Jul 20, 2020 Pageview:1549
Smoking has been done for decades in which tobacco is smoked from a filter inside a filter paper. In ancient times it was done from leaves when filter and filter paper was not available. But today there has been advancement in the smoking procedure and its components. Now instead of cigarettes, people have started using electronic cigarettes also known as vaping.
Vaping is becoming much more popular in our teenagers. It can be called the biggest growing substance-used trend. You must be thinking that what is vaping and how is it possible to smoke with an electronic device Well, vaping is the act of inhaling and exhaling an aerosol, also called as vapours that are produced by an electronic cigarette or a vape pen. This device contains flavoured liquids having nicotine or marijuana.
The trend of e-cigarettes or vapes was created to help the existing smokers in quitting their bad habit. But as these vapes have flavours like mint, mango, and tutti-frutti, they have attracted teenagers in large numbers, and also those people are attracted who are non-smokers. It is also important to keep in mind that smoking is injurious to health.
Which Type Of Battery Is Best Recommended For Vaping
Having talked about vaping let’s learn a little bit about the working of this e-cigarette i.e. how this device works and what are its essential components. This e-cigarette has three components. First is a rechargeable lithium battery, second is a vaporizing chamber and the third one is a cartridge that contains the liquid nicotine. Among all the three components the lithium-ion battery is the most essential component for vapes. This battery is responsible for charging the atomizer inside the vapes cartridge.
Vapes use 18650 lithium-ion batteries. 18650 is the dimension of this battery. As vape is a small device so a battery cell is best for its design, but there are certain characteristics that this battery cell should possess for it to be called the best match for this device. Due to their compact sizes and high energy efficiencies, they are the most commonly used batteries in vaping. These batteries are readily available, reliable, and are extensively tested, and its vast majority of mods are compatible with 18650 batteries.
New versions of the batteries like the 20700 and 21700 are only compatible with dual or triple battery vapes due to their bigger size. Manufacturers still prefer 18650 batteries due to their tested performance and smaller size. Small size vapes are more popular among people as they are smaller in size and are easy to handle and carry.
Choosing the best battery cannot be done only based on subjective likes. Data of battery mooch can be essential in deciding the best battery for your battery. Battery Mooch is an exert tester in the vape community. They have been supplying in-depth and reliable testing for the majority of batteries used in vaping today.
What Is The Best Brand Of 18650 battery
Following are the suggested brands for vapes:
Sony is the manufacturer of one of the most trustworthy and balanced 18650s on the market like the Sony VTC5A. It is an all-rounder. A great 25-amp battery that has enough capacity for lasting through a whole day. One of the best 18650s for vapes if you build according to its amp limit, the VTC5A is also an excellent battery for use with regulated mods.
2) LG HG2:
LG HG2 is another smart choice for your vapes. It is a high-capacity battery that is considered ideal for regulated modes. It is a comparable battery with the VTC6 from SONY and Samsung 30Q. Up to 60 watts per cell is a great option for vapes. If you want your vape to perform well then LG GH2 is a good choice for you.
The Samsung 30Q is somewhat similar to Sony VTC6 in performance. It is another lower output battery with a long-running time for you, a 30Q on a vape setup will have you forget when you last charged your device. They are easily recognizable by their pink wrapper and can keep making your vape compatible for long runs.
The SONY VTC6 comes with an extended 3000 mAh powering capacity and a reliable brand name of Sony as well. It is considered ideal for lower watt range devices due to the limited amp draw capacity.
What Are The Characteristics Of Vaping 18650 batteries
The following aspects must be kept in mind while purchasing a battery for vapes.
1) Continuous Discharge Rating (CDR):
Continuous Discharge rating is widely used by reputable manufacturers and can be used to compare the battery discharge rate. It tells us that a current battery can be safely discharged at a continuous rate without taking damage or reducing its capacity when accurately rated.
Rewraps and Chinese cheap batteries often misinterpret the continuous discharge rating by using other ratings instead of CDR. For Example, They often use maximum discharge rating or the maximum discharge current which is often the only rating on the wrap. This is the maximum current that the battery can supply and has no relation to the CDR. One should always look for a CDR when purchasing the battery.
2) Capacity:
The capacity of 18650 batteries is calculated in mAh (milliamp-hours). The capacity of a battery is something that signifies its running time. One mAh is the charge transferred by a stable current of one milliamp that flows for one hour. One mAh is equal to the charge transferred by a steady current of one milliamp flowing for one hour. This rating is also misinterpreted on battery wraps by the manufacturers but, this doesn’t happen as often as it does with discharge ratings.
For avoiding such mishaps always buy a battery from a trusted supplier and avoid rewraps.
Having discussed what is vaping and also what are vapes and how they function. Choosing the best battery is quite easy for you now as you must have gone through some of the best 18650 batteries for vapes and also learned their characteristics. This information is enough for you to make a good and reliable choice for the kind of battery you need.
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