Jan 16, 2021 Pageview:601
Are you surfing on the internet to get some detailed and reliable information about the boat batteries? If yes, then you've landed on the correct website because, in this article, you will get to know everything about boat batteries, including their safety and charging frequency details.
?Whenever you search on the internet regarding boat batteries, you might not get adequate information, but here in this article, all your doubts and queries relating to boat batteries will be cleared in a precise and accurate manner. Basically, boat batteries are also known as marine batteries, and they are just as important as your car battery. It is very crucial and essential to take proper care of your boat batteries in order to make them function in an appropriate and efficient manner. So, here's what you need to know about the charging, safety, and maintenance of your boat or marine batteries.?
Whenever we talk about the boat battery, the very first question that might arise in your mind is whether you can leave a boat battery charger on all the time or not? Well, whenever it comes to leaving the boat battery charger on all the time, it entirely depends upon the type of charger that you use. For instance, there are 3 stage and 4 stage chargers (which are commonly known as smart chargers) that have a built-in microprocessor that continuously monitors the charge in the boat battery, and it automatically turns off when the boat battery is fully charged.
On the other hand, there are 1 stage and 2 stage chargers as well that must not be left on for a longer period of time because they don't turn off automatically when the boat battery is fully charged. Therefore, if you use such chargers, then it is suggested to fully charge your boat battery at once, and then you must unplug the charger. You can then charge the boat battery again a day before you plan to head out.
The main reason for not suggesting leaving a boat battery charger on all the time is that it could dry up your boat battery cells and when it happens, and then you might face the risk of overheating, which could eventually lead to a fire if left for too long. For this reason, you must not leave a boat battery charger on all the time.
Boat or marine batteries are expensive to buy in the first place, but still, they can lose most of their capacity and ability within a couple of seasons if they are not treated well. Therefore, it's just to take proper care of your boat batteries, may it be related to charging tips or other maintenance tips. Now, if you are confused regarding whether it is safe to leave a boat battery charger on overnight, then the answer is absolutely "No"!
You will eventually burn out or damage the battery of your boat if you charge it overnight. It is always recommended and advisable to connect your battery charger nearly about once in every 30 days or two for a day to let it top up completely. However, it is obvious to charge your boat battery before you intend to use the boat. Even though most of the boat battery chargers are smart chargers, but a prolonged and extended charger connection will surely dry out the cells that will further kill and damage the battery.
When you leave your boat battery charger on overnight, it will lead to battery overcharging. Overcharging a boat battery is not at all safe because it will stimulate the natural corrosion of the plates by reason of the presence of excess electrons being boiled out of the electrolyte. Eventually, the fluid boils away, and the battery plates are exposed to the air, which ultimately damages and ruins them. Therefore, you must always avoid the overnight charging of your boat batteries in order to maintain them in a healthy and proper state.
Last but not least, the final question that needs an answer is- "how often must you charge your boat battery?"?
Your boat or marine battery must always be charged after every 30 days and after every trip as well. If it sits ideal for longer than a week, then you must charge the batteries again. Your boat batteries should be charging every time you run the boat.
Turning off the motor of the boat will not prevent the battery from draining. Many of you might not be aware of the fact, but while your boat's motor is turned off, your boat battery can still draw power from other things like radio, fish finder, clock, bilge pump, etc. While your boat is in storage, these things will drain your boat battery slowly.
Undercharging a boat battery affects its performance and reduces its life cycle because of the phenomenon known as sulfation. This usually occurs when the lead sulfate crystals form on the negative plates, thus reducing the ability of the boat battery to charge. On the other hand, excessive or overcharging the battery can be equally damaging, especially with Gel and AGM batteries.
So, you must always remember that both overcharging and undercharging will destroy the boat battery; therefore, it's essential to maintain the balance between them so as to keep the boat battery functioning properly at all times.?
You can even follow some of the maintenance tips mentioned below in order to keep your boat battery healthy and functioning for a long:
Monitor the state of the battery
Calculate your daily power usage
Reduce your power requirements
Add a solar panel
Add an alternator smart charger
Fit a decent mains power charger, etc.
Here you have come down to the bottom line of the article- Should I Leave My Boat Battery Charger on All the Time: Introduction, Safety, and Frequency. We hope that you have got a clear idea about what marine or boat batteries are, how often to charge them and how to maintain them in a proper way so that they function effectively for a longer period of time. Maintenance and proper care of your boat battery make sure that you will not be left with an unexpected dead battery when you take the boat out for the first time in the summer or spring season.
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