23 Years' Battery Customization

The power station of electric vehicle applies robot automotive electric system

Feb 27, 2019   Pageview:713

So far China's largest electric car power station, Beijing Gao 'an tun power station began to put into operation in the Spring Festival. The electric car types served by this power station are abundant, and the power station has adopted the robot automotive electric system of Siasun Robot&Automation Co., Ltd.

Gao'an tun robotic automation to replace battery system technology, the realization of the passenger car automatic battery replacement.Robotic automation to replace battery system mainly consists of automatic robot in electricity, battery charging rack, vehicle positioning device, ground console, battery monitoring system, etc.Automatic electric cars and electric machine automatic registration, change of the overall change in the process of electric automation and rapidness.

Siasun robot automation company said, automatic electric change robot system is the core of electric vehicle in power station work, has the change of working condition of electric operation time is short, stability higher characteristic, in the process of switching without human intervention.

Shenyang Siasun Robot System runs successfully now in Beijing Aerospace Bridge power station, Beijing North Tucheng Power Station and Beijing Ma’s Building Power Station. It is expected to to get promotion in other key areas of electric cars.

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