APR 17, 2023 Pageview:516
Batteries make our lives significantly easier since they allow us to technically take electrical power anywhere. The battery technology comes with many benefits, but there is one demerit as well: limited battery life. Batteries are usually designed to work for a specific time only, and after that time, their performance drops. While replacement might be expensive, battery restoration is a method that makes the old batteries good enough to use for some additional time.
Battery Restoration with Epsom Salt
The lead acid batteries work depending on a chemical reaction between the battery acid and the battery plates. As a result of this reaction, there could be some buildup of sulfate on the battery plates, which decreases the performance of these batteries.
The situation takes the battery towards a significant decrease in its performance. Lead acid batteries can restore their performance and life with Epsom salt.
How does it work?
Battery restoration with Epsom salt mainly includes cleaning the battery plates and refreshing them for chemical reactions in the future. While baking soda helps clean battery plates from sulfates, using Epsom salt makes them perfect for chemical reactions, which gives a slight performance boost to degrading batteries.
Step-by-step Guide:
There are 3 main phases of this process, and here are the details about each one that you must know:
1.The first phase involves cleaning the battery for its old acid. So, you can start by first cleaning the battery exterior, including its terminals. Next, you can carefully dump all the old acid from the battery, preparing it for the next steps.
2.Make a baking soda solution containing equal parts of baking soda and distilled water. Make enough solutions to easily fill all the cells of your battery. If all the cells are not covered at once, you can make the solution again per the requirements. After the battery is filled, shake it for up to 1 minute, and it will break apart the sulfate deposits on the battery plates.
3.Now mix around half a liter of distilled water with around 200 grams of Epsom salt. Once the salt is mixed, pour it into the battery cells with a funnel.
Now you may close the battery and slow charge it for around 24 hours. After charging, it will work like it previously did.
Battery Restoration Business
You cannot only restore the lead acid batteries for yourself at home, but it is also a great business opportunity since most people don’t have the right time, expertise, and tools required for the job. Even if you start it as a side hustle, it can earn you some spare money with lots of other benefits, including:
You can start this as a service business
The easiest way of starting this business is as a service business. It is because, in that case, you will only be working when you have a client, and you will not need huge investments. In this type of business, you will accept batteries from clients who want a restored battery instead of getting a new one. So, you can restore their batteries for them and earn some extra cash.
You can run it as an investment business.
If you want to take it as your full-time business, start it as an investment business. It is where you invest in getting old batteries. These batteries are available at extremely cheap prices at most mechanic shops, and after buying, you can restore them. Once the batteries are restored, you can sell them at a cheaper than the market price, attracting customers to your product.
This way, you can increase your investment from the earnings and constantly grow the business.
Benefits for the planet.
One of the biggest benefits of this business is that it benefits the planet. Batteries contribute to a lot of chemical and plastic waste in landfills. This waste is harmful to the environment in multiple ways. When you restore a battery and make it good enough for use again, you are reducing the waste ending up in landfills, which can significantly impact the environment.
Battery Restoration Machine
While lead-acid batteries are restored with a manual process, things are not the same for lithium-ion batteries. These batteries have been used for a long time without ever restoring them, but now some machines can restore them. It is a completely automated process where you only need to connect the battery to a restoration machine.
How does machine battery restoration work?
The lithium-ion batteries are built with multiple cells, and for good performance of these batteries, it is essential to have all the cells at the same voltage. However, after years of usage, the individual cells often degrade, creating a difference in their voltage, resulting in bad battery life and performance.
So, the restoring machine takes the battery as a whole and balances the voltage of all its cells, making it last longer. For instance, if a battery has 30 cells, from which 10 are at 2.6 volts, 10 are at 3 volts, and others have random voltages, the best voltage for a battery must be around 3.7 volts.
When that battery is hooked to this restoration machine, it will take up to 72 hours, and after the process finishes, all the cells will be at an average charge value. Hence internal discharge will decrease, and the battery's performance will increase.
Benefits of Machine Battery Restoration
While this process is currently only applicable to lithium-ion batteries, it still brings amazing benefits for the batteries.
Batteries unable to perform can work for some more time
You get to know more about the health of your battery
Significant decrease in battery waste.
Even when this technology is new, we must consider its benefits.
Two of the most commonly used battery types are lithium-ion and lead acid. When it comes to restoring these batteries, the processes are also different. However, with restoration for each type of battery, you can get some additional lifespan for that battery where it will provide the required performance. While it somewhat increases the lifespan of batteries, it does not provide unlimited usage since the materials inside degrade with usage.
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