22 Years' Battery Customization

How to extend the life of lithium battery

Jan 15, 2019   Pageview:825

Foreign media reported that the Japanese research team has successfully developed new materials in recent days, which can extend the life of large-scale lithium-ion batteries for household battery systems by more than six times. There are many technologies to improve the life of lithium batteries, but they are not popular. How can we improve the life of lithium batteries in daily use?


Tencent Technology:


Lithium-based batteries typically have a life of 2-3 years. This time starts from the battery production line. The capacity loss is reflected in an increase in internal resistance due to oxidation. In the end, the internal resistance of the battery will reach the peak of the inability to store electrical energy, even if it is continuously charged for a long time.


In daily use, the following methods can be used to increase the life of the lithium battery:


First, do not carry over 12 hours of ultra-long charging


For the "activation" problem of lithium batteries, many claims are: charging time must be more than 12 hours, repeated three times in order to activate the battery. This statement that "the first three charges have to be charged for more than 12 hours" is obviously a continuation of nickel batteries (such as nickel cadmium and nickel hydride). So this kind of statement can be said to be misinformation at the beginning.


Charging is best done in accordance with standard time and standard methods, especially for over 12 hours of extra long charging. Usually, the charging method described in the mobile phone manual is a standard charging method suitable for the mobile phone.


Second, put the lithium battery in a cool place


A high state of charge and increased temperature will accelerate the decline in battery capacity. If possible, try to charge the battery to 40% in a cool place. This allows the battery's own protection circuit to operate for a long period of time.


If the battery is placed at a high temperature after being fully charged, it will cause great damage to the battery. (So when we use a fixed power supply, the battery is fully charged at this time, the temperature is usually between 25-30 ° C, which will damage the battery, causing its capacity to drop).


Do not expose the battery to high temperatures or cold weather. When it is three days old, the mobile phone should not be placed under the sun and exposed to the sun; or it should be taken in an air-conditioned room and placed in a place where the air is blown straight.


Third, to avoid recharging after the battery is fully used up


The life of the battery is determined by the number of repeated charge and discharge cycles. The lithium battery can be charged and discharged continuously for about 500 times. After that, the performance of the battery will be greatly reduced. The residual power in the battery should be avoided and recharged. Otherwise, the number of times of charging increases. The battery performance will gradually weaken, and the standby time of the battery will not be difficult to drop.


Fourth, the use of dedicated charger


Lithium ion battery must choose a special charger, or it may not reach the saturation state, affecting its performance. After charging, the battery should be kept away from the charger for more than 12 hours, and the battery should be separated from the phone when it is not used for a long time. It is better to use original or reputable brand charger.


Battery technology is still a key area of research and development in the IT industry, and IT is expected that disruptive technologies will emerge in the future that will significantly increase the life span of lithium batteries.


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