22 Years' Battery Customization

Voltage of Fully Charged Car Battery-Voltage Reading and Changing

Mar 27, 2021   Pageview:856

In today’s time, a car is considered as a basic necessity. However, it won’t be inappropriate here to mention that for many people car is not just a necessity; it is a way of showing their luxurious lifestyle. Due to this, every year we see new cars coming into the market with new specifications and advanced features. Still, one of the significant components of a car is its battery. Whether you own a classic vintage car or a newly launched one, if its battery is not working in the proper way, it becomes quite a frustrating situation.

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Car lovers take every possible step in order to maintain the lifespan of the battery. However, due to minor mistakes, you can expect your battery to drain at a very fast pace. A dead or damaged battery can cost you dollars to get fixed. So, it is extremely significant to test your car battery regularly and not just when it shows signals of weakness. Remember that actively testing a car’s battery will ensure a fewer number of failures. We have answered some common queries related to a car’s battery, read them till the end to enhance your knowledge regarding the car battery’s voltage and keeping.

What should a 12 volt battery read when fully charged?

If you think that fuel is your battery's lifeline, then you are probably wrong because the battery is what drives a car. Without having an operational battery, you just can’t keep going. Generally, a car runs on a 12 V battery, and in order to see whether it is charged or not, you can perform a quick test. But before moving on to that, it is imperative for you to know about a different state of charge when it comes to a 12 V car battery.

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If the car battery's voltage reading shows 0 to 11.9 V, then consider it as discharged. According to the different states of charge, you can determine the remaining voltage of the battery. When the reading shows 12.0 V, it means it is 25 percent charged, 12.2 V means it is 50 percent charged, 12.4 V means it is 75 percent charged, and similarly, when the reading indicates 12.7 V to 13.2 V, it means it is fully charged, i.e., 100 percent.

With the help of a very simple method, you can analyze whether your car battery is charged or not. For this method, all that you need is a voltmeter; it is used to measure the voltage between the negative and positive terminals. If you want this method to give accurate results, make sure that the battery must sit idle for a couple of hours. The best time to read a car’s battery is when it is not being charged for a long time and not providing charge to a load.

In the case of a 12 V lead-acid battery, the voltage measured between the two terminals should come between 11 V and 13 V. Remember, the closer the voltage reading is towards 13 V, the closer battery is being fully charged. On the other side, the closer the voltage reading is towards 11 V, the closer is the battery being dead. You must know that the accurate value of the voltage may differ as it largely depends on the type of the battery and its age.

Why car battery voltage drop overnight?

It is true that when a battery’s voltage drops suddenly, it becomes one of the most annoying situations but do you know what’s more difficult? It is when you are unable to figure out the reason as to why the voltage of your car’s battery is dropping overnight. A lot of times, battery leakage might be the reason for sudden voltage drop. Ensuring that there is no kind of leakage in the battery can save a lot of time, stress, and money for you.

If your car battery gets discharged as soon as you shut the engine, there can be other reasons behind this situation. Some of the common ones are listed down below:


An issue in the electrical system is impacting the battery’s power

The battery might have reached the end of its service span, which is typically 4 to 5 years

A parasitic drain is damaging the battery’s power

Due to a short circuit in the starting system, excessive current flow can drain your car battery

There can be some problems with the charging system

Failing alternator

Broken, loose, or disconnected wires in the battery

Engine operation problems can result in quick battery draining

If there are extreme weather conditions, then old or damaged battery’s voltage is likely to drop

Several short trips can result in a toll on your battery

The voltage of the battery starts creating issues when the battery becomes old, but you can prevent overnight voltage drop if you maintain your vehicle properly. Therefore to avoid such a situation, once in a month, check the condition of battery terminals, see if there are any chances of corrosion, and check the electrolyte level, check if the battery is kept firm in the tray to avoid damages etc.

How many volts does a car battery need to start?

It is crucial for you to know that a fully charged car battery should measure somewhere at 12.6 V or more. When the car’s engine is in running mode, this measurement should be around 13.7 V to 14.7 V. However; if you do not have a meter to show you the voltage of the car’s battery, then you can perform a test of the electrical system.

Just start the car and turn on the headlights; if they are not lit properly, it means that lights are working off the battery, and there is little or less charge being produced by the alternator. On the other hand, if the lights get brighter as you power up the engine, it shows that the alternator is generating some current but not sufficient enough. If the headlights have a normal brightness level, then it means the charging system is working absolutely normally.


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