23 Years' Battery Customization

Epsom Salt Battery Restoration-Introduction and Fixing

Nov 07, 2022   Pageview:576

Despite technological advancements, batteries start to fade away as soon as they are manufactured. In most cases, we often maximize battery lifespan in various ways. For example, avoiding extreme temperatures ranging from 16-22 degrees celsius. Exposing your battery to harsh weather can permanently damage its capacity. Another way used to increase lifespan is not letting the battery drain completely. This can cause sulfation hence blocking the electron flow. That said,  you can restore a failed battery with Epsom salt. The process is cost-efficient if you don't want to spend more on new items. 

Epsom Salt Car Battery Reconditioning 

When supplying energy to a car battery, sulfation occurs. Sulfation can be described as a battery discharge process. The chemical reaction causes sulfate crystals to build up on the battery plates. These crystals lead to less efficiency, longer charging times, and lower charge capacity. Reconditioning helps to clean the sulfates hence allowing the car battery to function properly.

How to Recondition a Car Battery with Epsom Salt

Before you start the process, it is best to do a quick visual inspection to check whether the battery can be reconditioned. First, find any cracks, bulges, and broken pieces. If it's not in proper condition, you can buy a new one. Besides that, you will need the following supplies:

3.2V 20Ah Low Temperature Square LiFePO4 Battery Cell
3.2V 20A Low Temp LiFePO4 Battery Cell -40℃ 3C discharge capacity≥70% Charging temperature:-20~45℃ Discharging temperature: -40~+55℃ pass acupuncture test -40℃ maximum discharge rate:3C

Special Items

●Battery charger



●Protective gear( apron, goggles, chemical resistant gloves)

●Battery terminal cleaner or steelwool



●Two large buckets

●Flathead screwdriver


●1 gallon of distilled water

●1 pound of Epsom salt

●1 pound of baking soda

Set up an area.

Batteries can be hazardous. The sulfuric acid found in the device is corrosive and can burn the skin in case of physical contact. Moreover, if you inhale, accidentally ingest, or the acid splash on your eyes, you will harm your respiratory tract, digestive system, and eyes respectfully. In addition to that, it is common for batteries to cause a fire. However, this can only occur when they are exposed to bad conditions, such as near other metals and batteries. Ensure you are working in a well-ventilated area to prevent acid spillage from damaging your health and expensive equipment. 

Low Temperature High Energy Density Rugged Laptop Polymer Battery 11.1V 7800mAh
Low Temperature High Energy Density Rugged Laptop Polymer Battery Battery specification: 11.1V 7800mAh -40℃ 0.2C discharge capacity ≥80% Dustproof, resistance to dropping, anti - corrosion, anti - electromagnetic interference

Make cleaning solution.

Take a 2:1 ratio of baking soda and water. Mix carefully to make a runny paste. This mixture will be used as a battery cleaner and acid spill cover-up.

Clean the battery.

The cleaning paste is a game changer on corroded battery terminals. Apply a generous amount on the terminals, and use a toothbrush to scrub off the buildup. Alternatively, you can use steel wool for tough buildup. If you notice a foaming reaction, it shows the cleaning product is working. Lastly, wipe the residue and dry the terminals completely.

Check the voltage.

Connect the voltmeter to the battery. The red cable is to the positive terminal, and the black cable is to the negative terminal. A regular car battery has six cells, each producing approximately 2.1 Volts. Therefore, a healthy battery should read 10V- 12.6V. For anything less than that, you need to replace the battery.

Empty the cells.

Fill a bucket with half a pound of baking soda. Remove the battery cover, and use a flathead screwdriver to remove cell caps. Empty the cell contents in the bucket carefully. baking soda neutralizes the acid. 

Clean the cells.

Use a funnel and pour the cleaning product into each cell. Replace the battery cover and cell caps. Shake the battery slowly for 1 minute and dispose of the mixture.

Change the cell solution.

Mix an equal amount of water with Epsom salt(4 ounces). Stir until it's clear, and refill the cells with the new solution. Cover and shake well until evenly distributed.

Recharge and test the battery.

Remove the caps to prevent the solution from overflowing during the charging process. Connect the charger at 12V/2 amps and let it charge for 36hours. Disconnect the charger, and test the battery status with a voltmeter. A healthy one should read 12.42 V. If it's lower, charge again for 12 hours. Load-test the battery when the vehicle is on. It should read 9.6V.

Does Epsom salt fix the battery?

Epsom salt is made up of magnesium, sulfur, and oxygen. Batteries are surrounded by a lot of myths. One of them is whether Epsom salt can recondition the battery. The solution has the ability to repair failed automobile batteries due to sulfation. Once the battery has excess buildup due to lead salt crystals, it fails. These crystals become hard and lead to a chemical imbalance in the solution. Epsom salt is a tip to balance the equilibrium. In addition, the treatment has been used since the 1950s to improve the performance of aging batteries. 

After reconditioning, the lifespan of a battery will depend on its capacity and age. Generally, it can add 3-5 years. You can repeat the process at various times to extend the life cycle.

How does Epsom salt restore a battery?

When you add chemicals to the electrolyte of lead-acid batteries, it dissolves the lead sulfate buildup on the plates. For this reason, it boosts overall battery performance.

Epsom salt is one of the effective solutions for reconditioning. A single reaction takes place between Epsom salt and lead sulfate. This is because lead is less reactive compared to magnesium metal in Epsom salt. Magnesium sulfate is also water-soluble; thus, the lead metal is removed. 

During the procedure, Epsom salt and distilled water replace the battery acid and serve as the new electrolyte. As a result, it increases voltage and amperage.

Benefits of Epsom Salt

The benefits include:

Environmental friendly

Reconditioning the battery affects the environment positively because fewer batteries are disposed of.

Preserve battery functions

The treatment ensures the battery's function is not damaged. It allows it to have better performance while holding enough charge.

Cost saving 

These salts allow you to save more money than buying a brand-new battery. It can be found in supermarkets, different drug stores, and home agriculture retailers.


The price of batteries continues to rise rapidly. The average cost of lithium and lead acid range from $17k-$20k. Therefore, it is important to utilize the capacity while extending its life cycle. 

Epsom salt is one of the main additives used to extend the natural life of a lead-acid battery. Treating your battery with salt will not work instantly. You will notice results after several weeks. Lastly, when carrying out this procedure, ensure you prioritize safety measures. Battery solutions not only contain sulphuric acid but have to be metal. These chemicals are harmonious with our health and environment. For this reason, wear protective gear and perform the process in a well-ventilated area. 


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