22 Years' Battery Customization

Battery Circuit Symbol and Dummies

Oct 26, 2021   Pageview:1127

Batteries have come a long way in their development. They are one of the most important sources of power for modern devices. It’s hard to imagine where the world would be without them.

3.2V 20Ah Low Temperature Square LiFePO4 Battery Cell
3.2V 20A Low Temp LiFePO4 Battery Cell -40℃ 3C discharge capacity≥70% Charging temperature:-20~45℃ Discharging temperature: -40~+55℃ pass acupuncture test -40℃ maximum discharge rate:3C

Batteries are connected with other electrical gadgets to form battery circuits. Like any other electrical circuit, a complete battery circuit ensures uninterrupted power flow.

Battery circuit symbols are used when learning how to connect batteries correctly to form a circuit. Even without circuits, batteries come with a wide range of symbols that users must know.

In this article, we will be breaking down the battery circuit symbol. Continue reading;

Battery Circuit Symbol

When you buy most battery, you will find them marked with positive (+) and negative (-) on the other side. These are the positive and negative battery terminals. When a battery circuit is closed, electric current flows from the negative to the positive terminal. The battery will then be discharging or in use. And when charging, the current changes direction.

Battery terminals are where wires are connected to complete a circuit. Marking them with + and – symbols ensure users understand how to connect them correctly.

There is more to battery circuit symbols than just the positive and negative. When drawing the circuit, you will realize the symbols used are a bit different.

First, understand that electric circuits with batteries can either be series or parallel. An ammeter is used in measuring current, while a voltmeter determines the potential difference. This information is crucial to someone interested in battery circuits.

Circuit symbols are used when drawing diagrams of electrical circuits. As a general rule, the straight lines show wire.

The most common components represented in battery circuits diagrams through symbols include:








Variable resistor


Low Temperature High Energy Density Rugged Laptop Polymer Battery 11.1V 7800mAh
Low Temperature High Energy Density Rugged Laptop Polymer Battery Battery specification: 11.1V 7800mAh -40℃ 0.2C discharge capacity ≥80% Dustproof, resistance to dropping, anti - corrosion, anti - electromagnetic interference

Cells and batteries

The first and main symbols you will find in these circuits are the cells and batteries. Making a symbol for the battery is easy – done by joining two or more cell symbols together.

What we call a single battery, like the ones used on touches, is called a cell in physics. It only becomes a battery when two or more cells are connected. Electrical cells are not the same as cells in living organisms; you must understand this well.

Circuit Diagrams

Circuit diagrams let one use symbols instead of drawing real diagrams of the components in a circuit. It makes working with circuits on paper much easier as you don’t have to use real images.

When drawing a circuit diagram, make sure the lines for wires are straight. Making wiggly lines can make the whole diagram hard to read.

When drawing a circuit diagram:

Draw the circuit symbols first,

And then you can draw the wires

Sometimes you may have to draw wires to join the circuit symbol someone else has drawn for you. Use a ruler for this and ensure the wires don’t cross each other.

Battery Circuits in Series

A single battery may not produce enough voltage and amperage for the desired use. For this reason, we combine cells in series to increase their voltages. Connecting in parallel can increase amperage.

You can never find a 9-volt battery, for instance, unless it’s a battery pack. The battery you use in your laptop, and some higher-end phones contain several cells, making battery packs.

It’s hard to understand how series battery circuits work without knowing the basic concepts. First, one must know how electricity works. In simple terms, it’s the movement of electrons inside a conductor. Second, you must know the voltage, which is the pressure, like how you measure pounds per square inch of water inside a pipe. Amperage means the number of electrons, like how gallons flow from the pipe.


Chemical reactions take place inside the battery, which in turn produce electricity. One can connect them inline to get more voltage or in parallel for greater amperage. Or, sometimes you may want to combine both amperages for optimum performance,

Series battery connection starts with creating a series circuit. In this connection, the positive is connected to the negative end of another battery. All batteries are arranged on a line. As a result, you get more voltage. Connecting two 6-volt batteries in series gives you 12 volts and 2 amps.

Every connection has significance and must be approached with understanding. It all depends on what one wishes to achieve at the end of everything. So, if you are looking for better battery performance, try a series-parallel circuit combination.

Battery Circuits for Dummies

Battery circuits don’t have to be complicated. Even if you are new to them, the is a way you can make everything easy. So, let’s start learning battery circuits for dummies by basics.

A battery also called an accumulator, is a storage gadget for electrical energy. They submit this stored energy when needed. Batteries can be single-use or rechargeable.

A battery is made up of several secondary cells. It’s these cells that store and release electrical energy.

When you have what most call ‘a single battery,’ you actually have just one cell. This means the battery in your touch is just one cell in physics. It’s only a battery when several cells are connected.

Single cells are not very powerful and may not produce the power needed to run certain applications. But you can use several cells at once, combining their power into one.

You can make a battery by interconnecting secondary cells in series or in parallel. Series circuit connection increases the electrical power of your batteries while parallel connection increase capacity.

In short, a battery series is when you interconnect several secondary cells. In the end, you get total energy content.

The total energy content is shown in watt-hours. For example, if you have two small batteries, each with 3.5volts and a current of 2.3A per hour, you can get total energy by multiplying the current with capacity.

Energy content = current x capacity

3.8V x 2.3A = 8.7W

Since there are two cells, connecting them in series gives out 17.4 Watt-hour. You can now connect to your desired device using wires to create a battery circuit.


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