22 Years' Battery Customization

Laptop Battery Explosion- Risk, Myth buster and Reasons

May 26, 2021   Pageview:3438

Laptop Battery is an important component of your laptop. It helps you to work for a long time without any plug wire. But it can also cause damage to your laptop by the explosion. It doesn't happens a lot but it's true that the laptop battery also exploits. The Explosion is not like a bomb that just burst things into pieces. A laptop battery explosion makes it burn and can cause a fire. The reason is that the battery got such a high temperature at which its component reaches an ignition point and it causes the battery to burn. It usually happens due to the manufacturer's fault they neglect some important points in making it and as a result, this could be very harmful to the people's who are using them. This will happens Suddenly and if the person who is using the laptop doesn't notice this at the time he could be in real danger. Due to some of its cases that got viral on the internet and reported by its user's many manufacturers have returned their millions of batteries. And they have to pay for their manufacture fault. That's the reason the manufacturer always tries to keep working on its betterment because they could bear a big loss because of their negligence. 

3.2V 20Ah Low Temperature Square LiFePO4 Battery Cell
3.2V 20A Low Temp LiFePO4 Battery Cell -40℃ 3C discharge capacity≥70% Charging temperature:-20~45℃ Discharging temperature: -40~+55℃ pass acupuncture test -40℃ maximum discharge rate:3C

Laptop Battery Explosion- Risk

Lithium is used in many batteries because the quality that lithium material keeps is very good and unique. It has the highest energy density that all other materials and above all it keeps very low weight. Laptop manufacturer wants the very low weight of the laptop as much as they could because it makes the people's easy to carry their product more easily. Here lithium batteries an important role and make their batteries weight lighter but lithium batteries also have a very big disadvantage that they could also cause Explosion if they become overheated. According to Apple the first 80 percent of the lithium battery charge in the first 2 hours and it takes another two hours to charge the remaining 20 percent of the battery. This is because lithium batteries have the property to shore the sustainable charges quickly but as the charging continuous it slows down. 

If the batteries are charging or discharging slowly then it's fine to use them but if they discharge quickly this could be very harmful to the users. Because quickly discharging of the batteries could make it burn. The fast-moving charges the battery warm and just because of the high increase in the temple of the batteries they could not bear this temperature and as a result they exploits it. But its Explosion is in the form of burning which could also burn the device rather it is a laptop or your expensive mobile it will not care but simply make it useless. So using a reliable Battery is very important while using your electronic devices. 

Low Temperature High Energy Density Rugged Laptop Polymer Battery 11.1V 7800mAh
Low Temperature High Energy Density Rugged Laptop Polymer Battery Battery specification: 11.1V 7800mAh -40℃ 0.2C discharge capacity ≥80% Dustproof, resistance to dropping, anti - corrosion, anti - electromagnetic interference

Laptop battery Explosion myth busters

The laptop will not exploits only while you are using it or have worked on it but it could also while you are not using it. This makes the batteries more dangerous wise some times happens that a person is sleeping and his phone is on charge and suddenly the battery temperature rises and it makes the device burn and the person who is sleeping don't know about this whole incident than you can imagine how big damage this could make to him. The battery Explosion will not like a tiny spark. The batteries much power that's why it makes the laptops or your smartphones work for many hours without charging your device. This could make enough Explosion to cause you great damage. So always take special care while using your smart devices. Keep them in such safe places where they could not cause much danger to the surrounding. Your little negligence could cause great harm to someone. 

Reason for laptop battery Explosion

According to Gizmodo the laptop batteries could explode and cause the fire due to a fact called thermal runaway which is a normal user process. This is because thermal runaway can cause an Explosion when the battery is making more heat than it needed. And because of that, the battery can't bear the overheat and burns. There are many reasons for the burning of lithium-ion batteries but the main reasons are the manufacturer's fault that they don't keep enough precautions while making these batteries. Overcharging is another big reason for the explosion of these lithium-ion laptop batteries. Because when the device battery is overcharged there is not enough space for the charged particles to stay in the battery and this causes raising the temperature of the battery which explodes. Product tempering could be another cause for the battery Explosion. When the heat of the lithium-ion batteries exceeds 60 degrees celsius then this causes them to burn so the temperature factor for a battery is very important. It is not necessary that the battery will explore just because of its internal factors but it could also explore if it is placed under fire or even a tiny spark of heat or fire from outside could make an Explosion. According to a PC magazine, there is a component found in the battery named cobalt oxide that could also cause an explosion in the battery. This is because this component could be responsible for the thermal runaway. 

You could secure your laptop's batteries to explode by just following the simple instructions. By following these 2 simple instructions the chances of Explosion will be reduced very much. First of all, don't use your lithium-ion battery for more than 2 to 3 years. Because that's their maximum lifetime after that there is always chances of their Explosion. And secondly don't store your laptop or other smart devices in the place where there is a chance of an increase in their temperature more than 60 degrees celsius like the trunk of your car etc. Because this will raise the temperature of the battery and it could cause an Explosion.


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