Jan 29, 2019 Pageview:834
I think everyone may have seen or heard of battery drum inflation situation, because polymer lithium battery bulging explosion casualties do exit. There are news events. Then why polymer lithium battery will bulge? The original is because the inside diaphragm is damaged, inside battery produces gas. Battery bulge affects usage, and it cannot be put into the mobile phone or digital camera. The other battery plate between the presence of gas can also affect the battery charge and discharge capacity. The lithium battery has strict requirements to the charger, and cannot casually assemble, or careless charge power supply. Make sure to use special lithium battery charger can be. (such as balance charger with safe charger) if you use the charger that is not in conformity with the requirements, it may make a battery bulge, safety accident and even explosion. The battery must stop using, recovery is unlikely at present in China. It can only make scrap processing.
So remind everybody that bulge is the precursor problem, and do not recommend to use. May be if you go on using it, it may lead to short circuit, heating, smoking, burning and other catastrophic consequences. The lithium batteries are ion batteries (internal no longer exist in the form of lithium metal, seems to be due to the lithium metal with moisture in the air combustion bomb, even so some relatively safe), all lithium ion batteries, no matter before, or over the years, including: Polymer lithium ion batteries,lithium iron phosphate batteries and so on. Al these are very afraid of the battery internal short circuit, external short circuit batteries and overcharge. Bulge is caused by plate irreversible dendritic crystal accumulation, the correct usage is that in most cases, charge the battery after having used half the electricity. The rare cases to conduct a complete discharge and fully charged maintenance (such as use for a few months to half a year to put to charge completely, completely charge frequently put long easy crystallization), it can greatly decrease the crystallization, and could significantly slow the bulge phenomenon. Bulge of li-ion battery can be directly abandoned, because the power capacity is very small, no power at all after short circuit. Lithium-ion batteries in general to professional recycling will not cause pollution. If there is no way to deal with, then throw it to the classification recycling bin of telecommunications service provider service point.
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