Dec 14, 2018 Pageview:814
Due to the fixed size of the 18650 battery, its maximum capacity has been the focus of many practitioners. In recent years, the technology of various manufacturers has been improved, and the capacity has increased accordingly. Samsung, Panasonic, LG, Sony, and Toshiba can all achieve 3600mAh or more. However, the best stability consistency is the capacity range of 2600~3000mAh. If it is to do the battery pack, it is best not to use the highest capacity. No matter the price/performance ratio and the battery pack life after the group is not very cost-effective, it is not the battery capacity.
The battery pack needs to be customized according to the product. If the product belongs to the middle and high grade, the battery can choose the big brand imported battery core (original), because many domestic small battery factories have the wrong standard, if the price is too sensitive (such as Strong light flashlight product price competition is large), you can choose domestic regular manufacturers 2200mah ~ 2600mAh batteries or lower 1500 + capacity. Most applications have different current and time requirements, so most of the power supply batteries are presented in battery packs. When selecting a battery pack, you should consider the consistency, stability, and safety of the battery. These indicators are very important. .
It is worth noting that many buyers will have a misunderstanding that the capacity is high and the actual discharge current will be large, but this is exactly the opposite: 18650 lithium batteries are generally divided into capacity type and rate type, and capacity type mainly reflects large capacity, but discharge. The current is generally lower than 1C, and the current is small; the rate type can discharge at a large current, but the capacity is low and the use time is not long. This is similar to the fish and the bear's paw.
How can I know the actual capacity of the 18650 lithium battery? The labeling capacity of unscrupulous manufacturers cannot be believed. If you want to know the actual capacity, you have to test the charging and discharging through professional testing and testing equipment. Therefore, the average person does not know the specific capacity and can easily be deceived by the seller. The buyer does feel that the capacity is flawed, and the supplier can be required to issue a test report or select a third-party professional inspection agency report.
Finally, the price of the 18650 lithium battery is proportional to the capacity. The larger the capacity, the larger the energy ratio is. The more raw materials are used, the more expensive the price is. The general price is 10~30 yuan/piece.
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