Jan 17, 2019 Pageview:893
Article 1: In order to strengthen the lithium battery air transport safety management, guarantee the lithium battery air transport safety and smooth, according to the civilspecial law of the People's Republic of China, China civilspecial dangerous goods transport management rules, the current effective international civilspecial organization detailed rules "the dangerous goods safety air transport technology and are issued with the relevant provisions of the universal postal union are formulated.
Article 2: These measures shall apply to the activities of postal enterprises in delivering lithium battery mail for air transport.
Postal enterprises refer to China post group corporation and its wholly-owned enterprises and holding enterprises providing postal services as stipulated in the postal law of the People's Republic of China.
The term "mail delivery for air transport of lithium batteries" shall mean that postal enterprises shall take lithium ion or lithium polymer batteries and lithium metal or lithium alloy batteries that meet the requirements of article 4 of these measures as the activities of mail delivery for air transport. Unless otherwise specified, lithium batteries referred to in these measures include lithium battery cells and lithium batteries.
Article 3: Postal enterprises to deliver lithium battery mail before air transport shall meet the following conditions:
(1) Establish procedures for control of mail into the air transport of dangerous goods, the program shall be subject to civilspecial administration of China (hereinafter referred to as the "civilspecial authority") of assessment and approval;
(2) Formulate and hold the training program for dangerous goods air transport and train its employees on dangerous goods air transport according to the program. Air transport of dangerous goods training program shall be subject to civilspecial administration evaluation and approval.
Article 4 : Lithium batteries that are allowed to be airmailed shall meet the following conditions:
(1) It’s installed in the equipment;
(2)Lithium ion batteries Core of watt hour rating of no more than 20wh;
(3) The watt-hour rating of lithium-ion batteries shall not exceed 100Wh;
(4) Lithium content of lithium metal battery cell does not exceed 1g;
(5) The total lithium content of lithium metal or lithium alloy batteries shall not exceed 2g;
(6) Every type of lithium battery core or lithium batteries belong to prove meet the United Nations "test and standard manual" Ⅲ section 38.3 each test requirements stipulated in the section. No matter whether the lithium cell contained in the lithium battery passes the above test, the lithium battery must pass the test.
Article 5:Air mail lithium battery core and lithium batteries must be prepared to prevent short circuit.Within a single package shall not exceed four or two lithium batteries, lithium battery core within a single package or lithium battery core lithium battery shall not exceed 5 kg.
Article 6: Postal enterprises shall not deliver lithium batteries with safety defects found in the process of receiving, mailing or processing, or those which have been damaged and may cause dangerous heat, fire or short circuit, as mail for air transport.
Article 7: If a postal enterprise delivers lithium battery mail for air transport, it shall ensure that the equipment equipped with lithium battery is packed in a strong outer package and fixed in the outer package so as to avoid movement and effectively prevent accidental start-up of the equipment. The outer packing shall be made of suitable materials, and the strength and design of the materials shall correspond to the capacity and use of the packing, unless the equipment itself has provided equivalent protection to the lithium battery inside.
Article 8: Procedures established by postal enterprises to control the entry of dangerous goods into air transport shall include at least the following contents:
(1) According to the requirements of these measures, employees should be trained in dangerous goods air transport;
(2) Report to the administrative departments of civilspecial accidents and dangerous goods dangerous goods accident symptom;
(3) Report to the administrative departments of civilspecial hidden and undeclared dangerous goods;
(4) Remind users of relevant requirements when receiving and sending mail at home or business places, and require the sender to sign a statement of lithium battery safety commitment;
(5) Provide clients with the requirements of dangerous goods transportation and transportation by air;
(6) Add clauses prohibiting the airmail of dangerous goods to agreements with major clients;
(7) Emergency contingency plans;
(8) Business archives preservation;
(9) Written acceptance and delivery procedures for air transport of lithium battery mails provided to employees, including operational procedures for the prevention of hidden dangerous goods and handling procedures for the detection of suspected dangerous goods;
(10) Procedures for requiring that the sender, addressee's name, address and telephone number, the name, category and quantity of the goods to be delivered and the signature thereof be indicated on the package of dangerous goods;
(11) To ensure compliance with the procedures of the appendix to the icao technical rules for the safety of dangerous goods relating to national differences or operator differences;
(12) Procedures to ensure timely incorporation of amendments to the icao technical rules on the safety of dangerous goods inspecial;
(13) Procedures for handling rejected and returned mail by air transport.
Article 9: The training program for air transport of dangerous goods formulated and held by postal enterprises shall include the following contents:
(1) The training courses shall be prepared according to different personnel categories and their responsibilities. The training courses shall include the initial training and the refresher training, and the contents of the courses shall meet the requirements of appendix 2 of these measures;
(2) Each of the training program should include training content and plan deviate;
(3) Teaching methods and assessment requirements of training;
(4) Teaching materials required for training;
(5) Training teacher qualifications;
(6) The content of the training records and preservation requirements;
(7) Other related requirements.
Article 10: The civilspecial administration according to the "regulation on administration of China civilspecial dangerous goods transport", the international civilspecial organization detailed rules "the dangerous goods safety air transportation technology" and the requirements of the admiralty, the postal enterprises to establish a control program of the mail into the air transport of dangerous goods and to evaluate air transport of dangerous goods training outline, to conform to the requirements of the procedures and training program for approval.
Article 11: Civilspecial administration evaluated the procedures for postal enterprises to control the entry of dangerous goods into air transport and the training program for dangerous goods air transport. Only to confirm whether conform to the requirements of the procedures and training outline, set up or make, not the effective implementation of the outline of the program and training as well as the postal enterprises will mail delivery air transport of lithium-ion batteries for the supervision and management activities.
Article 12: Postal enterprises shall implement the lithium battery mail delivery air transport security responsibility, abide by the current effective international civilspecial organization "air transport dangerous goods safety technical conditions" and the universal postal union about the relevant provisions of the lithium battery transport by air mail. Comply with the procedures for controlling the entry of dangerous goods into air transport approved by civilspecial administration, and ensure that employees are trained and qualified according to the training program for dangerous goods air transport approved by civilspecial administration.
Article 13: to satisfy the following conditions, the civilspecial administration of postal enterprises to establish a control program email into the air transport of dangerous goods and approval for the air transport of dangerous goods training outline remain valid:
(1) If the procedures established and the training programs formulated by the postal enterprises are materially changed, the civilspecial administration shall be notified in time;
(2) The procedures established by postal enterprises and the training programs formulated shall be timely revised in accordance with the currently effective technical rules of the international civilspecial organization on “safe air transport of dangerous goods” and its supplements or the relevant requirements of the civilspecial administration;
(3) the postal enterprises shall in accordance with the procedures approved by the civilspecial administration report to the administrative departments of civilspecial accidents of dangerous goods, dangerous goods accident signs and hidden and undeclared dangerous goods.
Article 14: Civilspecial administration departments at all levels and postal administration departments cooperate with each other, according to the division of responsibilities, jointly strengthen the safety management of lithium battery mail air transport.
Postal administration departments at all levels shall guide and supervise the enterprise to carry out the lithium battery mail postal air transport of propaganda, education and training, and to the postal enterprise according to the relevant laws and regulations to carry out the air mail of lithium-ion batteries and air transport of dangerous goods to the staff training activities for the supervision and inspection.
Article 15: All transport airlines and airport companies shall strengthen the security inspection of lithium battery mail delivered by postal enterprises for air transport. Before the procedures established by postal enterprises to control the entry of dangerous goods into air transport and the training program of dangerous goods air transport are approved by the civilspecial administration, they shall not accept any air mail containing lithium batteries.
Article 16: These regulations of the civilspecial administration of China is responsible for the interpretation.
Article 17: These measures shall come into force as of the date of promulgation.
Appendix: 1, the term definition
Dangerous goods: articles or substances that pose a risk to health, safety, property or the environment and are listed in the list of dangerous goods in the “technical rules for the safe air transport of dangerous goods” of the international civilspecial organization and classified in accordance with the “technical rules for the safe air transport of dangerous goods”.
Lithium battery: two or more lithium battery cells are electrically connected and equipped with the necessary devices for use, such as housing, electrodes, marking and protection devices. A single cell is considered a "cell" and must be tested in accordance with the "cell" test requirements.
Lithium battery core: a single electrochemical device (a positive and a negative electrode) encapsulated in the shell, with voltage difference between the two poles.
Watt-hour rating: the rated capacity of a cell or battery, expressed in watts per hour and in amperes per hour, multiplied by its nominal voltage.
"Test and standard manual" : UN publications "proposal for dangerous goods transport: test and standard manual" fifth revision (ST/SG/AC.10/11 / rev. 5 and no. 1).
Packaging: the complete product of the packaging operation, including the packaging and the contents to be shipped.
The outer packing: compound packing or combination of outer protective layer, including tolerance and protection within the container or the inner packing of adsorption material, packing and any other necessary components.
The accident of dangerous goods: associated with air transport of dangerous goods, cause fatal or serious personal injury or serious damage to property or environmental damage accidents.
Dangerous goods accident symptom: unlike dangerous goods accidents, but associated with the air transport of dangerous goods, not necessarily occur on board, but in other circumstances resulting in injury to persons, loss of property or damage to the environment, fire, damage, overflow, leakage of liquid or radioactive substances or other circumstances in which the packaging is not kept intact. Any incident which is related to the transport of dangerous crystals and seriously endangers the aircraft or persons on board shall also be regarded as a symptom of a dangerous goods accident.
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