22 Years' Battery Customization

Battery Acid Dangerous-Introduction and Safety

May 31, 2021   Pageview:478

Battery acid is usually a sulphuric corrosive that has been weakened with water to achieve a 37% concentration level.

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This specific kind of corrosive is utilized in sealed lead-corrosive batteries; in any case, fixation levels may vary with different organizations. Its contact with most metals causes the formation of flammable and explosive hydrogen gases which is extremely dangerous for the environment.

These batteries utilize a combination of lead plates and an electrolyte comprising of a weakened sulphuric acid to change over electrical energy into potential chemical energy and back once more. Albeit this corrosive permits us to have convenient force as SLA batteries. Due to its drawbacks, it is totally illegal to dispose of these batteries in the soil.

The actual acid can be extremely dangerous and is very hazardous for almost all kind of living and non-living things. If set to decomposition it reacts with carbonates to generate carbon dioxide gas, and with cyanides and sulphides to form poisonous hydrogen cyanide and hydrogen sulphide respectively.

Its corrosive nature can easily and readily melt any body's tissue it comes in contact with. When it comes in contact with ground soil it will contaminate it by decreasing the efficiency of the fertility of the soil for an extended period of time depending on the concentration of the acid.

This could be very harmful to humans and the environment. The battery acid contains hazardous decomposition products so during the decomposition process toxic fumes of oxides of sulphur when heated will readily react with water or steam to produce toxic and hazardous fumes. These fumes are very harmful to human health.  

Although this acid is very dangerous but proper handling of your sealed batteries will keep you completely safe.  

Following safety measures are very important to follow to avoid any kind of inconvenience. 

1. Store the batteries in a cool and dry place with acid-resistant floors. 

2. Ventilate the area of the leak. 

3. Wear proper personal protective equipment such as masks. 

4. Neutralize with alkaline material (soda ash, lime), then absorb with an inert material just like vermiculite, dry sand, earth and place in a chemical waste container.  

5. Do not use combustible materials. 

6. Avoid direct contact with heat and especially Sun. 

7. In case of fire do not directly use water on the material however water spray may be used to make the fire exposed material cool.  

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Low Temperature High Energy Density Rugged Laptop Polymer Battery Battery specification: 11.1V 7800mAh -40℃ 0.2C discharge capacity ≥80% Dustproof, resistance to dropping, anti - corrosion, anti - electromagnetic interference

Is battery acid dangerous to touch?  

Household batteries are typically alkaline and the acid inside is less caustic than lead batteries but all kinds of battery acid are very dangerous that if they come in contact with your skin they will readily harm your skin very badly.

First symptoms of redness and burn occur. It can give you severe pain and itches your skin badly. Circulatory system collapses with clammy skin, weak and rapid pulse problems take place that causes shallow respirations, scanty urine and circulatory shocks that may often result in the immediate death of the person.

Brief contact with battery acid can cause contact dermatitis. This condition can cause temporary discomfort to your skin. If this acid comes in contact with your eyes there is a chance that your eyes will experience tearing, redness and inflammation. 

This acid can cause blurred vision and also easily cause blindness. If you get battery acid on your skin immediately wash the affected area with lukewarm water for at least 30 minutes but in case of sulphuric battery acid rinsing with water may make the condition much worse so you should take safety precautions depending upon the type of acid that is exposed to your skin.

Remove clothing and jewellery from the affected area for avoiding more complications and seek medical assistance as soon as possible. You should avoid contact with battery acid whenever possible by getting rid of old batteries. 

Is battery acid dangerous to breathe?  

Any corrosive is exceptionally destructive to the human body. Battery acid, like any other acid, can harm your organs and tracts if you are exposed to it. 

Battery acid is very harmful and hazardous to health that if you are exposed to this acid it will make your nose feel very irritated and you can smell a very poisonous odour. 

Battery exposure can result in breathing difficulties and tightness in your chest and if you inhale a large number of fumes of the battery acid it will also damage your throat. This effect is very favourable in causing asthma in a person with already weak lungs. 


Breathing these acidic fumes continuously will cause the cancer of Larynx which can easily cause death. It can also cause dizziness and nausea. Inhalation of the battery acid is the major reason for producing damaging effects on the mucous membrane and upper respiratory tract. 

To avoid its hazardous effects the batteries should be handled very safely to minimize the exposure of these fumes to our environment. 

Is battery acid dangerous if swallowed?  

Every acid can cause damage to human's health. Battery acid is a very strong chemical that can cause severe burns and tissues damage if it is swallowed.

Swallowing the battery acid can cause severe diarrhoea. It can cause throat swelling that can produce major breathing difficulties, burning in the mouth and throat, Fever, Drooling, Vision loss, Speech problems, Blood vomits or Rapid development of low blood pressure. 

If the battery acid was swallowed, immediately give the person water or milk but do not give water or milk if the person is having symptoms that make it hard to swallow. Swallowing the battery acid can often cause death and it may occur as long as a month after the poisoning. 


Battery acids are very corrosive in nature and they have very harmful and damaging effects on the environment. You should deal with them very carefully otherwise they can cause very severe hazardous effects to you and your atmosphere. Soil is very badly affected by battery acid. But if safety measures are taken while handling the batteries and battery acid, there will be no harmful emissions at all.


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