Mar 09, 2021 Pageview:829
Batteries are everywhere not without reason. It is a pivotal part of our lives, so important to the point where we are unable to realize our dependence on them. And from how things are, it seems that batteries will stay for a long time in our society. Since batteries will stay for a while in society, it’s important for us to know how it can impact our society as a whole. Thus, we will discuss all of batteries’ impact in this article.
Before we try to understand batteries’ impact in society, it’s important for us to know what a battery actually is.
What are batteries?
To make it short, batteries objects which contain chemicals within it, and the chemicals produce electrons. Thanks to the structure of the batteries, the said chemicals and electrons are able to be manifested as energies. The energy stored within the batteries are used to power up the objects that use them, such as remote control, electric vehicles, and many more.
The importance of batteries
The energy stored within batteries and the battery’s structure itself are beneficial for us in so many ways. Here are reasons why batteries are important for us.
1. Batteries help many people to use items efficiently
As stated before, there are many items in our daily activities that need batteries. We can’t change the television’s channel if it doesn’t work, and our electric cars won’t move if nothing can give it energy. This is why batteries are important. Without them, we wouldn’t be able to use the objects we need for our daily activities.
2. Batteries help us to save in lots of ways
Yes, batteries also play a big role in us saving, especially when it comes to saving money! First, a battery can last for a while without being charged. Even if it’s charged, we will only charge it for a couple of hours. It might be a hassle sometimes to remove the battery during charging, but it beats having to charge the device many times. After all, it’s better to save electricity bills by using batteries rather than having to charge repeatedly and spend lots of money on the bills!
3. No interruption when it comes to daily activities
Batteries also help us to save our time and energy. Let’s take a look at the case of charging batteries. We will need to set aside our time to charge the objects, considering how some objects need proper supervision during charging thanks to its nature. We could have spent our time doing something else, but instead we will need to make sure that nothing bad happens to the charged object.
However, we wouldn’t need to go through such hassle when we are using a battery. Battery can help us use our items without having to charge it for a day or even more. So, there is no need for us to set aside our time to watch over our charged objects and use our time for better activities.
There will be times when we will need to charge the battery, but that is not a problem since some batteries are equipped with automatic discharge that will make the battery stop charging when the energy is fully charged. Even if the battery needs supervision, it is nothing compared to the time spent on charging the objects directly.
Besides giving us benefits, batteries also directly impact the environment. Here are the reasons why batteries can give positive impacts on our environment:
1. Reduce greenhouse gas emission
Greenhouse gas emission is also given by vehicle, as the burning of fuel can give the greenhouse effect and impact the environment. Cars give lots of pollution to the point where it’s giving us danger right now.
However, if we use batteries, we can indirectly lessen the pollution. After all, most (in fact, all) electric vehicles do not emit exhaust. Imagine if millions of people use electric vehicles instead of normal vehicles! The pollution would be extremely reduced because of it. Hence why batteries can help us reduce greenhouse gas emission.
2. Using natural resource
Although batteries are beneficial in many ways, some are concerned with the usage of electricity. If we use too many batteries, we will end up wasting electricity by charging them. It is a reasonable concern, as now the world is having trouble with the excessive use of electricity.
However, there is no need for us to worry now. After all, more and more manufacturers are trying to find ways to use natural resources to create effective and environment-friendly batteries. In fact, we have one of them already, and that is no other than the solar panel. There are many heavy-duty batteries that can be charged by using solar panels.
Solar panel is just the first step. Later on, manufacturers will definitely come up with new ways where batteries are 100% earth-friendly.
Although batteries’ impact is not apparent, it plays a big role in society. Instead of using woods and coals, we can use batteries to fire up some of the objects we need. Before, it was hard for us to find energy sources. But thanks to batteries who store them and use them on the objects we need, we are able to find new ways to get the energy that our society has always needed.
Batteries have changed the way we live. Now, we are able to use objects without having to worry about having them stop working in the middle. There is also no need for us to worry about wasting time and money either. Besides that, batteries are also environmentally-friendly because they can help reduce pollution. Moreover, manufacturers are striving to create earth-friendly batteries.
Batteries might be far from perfect. However, it has all the right steps to become the perfect object that can impact society in a positive way, now and later on in the future.
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