Mar 15, 2021 Pageview:1324
Batteries have come a long way in terms of growth and development. They are the basic source of stored renewable energy, making them ideal for the modern world.
Batteries convert stored energy into electricity when the battery is in use. Let's just say batteries are the perfect source of cleaner energy.
But to understand how batteries work when connected in different setups, other components like resistors have to come in. A battery becomes the best source of voltage when connected to a small resistor in series.
In this guide, we shall be looking at what happens when resistors are connected in parallel and in series. We will then understand the amount of energy the batteries can produce.
The big idea begins with knowing electric current and how it flows. Electric current is a phenomenon that takes place when an electric field moves down a wire at speed close to that of light. Such power can be achieved by any device that produces electrical power, such as batteries.
Another important term in this context is the voltage. Voltage can be defined as the electrical energy density (Energy divide by charge) and density difference ( volts), which cause an electric current. Battery voltage is simply the amount of energy a battery can store and how it's used per hour.
Now that you know what current and voltage mean, we move on to another term, which is resistance. As the name suggests, this has something to do with resisting current flow.
Resistance is the amount a deice in the wire resists current flowing through. It does this by converting electrical energy into different types of energy.
A resistor could be any device connected to an electrical source. For instance, a light bulb is a resistor because it converts electrical energy into light and heat. Another good example is an electric motor. This device converts electrical energy into mechanical energy.
Voltage drop is the difference in energy density across a resistor. That means batteries, for instance, drops in voltage every time the resistor is connected to a complete circuit.
Electric circuits are crucial elements in the use of electrical energy. They are closed loops of wires connected to resistors and voltages source, where energy must be conserved. It works because changes in energy density, the sum voltage drops, and the voltage source in any closes loop are the same as zero.
Resistors can be connected either in parallel or in series. Parallel connected means there are no junctions, hence a single path for the current to flow.? ??
When looking at resistance, two main concepts one must understand are:
?Ohm's law V = R (voltage drop is equal to current x resistance).
?Power. This is the rate at which e energy is released, measure in Watts (w). Power is also Joules per second. In that case, a 60w battery delivers 60 joules of energy per second.
Batteries are categorized under DC power. This means the voltage and current flow in one direction, and hence, direct current.
We have established that voltage difference drives electric currents through a resistor. Voltage difference comes from a separated charge. And we move the charge to separate it. But if this happens, it can lead to a huge loop. Therefore, apart from the voltage difference from a separated charge, there must be some form of influence. That leads to the separation of charge in the first place.
There are many ways to do this. But the main categories of separators are electromotive force, or simply emf.
Batteries are the best example of EMFs that we can understand in detail. We can therefore say that an emf can create voltage difference. Hence, it has units of volts, which is labeled as voltage difference across a capacitor.??
Emf is a concept that explains what happens inside a circuit.
When resistors are connected in parallel, their potential difference is the same across all of them. That means batteries connected in parallel have the same potential difference.
Therefore, this connection can be summed as, Vs = v1 = v2 = v3.
When resistors are connected in parallel, the current through each resistor?
We go back to understanding how resistance works – it limits the flow of charge in a circuit. A resistor's work is to resist the flow of charge, and it's measured in Ohms. In this case, V = IR. Most circuits come with more than one resistor.
When you connect several resistors and connect them to the battery, the batteries' supplied current depends on the equivalent resistance within the circuit. The equivalent resistance of connected resistors is based on both individual values and the way they are connected.
The simplest resistor combinations are found in parallel and series connections.
When resistors are in parallel, one end of all resistors is connected by a continuous wire of insignificant resistance. The other end is connected to one another, also through a wire with minimal resistance.
The potential drop across all resistors is the same. Current is calculated as I = V/R. The current flowing through this connection depends on the voltage from the power source and the circuit's resistance.
Here, current flows from the source through a junction, where it splits to follow different resistors. Charges from the battery flow through these resistors in a different direction, where the sum of currents through the junction must be equal to that flowing out.
In case unequal resistors are connected in series in an ideal battery setup, each receives the same amount of power. That is to say, the potential difference in each of them is similar.
Also, note the current flowing through them is similar and that equivalent resistance within the circuit is less than that of the smallest resistor. Generally, the equivalent resistance of the circuit is the same as the average sum of the resistances.
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