Lithium Ion Battery Disposal near Me: Introduction, Method and Safety
Jul 13, 2020 Pageview:984
It’s a fact that many of us use batteries for our daily activities. Without them, there would be some appliances that will not work (such as flashlight, remote TV, and so on). But when the batteries’ life span is finished, where do they go? This is where the article steps in. In this article, we will discuss all about lithium ion battery disposal ? what they are, why they exist, and how to dispose of battery in battery disposal.
Do you know about lithium ion battery disposal?
Who doesn’t know lithium ion batteries? It is one of the commonly used batteries by many people. As the name implies, it literally is a battery made out of lithium but has chemicals different from those of normal lithium batteries.
Lithium ion’s greatest perk is the amount of energy it can store. In one single battery, there can be at least 3000 mAh energy stored in it. In fact, you can reach up to 3500 mAh for the energy stored in lithium ion. The amount of energy it has, along with its size, is perfect for those who need large amount of energies without having the need to recharge for a long period of time.
Energy is not the only thing that’s great from lithium ion batteries. Another one of its perks is the discharge it has. Lithium ion batteries have great discharge power, giving you a consistent amount of energy that won’t go up and down easily.
The last perk lithium ion batteries have is their recharge abilities. Once the batteries no longer have their energies, you can recharge them easily in a snap. The recharging abilities mean that you don’t need to spend extra money on them. Instead, you only need to spend money on the charger. It’s better to spend money once than doing it repeatedly, isn’t it?
Of course, there is no such thing as perks without setbacks. Although lithium ion has large energy storage and great discharge rate, the battery is a bit sensitive. Lithium ion batteries tend to be more sensitive when it comes to heat. There are chances of the batteries getting overheated just because of a slight rise in temperature. It can also get over-discharged pretty quickly too.
But don’t worry, since manufacturers have created an extra layer or an outside coat to protect the batteries from heat. This way, the batteries won’t get overheated quickly.
Of course, this does not mean that lithium ion batteries can be used forever. Every battery has its own life cycle, and it is always bound to “die.” When the battery “dies,” it’s time for us to dispose of them properly.
How do you responsibly dispose of lithium ion battery?
It is important for us to dispose of lithium ion batteries properly. Disposing of them properly is not without reason.
Batteries consist of different components, and not all of them are environmentally-friendly. If the toxic ones are thrown carelessly, there is a chance of them for them to be absorbed by the environment. This can lead to those who pass the affected area to be affected also. Leading to a chain of unnecessary problems, plus, the area will also be contaminated, poisoning nature from its natural state.
Although disposing of is an easy task, the damage, if it’s not done properly, can be severe. For this reason, it is important for us to dispose of batteries properly. Here are some things you can do to dispose of them properly:
1.Batteries are not normal trash. Since they have unique components, the components can lead to unwanted scenarios such as battery explosion. For this reason, it is best for you to separate batteries from normal trash. They do not belong in the normal blue trash can.
2.When you throw the batteries, you need to make sure that they are separated from the flammable trash. This is an important step, as separating the batteries from flammable materials can prevent accidents (such as battery explosion) from spreading without reason.
3.Before you throw them, make sure that the batteries are sealed properly. It must be sealed in such a way when the batteries are thrown with other objects, it won’t be flattened, crushed, and punctured. Being punctured increases the chance of it leaking and being caught on fire, so make sure it’s sealed properly.
4.If you’re throwing a large number of batteries, make sure they are thrown in normal quantities and not in bulk. Again, this is a preventative measure for the worst-case scenario.
5.If you’re throwing the more than one battery at once, you need to seal the exposed connectors. It is also important to separate them and make sure they don’t touch each other. You can do that by slipping cardboard between the batteries.
How do you improve lithium ion battery safety performance?
Since lithium ion batteries are pretty sensitive, it is important for us to be able to do safety measures when we use it. We can start by paying attention to the temperature. Make sure the battery is not in a hot environment. If it does, you need to make sure that you cover the battery so it won’t be directly affected by the heat.
There is also the matter of storage. Make sure you store it in a dry cool place that’s not touched by the sunlight. Doing this will help the battery to be more protected from the heat.
From here, we can see that battery disposal is no simple matter. Sure, we can do it easily, but it doesn’t mean that we can do it carelessly like that. There are steps that must be done, such as using cardboard and so on, to ensure that the batteries won’t be damaged during the disposal process. This will help the battery to be disposed of safely without any accident. Even if there is an accident, the damage won’t be as much as not doing the preventative measures, so never forget to do the steps mentioned in this article!
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