Aug 28, 2020 Pageview:803
Batteries have become the most commonly used forms of power storage in the world. Also, there has been significant development in the battery manufacture industry. The lithium-ion batteries have been in existence for decades. Therefore, there has been tremendous advancement in terms of technology in the lithium-ion factory too.
Lithium batteries are popular because of their high energy thickness and voltage. Many vehicle users prefer to use lithium-ion batteries because of their durability. Lithium batteries are used at homes, industries in devices such as tablets, smartphones, and computers.
A lithium-ion battery's lifespan is estimated to be about two to three years or 300 to 500 charge cycles. A charge cycle is a period of use from full charge to when it has been fully depleted and fully recharged again. Several factors affect this duration. These factors include maintenance, weather conditions, and how often it is used.
To improve the battery's lifespan, lithium-ion battery manufacturers employ overload protection, over-discharge protection, and overheating protection. All these protection technologies aim at protecting the battery and extending its time of use.
Lithium-ion Battery Company is researching ways to increase the lifespan of their batteries. They are using modern equipment, and soon you will be saved.
Are you killing your lithium battery?
Lithium-ion batteries are expensive, thus need good care. Several human errors might be reducing the lifespan of your lithium-ion battery. If these factors are eradicated, then your battery might last for a long time. You have to ensure that your battery lives for a long and happy life as possible.
It is good to know what might be killing your battery to correct your mistakes. Therefore, here is a simple answer to what might be killing your lithium-ion battery:
A very tiny parasitic reaction occurs between the electrolyte and electrodes inside the battery during every charging and discharging period. This build up over time reduces the amount of energy the cell can store and output. Thus, you need to know how to avoid this problem and keep your battery long.
Two things cause the parasitic reaction on lithium-ion batteries. These factors include; high temperatures and increased time spent at high voltages. Both of these factors speed up the death of your battery. High temperatures catalyze the parasitic reactions while the high charge levels lead to extra performance for a few cycles.
These factors can be avoided to make the batteries last for a long time as possible. But there are guidelines to take to avoid them.
What are the lithium battery maintenance practice guidelines?
It is essential to follow these steps to prolong the lifespan of your battery. The first thing to do is to avoid letting your battery become hot. For vehicles, ensure that you have active cooling devices to prevent overheating. Always avoid heat issues when charging your battery. Even in cars, batteries frequently overheat during charging at high rates or supercharging.
Supercharging is terrible for battery life when performed more often. Always charge your battery at lower rates, thus keeping the battery relaxed and happy.
Always aim at charging your battery at lower levels, mostly when the car is resting for an extended period. Many people do not use their battery pack capacity every day and rarely charge to 100%. Charging a lithium-ion battery to 80 percent doubles the lifespan of the battery. Grin Technologies gave this statistic. Most damage due to high levels occurs when the battery rests at such high levels for a long time.
When going for long trips, charging your battery to 100 percent has no impact on the battery's life. But when going for short trips or if planning to leave your battery unused, charge level of between 30-60 percent is essential and healthier.
It is also essential to have a high capacity lithium-ion battery than carrying a spare. It is because batteries deteriorate over time, whether they are in use or not. The spare lithium-ion battery will always have the same lifespan with the one in use. When purchasing batteries, ask for recently manufactured.
Avoid completely depleting charge in your battery. When lithium-ion batteries are discharged below 2.5V, a safety circuit opens, and the battery looks like it has reached its end. The original charger will be of no help because the battery will need analyzers to boost.
Clean your battery terminals always. It is essential because the cathodes may be eroding over time. Frequently assess your battery to check for any abnormalities and correct them.
Are there any solutions to lithium-ion battery degradation?
Lithium-ion batteries can be saved from degradation in some ways. This degradation happens over time and thus can be controlled. These solutions include;
Ensure that you regulate temperatures when the batteries are charging. Overheating reduces the lifespan of a battery. Also, freezing could cause some damage but only extreme conditions. Ensure that you take your battery off the charger then allow it to cool before using it.
Avoid vibrations in the place where your battery is stored or at use. But it is not easy to stop vibrations because they originate from the place of use. Please do not drop your battery because it may disorient some cells inside.
Always keep your battery away from moisture. Keep your battery away from water sources. Do not drink liquids where the battery is stored.
Always store your batteries at half charge. The battery's chemistry is stable at half charge. Batteries have their full potential at a half charge, and thus if you are storing your batteries in a couple of days to come then, it is good to half charge them a day before.
Final Thought
It is always wise to follow maintenance guidelines in lithium-ion batteries. It is expensive to replace this type of battery frequently. But with the advancement in technology, the manufacturer will come up with a way of increasing the lifespan of li-on batteries. Always keep your battery in a favorable environment. All this is for your good, choose a lithium-ion battery, and enjoy its efficiency.
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