Sep 27, 2020 Pageview:1358
Batteries are some of the most amazing discoveries in this world. They can be in many sizes, both in big and small, and yet they all store energy that can lit up devices that need the energy to work. However, there are times when one battery is not enough, and more energy is needed to lit up the device. When this happens, the person can connect the batteries in parallel or in series, whether it’s separately or at the same time. Here, we will talk about batteries in series and parallel - what they are, how to connect them, and the cycle life.
Those who are new in the world of batteries must have wondered whether it’s ok to connect batteries in series and parallel at the same time. Before we talk about it, let us define batterie in series and parallel first.
Batteries In Series
In simple terms, batteries in series happen when you connect the positive side of one battery to the positive side of another battery using a jumper wire. The purpose of connecting batteries in series is to increase the voltage of the batteries. For this reason, it’s best to get a charger whose voltage is the same as the new voltage.
Batteries In Parallel
If you want to increase the Ah of the battery, you should connect the batteries in parallel. Connecting in parallel is done in the opposite way of series. Instead of connecting opposite sides, you connect the same side of two different batteries using a jumper wire. If you have done it properly, you will see the Ah increasing soon enough.
Make sure that you have the proper jumper wire when you connect batteries in parallel. The higer the Ah you want, the thicker and bolder the jumper wires should be, this is for the purpose of connecting the battery in a safe environment, as thin jumper wire can lead to problematic things if you use it for high Ah. that is why it’s best to take precautions and prevent unnecessary things from happening in the future.
Since connecting batteries in series and parallel have different functions, it can be assumed that there is no such thing as better method when it comes to connecting batteries. It is only better when it’s according to your needs. However, there are also times when you will be able to connect the batteries both in parallel and series at the same time.
Connecting the batteries both in series and parallel is actually possible. You do this when you want to increase both the voltage and the Ah at the same time. Moreover, the process itself is also not complicated at all. They’re not simple, but they’re also not hard to do.
Here are the steps you can do to connect batteries in series and parallel at the same time:
1.First, you must connect the batteries in series. This means that you must connect one side of the battery to the opposite side of the other battery. Do this step to the all the batteries you need.
2.Do the same as the first step for the other pair of batteries.
3.After you have connected the batteries, connect the two pais by connecting the positive sides of one pair to the negative sides of the other pair.
4.If it’s done properly, the Ah and voltage will increase soon.
It’s pretty easy, isn’t it? However, there are some things that you should note before connecting them.
First, not all batteries can be connected in both parallel and series at the same time. So before purchasing your batteries, you need to check your battery first. Make sure that it can be connected in parallel and series at the same time.
Second, although the process is not complicated, it can be pretty confusing when the person is a beginner. If the person does it wrong, it can lead to a fatal accident. To prevent such acident, it is best to make a diagram of the battery first. Doing so will help you not get confused, and you’ll be able to connect the batteries properly without worry. That way, you’ll be able to do the battery smoothly.
The life cycle of batteries depend on the circuit that is powered by the battery. If the voltage is higher but the power stays the same, then the battery will last as how it should be. It’s a different matter though when if the voltage is lower. When the voltage is lower, the current will be used more, and it will result in shorter lifespan.
Thankfully, such a matter can be resolved quickly by connecting the battery in parallel. So if you want to bring balance to the lifespan of the battery, it is best to connect the battery in series and in parallel.
There are some extra precautions when you connect the batteries in series though. You cannot connect the batteries easily, as everything depends on the power, voltage, and many more. When you need more power or current, you will need more batteries to create it. Thus, it is important for you to know the rules if you want to connect batteries in series and parallel.
From this article, we can see that batteries in series and parallel are pretty similar but also different. They are similar because they are for increasing something, and they are different because the aim for the increase is different. However, if you combine the two, you will get the result of both at the same time without hassle. When you do it though, you need to know the rules and the proper materials to connect the batteries in series and parallels. If you use proper materials and follow the rules properly, you’ll see result in no time!
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