22 Years' Battery Customization

What does agm mean on a battery-Introduction and Charger

Mar 02, 2022   Pageview:1120

In this modern world electricity is the main source of energy. If we look around our environment is full of electrical appliances. Electricity has improved our day-to-day living in such a manner that we are now living a much more convenient lifestyle as compared to the one in the previous few centuries. Even the most basic of things such as communication, travel and health and medicine have evolved so much that practically everything is now so easy to do. If you talk about communication in earlier times people used to send a letters and those letters would take more than six months or a year to reach their destination and the person who would write those letters back would take another six months or year to reach to the person who initially wrote a letter. However nowadays this is not something that is so complicated anyone can talk to anyone with the help of a few text messages that can be sent to via Facebook, WhatsApp or any other mobile phone app. You can not only send just text messages but you can also communicate with the help of voice calls that can be done over long distances. Same goes for traveling, people are now able to convert their travel distances into much shorter time spaces. For example if in the previous century it took If it took a Day or two to reach the destination nowadays you can reach that same destination within an hour or so. Health and medicine have also improved and all of this is because of electrical and modernization of the industry.

3.2V 20Ah Low Temperature Square LiFePO4 Battery Cell
3.2V 20A Low Temp LiFePO4 Battery Cell -40℃ 3C discharge capacity≥70% Charging temperature:-20~45℃ Discharging temperature: -40~+55℃ pass acupuncture test -40℃ maximum discharge rate:3C

So what is a battery we must first understand a battery. Battery is an electrical device that is able to convert the chemical energy that is stored within it in the form of reactions. A battery undergoes several reactions which are known as redox reaction. A redox reaction consists of an oxidation reaction and a reduction reaction. A reduction reaction is a type of reaction in which electrons are added to an atom whereas an oxidation reaction is a type of reaction wherein the electrons are removed from the atom. These reactions go hand in hand within the chemical system of the battery and eventually convert chemical energy into electrical one. The components of a battery are essentially same all throughout different types of batteries. A battery consists of about three essential components. The first essential component is known as the cathode, the second essential component is known as the anode and last but not the least essential component is known as the electrolyte solution. Exit order is the negative end of the battery and it releases electrons which travel towards the positive end of the battery and therefore create a flow of electrons which is essential for the production of current.

What does AGM mean on a battery charger?

AGM stands for absorbent glass mat. To understand what absorbent glass mat is we must first understand what a normal battery configuration is. In normal battery configuration is known as the SLAconfiguration. The SL a configuration means a sealed lead acid battery. Which consists of a lead based electrode and a lead oxide based electrolyte solution. In a simple lead oxide battery there is a salt bridge that is present between the two electrodes that salt bridge can be made of a salt that is made with the combination of potassium or chloride or any other type of mineral. But in the case of absorbent glass mat battery this is different. In absorbent glass mat battery there is a fiberglass that has been placed between the negative and the positive electrodes of the battery so that the electrons can pass through in a refined manner. This man is very nice because it acts as a sponge and when it acts as a sponge there electrolyte solution that is present between the positive and the negative ends of the battery does not spill out of the battery rather it is being absorbed by the fiberglass that has been introduced within the bridge that is present between the positive and negative electrodes of the battery. An AGM battery should therefore be handled with care regarding the charging process. And an AGM battery charges about five times as quicker as compared to a normal battery. 

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Low Temperature High Energy Density Rugged Laptop Polymer Battery Battery specification: 11.1V 7800mAh -40℃ 0.2C discharge capacity ≥80% Dustproof, resistance to dropping, anti - corrosion, anti - electromagnetic interference

What does AGM mean on a car battery?

AGM on a car battery means absorbent glass mat. And absorbent glass mat battery is a special type of battery that consists of a fiberglass present between the two electrodes. This type of battery is also sometimes known as a dry battery because the fiberglass is basically a sponge. What this sponger does is it absorbs the electrolyte solution that is present within the battery and therefore a consist of ions or electrons. When the sponge absorbs the electrolyte solution the electrons do not have a trouble of reacting with the walls of the battery and not just that the electrolyte solution in the battery will not spill over when the battery leaks or something like that happens.

What does cold AGM mean on a battery charger?

 Cold AGM on a battery charger basically means that it is a type of charger which is specific for AGM batteries only. This type of charger is specific for these types of batteries only because these batteries are not like a standard lead acid battery. A standard lead acid battery consists of the electrolyte that is freely floating between the two electrodes and it does not need to be charged with an EGM type battery charger. However an AGM type battery consists of a special component that is present between the two electrodes. The special component is known as an absorbent glass mat. This absorbent glass mat consists to offer glass fibers that are present in the bridge that is basically connecting the two electrodes together. The bridge is placed in a type of electrolyte solution which is being absorbed by the bridge. The main advantage a AGM battery has over a standard lead acid battery is that and AGM battery does not overspill.It also has the ability to Charge quicker as compared to a normal lead acid battery.


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