Feb 25, 2021 Pageview:1023
A car consists of several parts which require proper maintenance, and a car battery is no exception. It should be noted, however, there are different parts of car batteries. Thus, we need to make sure that we know how to maintain them according to their kind.
In this article, we will focus on car battery acid refill. From its replacement, refilling methods, and the quantity, we will discuss all of them.
Before we go further on the acid, let us talk about the basic definition of car battery. Car battery is one of the main components within a car’s engine, as it allows the engine to run properly. The car battery is also the location of the chemicals and their chemical reaction, turning DC to AC (the current for the car). Seeing how the car battery is a main component containing pivotal ingredients, it is logical for us to properly take care of it, including its acid.
One of the biggest myths that need to be straightened up is the acid myth. While we are allowed to add something (it will be mentioned later), we are not allowed to add pure acid within the battery. Yes, even when the battery is losing it. Adding the incorrect type of solution (in this case, pur acid) is not only incorrect but will also make the battery deteriorate faster. Thus, we should not add pure acid into the battery.
What we can do, however, is to add distilled water. If you would like to add acid, make sure that the acid is battery equalizer. Battery equalizer is meant to help recover batteries, so it is the only safe chemical to be added after having the original acid.
Before refilling, it’s best for you to decide what you would have: distilled water or battery equalizer. Once you’ve figured out the solution you would like for your battery, it’s time to add the solution into the battery. Here are the steps to do it.
Step 1: use safety gloves
Yes, safety precautions are important. To prevent any unnecessary accident, it’s best to use safety gloves and other protective wear so you won’t get hurt during the process. Yes, the skin does feel pain if it is in contact with the chemical.
If you would like to wear other protective wear beside gloves, you can opt for protective glasses and plastic-made aprons. You should also consider using long sleeves so the arm won’t be exposed to the chemical.
Step 2: Take off the battery top
Once you’re wearing your protective wear, it’s time to take off the battery top. Each battery has a different kind of battery top, so make sure you know the top of your battery.
If it’s the typical top with screw, you should undo it with a screwdriver. If the battery has a slotted cap, turn the screwdriver clockwise then take out the cap. If the cap is push-on, you will have to push the screwdriver under the side of the caps then pop them off.
Step 3: Check the level of the acid
After you’ve taken off the cap, it’s time to check the level of the acid. Checking the acid level isn’t hard, as you can look at the two lines inside the cell. The two lines are the minimum and maximum amount of acid necessary for the battery. If the acid is below the minimum line (the bottom one), it is necessary to add some distilled water or battery equalizer.
Step 4: (if necessary) charge the battery and disconnect it
The battery needs to have some energy before adding fuel. So if the battery is empty, it is important to charge it first before adding the chemical.
After the battery is full, disconnect it with any charger or device it is attached to. To detach the battery from a device, you can do so by taking out the negative (black) cable then the postive (red) cable. Always take out the cables in the said order.
Step 5: Pour the solution
Now, it’s time to pour the solution! But before that, here are some things that should be noted.
The first thing that should be noted is the position of the battery. Make sure that the battery is placed on a flat surface with no bump. Placing the battery on an uneven surface raises the change of the battery from spilling, and spilling the battery can create several troubles.
If you are using distilled water, remember that you cannot use tap water. Tap water will end up damaging the plates of the battery. Use drinking water instead. If you are using battery equalizer though, then you are good to go.
When you pour the solution, make sure the solution goes into the battery properly. The best way to do so is by using a bottle or a kettle with a small spout. Doing so will prevent the solution from leaking everywhere, and you will be safe.
During the process, the solution should not exceed the maximum level (the top line). Doing so will also damage the battery.
Step 6: Put the cap back on
Once the battery has been refilled, it’s time to put the cap back on. Put the cap back according to how you have taken them out (either screw them back or push the cap back to the battery).
If you would like to attach the battery to a device, do in reverse order - red cable first, then black.
As it has been stated before, the acid should not exceed the maximum line or the top line. If there is no line, then you need to ensure that the acid should be 3/16” below the cap ring at most.
Refilling the acid is not hard, but it is not an easy feat too. If you do it properly and make a habit out of it though, the second and third attempt will be a breeze.
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