22 Years' Battery Customization

Average Weight of A Car Battery-Introduction and Comparison

Nov 15, 2021   Pageview:812

There has been a major argument amongst car owners over the years about the average weight of car batteries. For instance, there are those who believe that all car batteries have the same weight. On the other hand, some people are of the opinion that some car batteries are heavier than others. A typical example is car owners using Duracell batteries more than Optima batteries due to the belief that the former is lighter and better. 

3.2V 20Ah Low Temperature Square LiFePO4 Battery Cell
3.2V 20A Low Temp LiFePO4 Battery Cell -40℃ 3C discharge capacity≥70% Charging temperature:-20~45℃ Discharging temperature: -40~+55℃ pass acupuncture test -40℃ maximum discharge rate:3C

If you are amongst any of the groups mentioned above, there is no doubting the fact that you are very confused at the moment. You have come to the right place as this post will be helping you out today. Its major aim is to help you understand more about the average weight of car batteries. 

What's The Average Weight of A Car Battery?

The first thing you should know is that car batteries are usually different in terms of weight. In other words, some weigh more than others. On a general note, they usually weigh between 20-50pounds. There are some factors or variables that come into play when the weight of car battery is being mentioned. These will be briefly explained below. 

1 - The Size

This is probably the first factor amongst others. When your battery contains more constituents, it will be bigger than a normal battery. This can mean more weight. A typical example is the batteries used by trailers and trucks. These are much bigger in sizes as compared to those used in small cars. There are some cars that use big batteries which weight around 35pounds. The general rule is that the bigger the engine of your car, that is how it will require a bigger battery. 

2 - Battery Weight Type

In case you don’t know, battery weight is usually of various types. These could be lightweight batteries, standard batteries, and empty batteries. 

Lightweight batteries usually weigh between 10 and 20pounds. Apart from being very light, they can also ensure optimum performance. The weight for standard batteries can range from 40-50pounds. There are some that even weigh up to 60pounds. Empty batteries lack any kind of content or component. Simply put, you won’t find lithium-ion or lead acid in them as contained in conventional batteries. Due to this, some of them weight 10 or even 15pounds at most. 

3 - Battery Type

Formerly, most car owners were comfortable using conventional batteries which were considered to be heavy. However, this has changed today as there are hybrid batteries in the market. The modern cars that are being manufactured today use these batteries which are much lighter. Many of them usually weigh between 10 and 20pounds. 

Low Temperature High Energy Density Rugged Laptop Polymer Battery 11.1V 7800mAh
Low Temperature High Energy Density Rugged Laptop Polymer Battery Battery specification: 11.1V 7800mAh -40℃ 0.2C discharge capacity ≥80% Dustproof, resistance to dropping, anti - corrosion, anti - electromagnetic interference

How Much Does A Car Battery Weigh?

Just as said above, there is no set-in stone rule when it comes to the weight of car batteries. That is to say, they always tend to differ depending on their age, BCI group, and size. For instance, if you have a battery which contains 12V lead acid, expect its weight to be around 35-40pounds. 

It is very important you know the weight of your car battery. This is because such information will prove useful whenever the battery is due for replacement. Of course, you will need something that has the exact weight for optimum performance and power capacity. For instance, if your vehicle is large, ensure that the battery you are choosing can meet its least requirements. The bottom line is that having knowledge about how much your car battery weighs can help ensure your car is performing as expected after it has been replaced. 

A Honda Accord in the category of BCI group 47 weighs around 35pounds. Toyota RAV4 battery in BCI group 35 weighs approximately 39-41pounds. A Ford Focus battery of BCI group 48 weights about 46.7pounds. Finally, a Toyota Corolla battery in BCI group 24F weighs approximately 45. 

Want To Know How You Can Find Out The Weight of Your Car Battery? 

In case you are still struggling to know how much your car battery weighs, there are some ways to find out. Read the details below. 

1 - Checking Its Packaging Or Labeling 

Every original battery comes with a label where you can find out basic details about their features. In case you still can’t find such information, check the car owner’s manual. This is the easiest way to find out the weight of your car battery. 


2 - Check The Size Of Such Battery

This is another method to know the weight of a battery. A big battery is always likely to weigh more than one which is small. For more information, you can contact the manufacturers of your car. 

Does Lightweight Battery Bettery? 

This is one question that most car owners have been asking over the years. The truth is that it all depends on your needs and other factors. Of course, lightweight batteries are popular because of how they weight much lesser (10-15pounds) than conventional batteries. However, don’t forget that these batteries can be easily damaged due to high temperatures. One thing you also need to understand about lightweight batteries is that they are very expensive. Therefore, trying to use them means you need to consider your options carefully in order not to get burnt. 

Comparing lightweight and heavy batteries, there is no difference between both when it comes to optimum performance. Just as lightweight batteries can effectively power your engine, that is how heavy batteries can do the same. The major difference lies in their reliability. The latter has proven to be more durable than the former. Therefore, if you are thinking about having good value for money, it is highly recommended to stick with heavy batteries. 

Final Thoughts 

Having seen all of the above, there is no doubting the fact that you must have learnt a lot about the average weight of your car battery. It is much easier than most people are trying to make it sound. This means there won’t be any more guesswork about what can prove perfect for your car.  


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