APR 28, 2021 Pageview:1026
Polaris sportsman cars are associated with Polaris inc. An American car manufacturing company specializes in designing and selling all-terrain vehicles (ATV) or light utility vehicles (LUV). It also burdens itself with the manufacture of Small rapid response military defense vehicles. ATV -all-terrain vehicles are vehicles that can withstand and travel in harsh mountain terrain or muddy terrain that most other vehicles cannot handle
These vehicles are designed specifically for riding in harsh terrains, primarily for entertainment, hunting, or agricultural use. This battery focus on the battery of this little king of the jungle. As seen in Polaris 459/570, the battery location is poorly thought. As indicated above, the Polaris is driven in muddy, rough, and wet areas; thus, if not well chosen, the location of the battery can be exposed to water and mud.
As we all know, an essential part of an ATV or any other motor vehicle is its battery. Without these essential and vital components, the car's engine will never run. The car's electrical systems will be rendered useless. We all know what it takes to drive a vehicle without light? Well, if you are lucky not to land in a ditch, then a severe accident might occur. Therefore, it is prudent to ensure this vital component is taken care of.
Polaris Sportsman Battery Relocation Kit
Relocation is the act of moving a component from one point to another point. In this case, the relocation of the Polaris sportsman car battery should be understood as that act of changing the battery's position from the original equipment manufacturers' position to a new better position. What necessitates these changes of position? The battery location on sportsman 450/570 from the factory is not the best.
The battery is located down on the lower frame. This location makes it difficult to reach for charging and maintenance and is susceptible to swamping in mud and water. It is also located near the prop rotating shaft, which would damage it. Seemingly, the engineers designing Polaris sportsman didn't pay much attention to these facts hence the poor location.
After knowing of these design blunders, what can we do then? Can we watch as our battery got damaged? Can we sit down and lament the poor design? Definitely no. As humans, we should not just sit down and lament; instead, we should rise to the occasion and look for possible solutions to the bedeviling problem.
We should seek ways to solve the Engineering blunder caused by the manufacturer so that we can enjoy riding these marvelous vehicles. The need to protect the Polaris battery thus takes us to the point of relocation. The battery should be moved to a safe point free from hot surfaces, sharp metals, and away from reach of water and mud.
As a way of mitigating the above shortcoming, we consider relocating the battery above the rear left tire like most Sportsman's have traditionally had it. This position is easy to access and convenient to carry out routine maintenance. A steel heavy-duty battery box is made and mounted to the sway bar tube and the frame. Original battery shroud, cover, and strap for mounting the battery is reused.
To ensure electrical systems are connected back, a new terminal block and new heavy gauge battery cables are employed or mounted to run power from the original point to the new battery destination. All other minor hardware are assembly together to make the battery function at its new location.
To perform this exercise, we may require a kid with the following items; bracketry and bolts, cables, battery tray, blocks that come with various nuts and bolts, brackets, and U-bolts.
The first task is to remove the wheel. This allows you to access the battery unit's original position. We then disconnect wires starting with the negative cable to avoid short-circuiting. Then pull off the battery. Move it to the following desired location and perform the assembling procedure as indicated above.
Always ensure that connecting wires are kept away from moving parts, sharp metal, or hot engine parts. This ensures not no accident happens and hence continued supply of power.
Polaris Sportsman Battery Drain
A lot of people who have interacted with Polaris sportsman's ATV have experienced battery drain. What then causes battery drain? Several factors can cause battery drain. If the battery is in a good state and holds its charge when not connected to the ATV, but it's being drained overnight when connected, and the ATV left in off-position means that something is drawing current. This is referred to as a parasitic amperage draw. Proper testing and diagnosis should be performed to identify the responsible circuit and replace it.
Another cause can be a result of a faulty charging system- a lousy stator or voltage regulator. When the engine is running, all the power required for electrical systems should be derived from the stator and not the battery. If power is obtained from the battery, then the stator is faulty and needs to be replaced or repaired.
Another possible cause is the use of more electricity than the charging system can deliver when riding. If more power is derived from the charging system to a point where it can't hold more, the charge is derived directly from the battery causing the battery to drain—driving also in freezing temperatures. It has been established that freezing temperatures drain batteries considerably. These are just a few of the many factors that cause battery drain.
Polaris Sportsman Battery Keep Dying
There are many reasons as to why ATV battery keeps dying. One primary reason is letting the battery sit for too long without use. To explain this point, it is essential to note that, unlike standard car batteries, ATV batteries are lead-acid batteries. This battery is never in stable condition, and it is either charging or discharging. Therefore, if left without use for some time, it discharges until it dies.
For this reason, therefore, there's a need to constantly charge the ATV battery guaranteed optimal service. This can be achieved by jumpstarting just the way we do to cars.
From the preceding discussion, it is evident that there are sufficient reasons as to why we need to relocate Polaris Sportsman Battery. We also need to observe proper and good practices as detailed by ATV manufacturers to ensure we get the best from these marvelous pieces of engineering work.
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