Mar 16, 2021 Pageview:991
When used properly, batteries pose no harm. But, what happens when batteries are over-charged? What are the risks of a battery being short-circuited? A hot battery makes you and your surroundings prone to a lot of risks. Overheated batteries can cause fire and can also result in you incurring burn injuries as a result.
How to make good use of batteries? Why is your battery getting so hot? What are the implications of a hot battery? Read on to know more!
There can be many reasons behind batteries heating up, such as short-circuit, over-charging, being submerged in water, and so on.
Did you store your battery alongside other metal pieces of equipment? In such a situation, the metal parts form a bridge between the plus and minus parts of the battery. In such a situation, the battery gets an external short circuit, resulting in the batteries overheating.
Meanwhile, an internal short circuit can happen as a result of the battery undergoing serious shock. For instance, your battery might have fallen, which resulted in a short circuit. Consequently, the battery will discharge high current and overheat.
Here are some tips to prevent your batteries from overheating:
?When charging your mobile phone, tablet, laptop, or any other electronic device, use the battery that came with it. If your charger has been damaged and wants to get a new one, get one from a supplier you trust.
?Do not store, charge, or use your batteries at very high or low temperatures.
?Safeguard your batteries from incurring strong shocks. Strong shocks can happen when there is a deformed terminal or when you insert your battery in the terminal in the wrong way.
?Your phone can overheat from being exposed to scorching sunlight. Avoid using your phone in direct sunlight.
?Don’t leave your devices connected to the charger overnight.
At first glance, your batteries may not appear hazardous. But an overheated battery can lead to fire and cause heavy damages to the surroundings. If there are any people in the surroundings, they can also incur burns.
Did you know the Lithium-ion batteries that make it possible for us to use our smartphones, tablets, and other gadgets, can release gases? While fires happen rarely, they can spread rapidly and release toxic chemicals when they do happen.
An overheated battery can result in a person sustaining second-degree burns. A user can sustain burns in any area which is in contact with the overheated battery.
A lot of avid users of electronic devices are unaware of the fact that their cell phones might have a ton of bacteria. These bacteria can be harmful to people with a weak immune system. If you clean your phone daily and take all necessary precautions concerning your battery, you can prevent coming in contact with these bacteria.
If you want to protect your home and your surroundings from sustaining damages as a result of overheated batteries, here are some steps you can take up:
?If you have smoke detectors in your house, replace their batteries at least once a year.
?When you dispose of your batteries, don’t just throw them in the trash and be done with it as heavy metals inside the battery can leak out and cause harm to the environment.
?When disposed of together, batteries can cause a lot of harm. There was an incident where a man placed old batteries together in a bag to get rid of them. However, the terminals of the batteries came in touch with one another and resulted in a fire.
According to experts, battery manufacturers should pay close attention to how batteries can lead to fire-related incidents, gas toxicity, and how to recycle batteries safely.
We need batteries to power a lot of devices that we use regularly. Lithium-ion batteries, for example, are used to power up smartphones, tablets, e-cigarettes, and so on. While these batteries indirectly affect our day-to-day activities, they can also be very dangerous.
Researchers at University College in London tried finding out what happens before, during, and after batteries overheat. For the experiment, they made use of 3D and thermal imaging. First, they heated a pair of batteries to 482 degrees Fahrenheit or 250 degrees Celsius. One of the batteries reached its tipping point at the temperature mentioned above. This happened due to “Thermal Runaway.”
What is “Thermal Runaway”? It basically means that the materials inside the batteries start to break down at a certain high temperature. When the heat generation doesn’t match up with heat escape, the “runaway” reaction occurs.
Under normal circumstances, the aforementioned process wouldn’t happen. However, the experiment was the right step towards discovering how lithium-ion cells can fail and what steps can be taken to avoid causing any damage to their surroundings.
As mentioned earlier, overheated batteries can cause fires, burns and even expose people to harmful bacteria. All of that can be avoided with the help of common precautionary measures such as using good chargers, not leaving your phone on charge overnight, safe recycling of batteries, and replacing them at proper intervals, among other things.
You might come across battery-related explosions on the news regularly. You will hear about people sustaining injuries or burns due to their mobile devices heating up from time to time. Remember when “hoverboards” were a rage among teenagers and adults alike? Well, these fun hoverboards were actually the reason behind a lot of accidents, owing to faulty batteries.
In October of 2016, airplanes banned users from carrying Samsung Galaxy Note & devices after a slew of accidents were being reported. Later, manufacturers acknowledged errors in batteries being the reason behind fires and customers sustaining harm.
The battery-related fires can result in the loss of personal property. Also, the damages incurred due to battery-related accidents require extensive care and can result in you having to pay a large medical bill. You can avoid all of that if you are just a little more responsible with your devices which run on batteries. Take proper care of your devices to ensure that your batteries do not incur any damage, replace your batteries regularly, and dispose of your batteries safely.
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