save our time in these complex calculations and enhancing our working efforts by an easy understanding.
The discharge time rated is the discharge time which is predicted or rated by the manufacturers. To get help from the calculator for this purpose, you should be known to the AH rating for the battery and also the hour rating at which the AH was taken. The battery discharge calculator also requires the maximum temperature at which the battery functions as well as the age or life of the battery. Two sets of these ratings are required by the calculator to avoid any approximates of errors. The current present due to electrical load can also find out with the help of a battery discharge calculator so that the capacity of the electrical load connected can also be determined.
Does battery discharge time depend on load?
The load has truly an impact on the battery discharge rate because the power and current from the load are flowing and passing through the circuit connected to the battery as the headquarters. The discharge rate is discharge current divided by theoretical current. The higher the value of the load, the more current it will charge hence battery will be discharged more quickly.
So yes there is a direct relationship between load and the discharge time. The larger the load and hence more power will be consumed hence quicker the battery will discharge. The discharging of current at a higher rate will remove more power and thus effects the efficiency of the battery. This effect is also known as Peukert’s effect.
What can a battery discharge calculator do?
A battery discharge calculator will help you to identify the proper value of Peukert’s constant that is required depending upon the secondary values like the extreme temperature of the battery and its age. It generally helps to identify how long the battery will function without any hindrance, based on the power or current derive from the load and its nominal capacity as well.
The discharge rate of a battery will also help you find out values like to discharge rate constant, “k” and capacitance as well which battery’s ability to store charge and measured in farad. You can also calculate the time constant by the product of the resistance of the circuit and the capacitance.
With the help of the battery discharge calculator you know understand and study in deep the effects of different alkaline elements on the battery discharge rate. For example, the lead-acid batteries and Zn-CARBON alkaline can decrease the efficiency or working power of the battery too quickly. Thus it also help you to understand the chemical properties of different elements and how you can make your device work better by changing the inside chemicals. It can also elaborate you how the load affects the battery discharge rate with values obtained in the table that can also help you to draw graphs and study the lightest details as well. With the help of the battery discharge calculator and discharge rate you can study this aspect in detail as well.
Thus, the battery discharge calculator is very effective, time-consuming and a smart tool that performs a lot of activities and results in not only accurate but reliable data for your other calculations as well. The battery discharge rate can be calculated easily with the help of Peukert’s law which is stated above. It also requires some data for input to give you best answer with less means of errors. Considering the external devices aka load has a very direct impact on discharge time of any battery to which it is connected. You can control easily battery discharge time by adding variations in load. The Battery Discharge Calculator not only provide you with external values but help you to identify how the internal chemicals of battery effects values.
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