23 Years' Battery Customization

18650 Battery Equivalent-Sizes, Usage and Comparison

Nov 27, 2020   Pageview:5566

A 18650 battery is lithium-ion battery-powered. The initial 4 digits of the assignment "18650" demonstrate the physical measurements while the 5 th digit shows it is a chamber cell. The standard 18650 battery has 18mm diameter. This sort of battery is regular in applications, for example, PC battery packs, spotlights, electric vehicles, cordless apparatuses and different gadgets that require compact force.

A few sorts of 18650 have been altered including either a catch top as well as interior protection circuit. This can build the physical length of a "18650" battery from 65mm to 70mm or in specific cases significantly more.

Most 18650 batteries will last somewhere in the range of 300 and 500 charge cycles, however battery lifetime can be reached out a long way past those numbers whenever charged in routine before the complete release. All batteries debase after some time, yet you'll regularly get longer than a year or two of life from a 18650 relying upon your utilization.

Most batteries incorporate Protection Circuit Boards (PCBs) to screen a battery's release rate and inside temperature. Unprotected cells are frequently utilized by experienced clients who construct battery packs or utilize 18650s for electronic cigarette and vaping purposes, which regularly need higher release rates than assurance circuits permit.

3.2V 20Ah Low Temperature Square LiFePO4 Battery Cell
3.2V 20A Low Temp LiFePO4 Battery Cell -40℃ 3C discharge capacity≥70% Charging temperature:-20~45℃ Discharging temperature: -40~+55℃ pass acupuncture test -40℃ maximum discharge rate:3C

Are 18650 Batteries Greater Than AA?

These are bigger in distance across and longer than a standard AA battery size. The 18650 Li-particle battery is an incredibly famous battery hotspot for the present electric lamps since the 18650 battery gives so much power. By and by, 18650 battery sizes and styles can fluctuate starting with one manufacturer onto the next. In any case, the battery business is endeavoring to normalize 18650 battery size. 18650 batteries are commonly 3.6/3.7 volts and have different mAh (milliamp) appraisals. The mAh rating is exclusively for deciding how frequently you should energize your battery. The higher the mAh rating, the more drawn out the run time between charges, as a rule. 18650 batteries are not intended to work ideally in temperatures underneath freezing.


The most well-known ostensible voltage for pretty much every NiMh or NiCD AA battery is 1.2V-1.5v. 18650 batteries have an ostensible voltage of 3.6V, so this implies you would require 3 AA batteries in arrangement design (joined start to finish) to get a similar voltage as only one 18650.


Barrel shaped lithium batteries are named by their size. An exposed "unprotected" and "level top" 18650 battery will consistently be 18mm in measurement (width) and be 65mm long (plus or minus a touch of assembling resistance). AA batteries then again are 13.5-14.5mm in distance across, and 49-51mm long. This resilience is a lot more extensive, generally on the grounds that AA batteries are typically fitted into spring stacked compartments and a millimeter or two contrast is of no outcome.

●Capacity and Current:

The most elevated limit AA batteries available right now are made by Ansmann with 2850mAh however this is the exceptionally top finish of battery-powered AA structure cells. Generally, 2500mAh is promptly accessible and impressively less expensive and we have an incredible scope of Eneloop items in this top end class. The most noteworthy current that can be drawn from any AA battery in any case, is just a couple of amps. Somewhere in the range of 18650 batteries can be released at rates in excess of multiple times the capacity of an AA choice. The Sony VTC5A 18650 battery for instance can be released at 25A constantly.



The main motivation to utilize 18650 over AA is Energy Density. We won't get excessively far into it here, however far enough to exhibit some simple figures. Energy thickness is the proportion of how much vitality is contained inside a battery or cell estimated in Watt hours.

Can You Use Other Batteries Instead Of 18650?

●21700 Batteries

These are battery-powered lithium-ion cells which are utilized to control vaping embellishments and electric lamps. They are named like the other lithium-ion cells in order to recognize similarity and size. Best factor among 21700 batteries is that they might have both unprotected and secured cells. A great many people lean toward 21700 batteries as an update of 18650 accessible in high channel gadgets. These batteries are utilized in electric vehicles and power hybrids. The battery is somewhat bigger than the other. Hence, it gives more runtime and force.

Low Temperature High Energy Density Rugged Laptop Polymer Battery 11.1V 7800mAh
Low Temperature High Energy Density Rugged Laptop Polymer Battery Battery specification: 11.1V 7800mAh -40℃ 0.2C discharge capacity ≥80% Dustproof, resistance to dropping, anti - corrosion, anti - electromagnetic interference

26650 batteries

Individuals befuddle somewhere in the range of 18650 and 26650 batteries. This is because of both being well known in electric lamps and vaping. This battery has an enormous size of 26mm and 65mm creation to give more power. Moreover, it has a greater limit that helps in running for long. Higher limit might be utilized in VV vape mods. In any case, 26650 has a low charging voltage of 4.2V while 18650 energizes to a greatest voltage of 4.4v.

●20700 Batteries

20700 batteries are characterized by its size of 20mm and 70mm. The battery is greater than 18650 battery subsequently it has a specific cell's size. 20700 batteries have high current and release rate at low working temperature. This component settles on them to be the most ideal decision for hardware and high channel gadgets. The greater part of them are utilized in bikes, vehicles, battery packs, cordless force devices and skateboards.

Are All 18650 Batteries Same?

●Nominal Voltage:

There are 3 essential ostensible voltages utilized in 18650 batteries. 3.2V, 3.6V and 3.7V. The 3.2V ostensible voltage is solely for LiFePO4 (otherwise called Lithium Iron Phosphate/IFR) science. The most generally utilized/accessible presently are 3.6 and 3.7V.


One of the most huge qualities in any battery is the proportion of imperativeness it holds and how long it can utilize that essentialness for, assessed in Ah (Amp hours) or mAh (milliamp hours). Cutoff points can expand anywhere from sub 1000mAh (1Ah) to as much as 3500mAh (3.5Ah) like the LG MJ1.


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