Dec 04, 2020 Pageview:515
Lead-acid batteries are the most used batteries all around the world. The major reason for them being so widely used is their low operation cost. As these batteries are cheaper than some other batteries, they also last a lot longer when you take good care of your battery.
This care includes a regular checkup and maintenance of the battery. So, here we will discuss all about the maintenance of the lead-acid batteries.
As the lead-acid batteries have sulfuric acid inside them, most of the time people are confused with the distilled water for the batteries. It is because whenever the topic of maintaining battery acid is discussed, distilled water is a part of that discussion.
So, yes, the batteries need water because the batteries have a solution of sulfuric acid and water and that water is only distilled water. You cannot use any other types of water or pure sulfuric acid because this will adversely affect the performance of the battery. Here we will discuss some factors about the water inside the battery.
When you should check the water level inside the battery.
The batteries will be very well-performing when you keep their water level up to date. But this is not something that needs to be done daily. So, when you are looking to maintain the water level inside the battery, you must do this according to your usage of the battery.
If you are an average user, make sure to check the water level once in one or two weeks. This will make sure that your battery will never get out of shape.
As you are checking the battery for its water level, there could be a case when the water level inside the battery is low and you need to add water. So, in this case, how much water you should add to the battery.
This is a very critical thing because overfilling the battery with water will make the battery bad and it will not charge properly. So, when you are looking to add water inside your battery, follow these water levels.
Must not be lower than the surface of the battery plates.
Must not be less than 2 centimeters away from the top.
Good if maintained anywhere between these two levels.
The lead-acid battery will be very beneficial for your budget if you take good care of the battery. It is because the good care and maintenance will make the battery last very long as compared to the dry cell battery. So, how can you take care of your battery? Here we will discuss all about the maintenance of the lead-acid batteries.
Maintaining the water level inside the battery.
The first and the very important thing for the battery is the water level inside it. it is because the water level will decide the performance of the battery. The battery consists of battery plates and those plates go through the process of electrolysis. This process is done only because of the water inside the battery that acts as an electrolyte.
So, if the electrolyte inside the battery is not in the right amount, you will need to maintain its level. For the water level guide, you can look for the marking on the battery or its manual. However, we have also mentioned the suitable water levels for the best performance of the battery so you can maintain the battery in the best manner.
Taking care of the battery terminals.
The next thing that you need to care for is the terminals of the battery. When the process of electrolysis happens inside the batteries, some gases are released. Those gases can react with the metal of the terminals and this will form corrosion on the battery terminals.
You can easily deal with this corrosion by checking the battery regularly for corrosion. Removing it with a metal brush and covering the terminals and connectors in grease or oil will help to prevent the corrosion from happening again.
The lead-acid batteries require regular maintenance and most of the people are looking for the price of getting the battery maintained. So, we are glad to tell you that this is an almost free process if you regularly check the battery and your battery will not have any major problems.
It is because the battery will only need a little top up of water and some cleaning around the terminal. This is a free process because the cleaning can be done easily by tools at home. On the other hand, the battery water that you need to add in the batteries can be bought for cheap.
However, this is something that you can easily make at home as well with a little bit of time and simple cooking equipment. Not only this but battery maintenance comes with a lot of benefits as well. Here are some of those benefits.
The benefits of maintaining your battery.
The following are some of the benefits of taking regular care of your lead-acid battery.
Better performance.
With regular usage, the battery water level comes down. This makes the performance of the battery go bad after some time. It is because the plates are unable to perform electrolysis in a better way. Maintaining the water level inside the batteries can be very helpful to maintain the performance over time.
Long life of the battery.
As the battery will not be undergoing any permanent damage, this will be very beneficial for the life of the battery. This will cause the battery to last a lot longer.
Better on your budget.
You will not have to buy the battery for a long time, and this will be beneficial for your budget.
Taking care of your batteries at home is not very difficult and this comes with a lot of benefits. Here we discussed everything about maintaining the battery at home. We also discussed the water type and the water level to maintain inside the battery so you can take the best care of your battery.
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