22 Years' Battery Customization

Battery Chem vs Epsom Salt – Replacement and Making

Oct 26, 2021   Pageview:1611

Like some other types of batteries, lead-acid batteries have a huge role in our lives. Most of the home power backup units as well as vehicles use these batteries. The reason for this wide range of applications is the amazing set of features and benefits that comes along with these batteries.

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However, with all of the benefits and features, there can be some issues sometimes. In case your battery is not functioning properly, there are major possibilities that there is some issue with the battery chemical. So, here we will be discussing all you need to know about your battery chemical.

Can you replace battery acid with Epsom Salt?

Having a bad battery that is not working like usual, people often end up doing a little bit of research themselves. Most of the time the solution is to use Epsom salt. Well, it is a surprise for people that how can something like Epsom Salt replace battery acid. You can indeed replace the battery acid with a solution made from Epsom Sale and here we will guide you through the whole process.

How to Replace the Battery Acid With Epsom Salt

Replacing the battery solution with Epsom salt is a very simple process that you can do in a few little steps. Here we have broken the process down into 2 parts.

Make sure that your battery is good for the process.

The first part needs you to check your battery if it is good for replacing its solution. There must be no cracks, leakages, or broken points on your battery. If it is so, then you are good to move on to the next part.

Replacement of the Solution

When you are up for replacing your battery solution with Epsom salt solution, you can do all of the following steps:

Create a solution of baking soda and water and clean the battery internals with this solution. It is recommended to take 2:1 or 1:1 contents of baking soda and water. Keep the battery closed for a minute and shake the battery if possible. Then dump the solution out

Take 4 cups of water as well as 4 ounces of Epsom salt. Mix them well as long as the solution gets clear and then add this solution to your battery.

After doing this you can recharge your battery and it will be good as new. Make sure to charge the battery for at least 36 hours.

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Low Temperature High Energy Density Rugged Laptop Polymer Battery Battery specification: 11.1V 7800mAh -40℃ 0.2C discharge capacity ≥80% Dustproof, resistance to dropping, anti - corrosion, anti - electromagnetic interference

What is battery Chem made of?

Whether you ask it out of curiosity or you need to know about the battery chemical, it is always good to know all about the things that you are working with. When it comes to the battery chemical it is mainly sulfuric acid and water. However, the whole process is not only because of the sulfuric acid as some other major components are acting inside the battery as well.

The Components of Battery Chemical

Taking a look inside the battery you will find out that there is a solution as well as some electric plates present inside the battery. These plates are specially designed to perform a reaction with the battery acid so that the flow of electrons is possible as the circuit is completed. The following are these battery chemical components:

Porous lead making negative electrode of the battery

Lead oxide makes the positive electrode of the battery

A solution of sulfuric acid and water(distilled)

How does the reaction happen inside the battery?

So, the positive and negative plates of the battery are put together in a way that their connection is completed because of the electrolyte which in this case is sulfuric acid and water solution. There is also a permeable membrane put inside the battery so that there are no shorts while the electrolyte can work as well.

As the circuit is completed, the electrons start moving from the negative terminal to the positive terminal and the process is carried out with the help of an electrolyte.


Does Epsom salt work for batteries?

Sulfuric acid is known as one of the harshest acids while Epsom salt is something that comes in a food-grade product used for eating purposes. Knowing all of this, people often get confused if this is a good thing to do with your battery. So, here is how the Epsom salt works amazingly for your battery restoration.

What causes the problem inside your battery?

The best way to figure out a solution is to first know the root cause of the issue. In the case of a battery, there is a process of sulfation that makes the battery plates unable to perform. Here lead sulfate is built up around the battery plates which reduces the efficiency of the reaction happening inside the battery.

How does the Epsom salt work for the battery?

When you use the Epsom salt solution to replace the battery solution, it can work wonders for making the battery plates good again. The reason here is that Epsom salt tends to soften the lead sulfate salts buildup inside the battery. In this way when you use this solution the hard salts on the battery plates soften up. So, the battery plates get more exposed to the chemical reaction, and in this way, the battery starts to perform well again.

One major misconception here is that the Epsom salt will replace the lead in the battery plates. However, what happens is that it helps in the restoration of the already present lead inside the battery instead of replacing it.


If you also have a battery lying around that is unable to perform like it used to do before then it is time that you try the Epsom salt solution method to restore your battery. By the process mentioned above, we hope that you have a good idea of how you can get things done by yourself.

In any case, make sure to stay in a well-ventilated area with a good drainage system and ample supply of water as the sulfuric acid solution of the battery is harmful and its fumes are harmful as well.


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