22 Years' Battery Customization

What Does mAh Stand for in Batteries – Meaning and Cycle of Life

Dec 31, 2020   Pageview:561

Our batteries have different capacity ratings that are useful in determining how long the battery will last. It is vital to understand the different units used in batteries to help you get the best out of the battery you purchase.

Some people often confuse the battery's voltage with the battery's mAh. The two terms mean two different things; thus, it is my duty to let you understand their meaning so that you can buy a battery that will suit all your needs.

Most battery manufacturers indicate the mAh on their batteries so that the user can buy the right thing. Therefore, before purchasing any battery, you should read the battery label for different specifications and ratings.

Therefore, this article will majorly cover the mAh definitions, the recommended ratings, and the period that these batteries can last. Thus, follow me through and get the best out of this session.

3.2V 20Ah Low Temperature Square LiFePO4 Battery Cell
3.2V 20A Low Temp LiFePO4 Battery Cell -40℃ 3C discharge capacity≥70% Charging temperature:-20~45℃ Discharging temperature: -40~+55℃ pass acupuncture test -40℃ maximum discharge rate:3C

What does mAh mean on a battery?

Milliamp Hour mAh is a unit that measures electric power over a certain period. The milliamp-hour is one-thousandth of the amp-hour, and it is the amount of electrical charge that a particular battery can hold. It is majorly used to measure the energy capacity of a battery. A battery with a higher mAh means storing more energy, meaning it has a higher capacity.

The mAh can predict when a device will last given a constant or average power draw rate. For instance, a battery whose rating is 3000 mAh is capable of powering a device that draws 100 mA for 30 hours, implying that a device drawing 200 mA will last for 15 hours.

Therefore, you can choose a battery with a higher mAh if you are using a device that has a higher consumption rate. It will ensure that the device runs for an extended period and that the battery is reliable for a long period.

I have been using a phone battery rated 5000 mAh, and I can tell you for free, the battery lasts for over 40 hours. This is because the amount of current that this battery can store is higher, and the phone's consumption rate is a bit lower.

A battery’s rating can be determined by using a multimeter, resistor and a stopwatch. The stopwatch shall be used to measure the time elapsed. Go through the following steps:

  • Turn the multimeter's control knob to the battery check position to ensure that the meter's battery works correctly.

  • Place the battery in the holder and for 9 volts battery, use a Snap-on battery clip with wire leads.

  • Ensure that the alligator clips are slipped onto the meter’s probe tips.

  • Choose the right resistor for the battery's voltage and typical battery drain current: for C battery use 100 ma, AA battery use 50 ma, AAA battery use ten ma, and for 9-volt battery use 15 ma,

  • Join the battery’s positive terminal to one of the resistor’s leads.

  • Set the multimeter’s control knob to read direct current (DC) in the 200 milliamps range.

  • Connect the positive cable to the unconnected resistor lead. Clip the negative or black probe to the negative terminal. The multimeter should give a positive current reading.

  • Reset the stopwatch, then start it.

  • Check the readings after every hour. Once the current reaches 70 percent of the initial reading, stop the watch.

  • To get the battery’s milliamp-hour rating, multiply the number of hours recorded on the stopwatch by the initial current reading on the meter.

Is it better to have more or less mAh?

Batteries with more extensive mAh ratings last for an extended period than those with smaller ratings if the two batteries are subjected to the same usage patterns. The device that the battery powers will determine the time that it will last.

However, a battery with less mAh takes a short period to charge than those with more mAh. Therefore, you should know how powerful your device is before purchasing any battery type. It is always challenging to choose the right battery, especially considering most people know little about mAh.

Therefore, I can advise you to use a battery with a higher mAh if the device consumes a lot of energy and the one with low mAh if your device has a low consumption rate. Understand the consumption rate of your device, then measure the battery's mAh.

Devices use current at a measurable rate. You can calculate the mAh, which will help you determine how long the battery will run on a particular device. The real running time that can be achieved in practice by a specific battery will disappoint you.

The mAh figure reduces with the battery's age, and the tendency of cells to self-discharge also reduces with time. However, mAh has nothing to do with a battery's lifespan; thus, the battery's lifespan can be reduced by other factors.

Low Temperature High Energy Density Rugged Laptop Polymer Battery 11.1V 7800mAh
Low Temperature High Energy Density Rugged Laptop Polymer Battery Battery specification: 11.1V 7800mAh -40℃ 0.2C discharge capacity ≥80% Dustproof, resistance to dropping, anti - corrosion, anti - electromagnetic interference

How long does a 2500mAh battery last?

The time that a 2500 mAh battery will last vary depending on the device that is being used. If the battery is used on a high current consuming device, it will last for a short period, but it will last for a short period if used on a less powerful device.

A 2500 mAh battery used on the phone will last for 3-4 hours, but this also depends on how you use the phone and how well the phone's software is calibrated to offer the most extended run times. Therefore, the battery will last depending on the amount of charge that you are drawing.

You can use a battery life calculator to determine the time that this battery will last. Therefore, we cannot give the exact number of hours that the battery will last because some factors are in play simultaneously.


The battery that you use will last depending on its capacity and how it draws charge from the battery. The higher the mAh value, the longer the battery life. However, you need to follow the manufacturer's specifications on the device to prevent your device's damage.


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