22 Years' Battery Customization

What Charges the Battery in a Car- Working, Charging and Cycle Life

Dec 30, 2020   Pageview:485

Car batteries make using cars very easy if we compare the cars we have now to the cars of the old times. In older times, the cars worked without batteries but now the cars are unable to work without batteries. It is because of the advancements in the technology of cars.

Not only is the technology of engines evolved, but the technology of the electronics of the cars and their security the system has also increased. But for the fluent working of the car, it is very important to charge the car battery. So, here we will discuss all about the process of charging the car batteries

How does the charging system work?

Most of the time people do not know how their car charges the battery inside it. So, when the charging system in the car gets bad, there is a major issue for them to resolve this. So, here we will discuss the working of the car battery charging system.

The Steps Involved in Charging the Car Battery

The following are the steps that are included in the charging process of a car.

1. Fuel Running the Engine

The very first step is to change the chemical energy of the fuel to the mechanical energy inside the engine. This is the step that requires the engine to start and the parts inside the engine start moving. This process also means that you are consuming the fuel present inside the car and also emitting hot air, smoke, and heat from the engine.

2. Engine Running the Alternator

The next step that happens in the car battery charging process inside the car is transferring the mechanical energy in the car from one part to another. In this case, the mechanical energy is transferred from the engine of the car to the alternator.

As the energy is transferred, the alternator starts moving. For this process gears, belts or shafts are utilized for transferring the mechanical energy from one part to another

3. Alternator Charging the Battery

The next step is converting mechanical power to electrical power. This step is done when the parts inside the alternator move. When these parts move, one of them is a magnet while the other one is the copper coil.

As a result of faster movement, electrical fields are produced, and electricity is generated. This electricity is then stabilized and used for charging the car battery along with powering different system of the car

3.2V 20Ah Low Temperature Square LiFePO4 Battery Cell
3.2V 20A Low Temp LiFePO4 Battery Cell -40℃ 3C discharge capacity≥70% Charging temperature:-20~45℃ Discharging temperature: -40~+55℃ pass acupuncture test -40℃ maximum discharge rate:3C

How does your car battery charge?

So, as you know the process of charging the battery inside the car, you might be wondering how and when this happens. Here we will discuss different scenarios when the battery of your car can be charged.

Running the Engine in an Idle Car:

If you leave the car started, your fuel will be used for running the engine and this will be used to power the alternator inside the car. As the alternator moves, it will produce power and that will be used for charging the car battery. Even if the car is not moving but it is idle and the engine is working, the battery will be charged

Car Battery Charging While Using the Car:

This is the best case for charging the car battery. When you are mobbing around in your car, the engine is moving even faster. It is because the RPM of the engine is faster. So, this means that when you are using the car, it will be automatically charging the battery present inside it.

This is also one of the most efficient ways of car battery charging. The reasons for this method being the best are mentioned below.

  • No extra fuel is wasted.

  • Battery is charged while you do not have to especially run the engine for it.

  • The fastest method of charging the car battery.

Car Battery Charging with External Charger:

The one last way of charging the car battery is by connecting an external charger to the battery. This is the case when your car engine is not about to start because the battery is very low. So, you need to connect an external charger to the battery and that charger gets power from the main voltage of your home. This is a very time taking method for charging the battery.

Low Temperature High Energy Density Rugged Laptop Polymer Battery 11.1V 7800mAh
Low Temperature High Energy Density Rugged Laptop Polymer Battery Battery specification: 11.1V 7800mAh -40℃ 0.2C discharge capacity ≥80% Dustproof, resistance to dropping, anti - corrosion, anti - electromagnetic interference

The Driving Time for Charging the Battery Inside the Car:

The last thing to consider is the time needed for charging the car battery. As the battery while driving the car is constantly being charged because the engine is running. People are confused about how long it will take to completely charge the battery.

One very important thing to consider in this case is that the charging speed of the car will be dependent on the RPM of the engine. Here are the details about the charging speed of the car for charging the battery while driving.

Driving in the City

When you are driving inside the city, most of the time the speed is not very high. This is the time when the car cannot exceed a certain speed because of the traffic conditions. Moreover, the condition of the city causes the car to be slowed down again and again.

There are some signals as well that cause the car to be stopped for further time. This causes the RPM of the engine to be further dropped. So, during this time of low RPM range, the battery will take up to an hour to be charged.

Driving on a Highway

Consider the case where you are driving the car on a highway, the speed limit is a lot more than that of the internal city. Moreover, there is not a huge need to constantly slow down. It is because the traffic on the highways is considerably faster as compared to that of the internal city.

So, this will be the time when the engine will be constantly on higher RPM and the battery will take significantly less time to be charged. The average time taken by the battery for being charged will be almost 30 minutes.


Battery charging is a very crucial thing for the better performance of a car. So, here we discussed how the battery charging happens inside the car and we also discussed the time taken by the car battery to be charged inside the car.


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