Sep 27, 2021 Pageview:1056
Gone are the days when those people on wheelchair had to push it for themselves or have someone help them with the pushing to get to where they want to be. Today, there are wheelchairs that use batteries and you can be able to move around with ease and speed. A battery powered wheelchair is a great equipment for seniors and people with mobility difficulties.
A fully charged device can last you about 8 to 10 miles before recharging the battery. But again, this is only true if your battery is functioning well. If it malfunctions, the battery can leave you stuck and interrupt your plans. Be sure to always look out for any signs that indicate you need to get a new wheelchair battery. You should always do replacement ahead of time so as to avoid any inconvenience.
Car Battery Power Wheelchair
These are wheelchairs with batteries that are designed to discharged, or they can be said to be nearly so, and they are recharged over and over again.
A Car battery power wheelchair allows users with mobility limitations to experience a great degree of independence that was not actually possible in the past. These wheelchairs provide extreme comfort to individuals who struggle to move or stand for long hours or those who cannot stand or walk at all.
Power Wheelchair Battery Replacement
Even though good quality power wheelchair batteries are powerful and are made to last, there is a time when yours will need to be replaced. In other words, these batteries eventually begin to deteriorate at some point and will need to be replaced. So, when should you consider power wheelchair battery replacement? Well, there are some obvious signs to look for. We have highlighted some of these signs below:
Most good quality mobility scooter batteries are long lasting, but eventually most batteries begin to deteriorate and may be in need of replacing. Here are some signs that you should replace your scooter’s battery.
When Your Charger Stops Recognizing Your Battery When You Are Charging
The battery can malfunction and stop functioning suddenly. This can be really frustrating especially if you had not noticed any signs of fault. This can usually happen due to a number of reasons. For example, you might not have been taking care of your battery well as you should.
If your battery charge drops to 11 volts or below, your charger won’t recognize your wheelchair battery. This is usually a safety feature that helps in keeping your battery form overheating. Therefore, if your wheelchair battery has been left idle for a long time, chances are high that it could fall below this specific requirement and, therefore, fail to charge. And if it cant charge, the only option is to replace it.
Reduce Range
In case you notice that your battery powered wheelchair doesn’t travel the long distances that it used to, then there is a chance that your battery has started operating at a reduced capacity. It should be noted that when a battery is charged, it pushes ions to the anode from the cathode. As you use your wheelchair, its battery reverses the flow of ions. As time goes by, the process starts to wear out the cathode, thereby reducing the capacity of the battery. You will a need a replacement for you to return back to longer battery life.
Old Age
Wheelchair battery replacement should be done after every 2 years or so. To know how long your battery should last before you replace it, you can find out at your owner’s manual. There is normally a tentative replacement date indicated for every brand. Whether your unit starts to show that it has aged or whether there are no signs at all, replacing it as per the recommendation or tentative date can save the hassle of a failed or interrupted journey.
Your Wheelchair Starts Stopping or Cutting Out
If your battery powered wheelchair begins to stop abruptly or starts cutting out, there is likelihood that the battery needs replacing. You should avoid using a battery that is already prone to cutting out as this can be hazardous, especially if you use your wheelchair on roads. You can have an engineer to check and find out what’s the issue as soon as you experience this. You can also order a new battery as soon as possible.
Power Wheelchair Battery Charger
Your battery powered wheelchair might require that you have a wheelchair battery charger to boost the power of your battery every day. For your own convenience, the battery of your power wheelchair should be charged at all times. If possible, the battery should always be full. This means that you need to have a power wheelchair battery charger.
A power wheelchair battery charger will help you remain consistent with charging and ensuring that your battery always has power. With a charger, you can also set up a routine to maintain your battery. Doing so will go a long way in increasing the performance and life of your chair and battery.
After purchasing a power wheelchair battery charger, it is important that you take a look at the manual and find out how to use it and charge your battery correctly. You should also make the correct selection when buying a charger as the performance and lifespan of your battery may actually depend on it.
Like many people out there, you might also be experiencing challenges with your power wheelchair’s charging capabilities. In most cases, these wheelchairs never have the opportunity or enough time to be fully charged. You may unplug your machine even before it is charged completely because you need to get going. If you unplug your machine before the battery is fully charged, and you do it often, it can actually take a toll of the general performance of your battery. It is advisable that you charge your wheelchair battery every night while you are asleep so as keep your wheelchair operating effectively. The best thing to do is to charge it every night while you sleep.
With a charger on for 12 hours, the performance of your wheelchair will greatly improve. Any good charger should not take more than 8 hours to reach optimal charge time.
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