Mar 08, 2022 Pageview:770
People are ordering batteries from all over the world because they want the best batteries for their appliances. You must know that if you are shifting a battery to another region or even domestically, you need to keep in mind some of the USPS battery shipping restrictions.
If you know about the shipping restrictions, it will help you avoid the inconvenience, and you will be able to ship the batteries legally without facing any problem. The government and the battery associations have set these restrictions. You should be aware of them, especially if running a battery business.
There are different USPS battery shipping restrictions for a different type of batteries. If we talk about lithium-ion batteries, there are certain USPS shipping restrictions that you need to know about. You also have to know the difference between shipping batteries domestically and internationally.
USPS lithium battery Shipping Restrictions
USPS Lithium battery shipping restrictions are quite rigid, and you need to follow them without any flexibility. It will be convenient for you and the person to whom you are shipping the battery. If you are the purchaser of the battery, you should also know that there are battery restrictions for shipping purposes that you have to make peace with. You should be aware of all these restrictions to place your order according to that.
1.Aggregate Lithium Content
The first thing that shipping restrictions contain for a Lithium battery is that there must be no more than 2.0 grams of Aggregate Lithium content within each package.
There should be no extra batteries in the package despite the number of batteries necessary for running the device. You should not demand extra batteries if you purchase them for a certain product. This supplier will not provide you with any extra batteries because it is beyond the restriction of USPS Lithium battery shipping.
2.Shipping Through Their Need’s Stipulation
If you're sending Lithium-ion batteries through the air, it can be done. However, you will need a stipulation for it. Without proper stipulations, you will not be able to ship the batteries, resulting in a lot of inconveniences.
Having Lithium-ion batteries shipped through the year will require you certain processes that you need to fulfill before sending the batteries. You should be aware of all these processes before sending your batteries. You can also send a battery through other means if you cannot fulfill the requirement of stipulation for the air shipment.
3.Limit for the Battery
When it comes to one mail shipment, there should not be more than 8 cells or two batteries present inside. It is one of the important rules that you need to fulfill. Otherwise, your shipment will be canceled.
You can send different packages if there are many batteries. However, you cannot put more than two batteries inside one package. It is against the rule of shipment and can also be very dangerous even if the batteries are not in working mode. In order to ensure safety, this rule has been made, and no one should violate it.
Is it possible to mail a cell phone with the battery USPS?
You need to be careful about certain things when it comes to a mailing cell phone with battery USPS. It is possible to mail a cell phone with battery USPS; however, you should be careful whether shipping domestically or internationally.
Domestic Shipping
If you are sending your batteries domestically, you can easily mail cell phones with battery USPS, but you need to make sure that the batteries are installed in the device. You will also need certain legal permissions for doing so.
There should be proper packaging for the cell phone. If you are sending separate batteries with the cell phone, there should be another packaging for it. You should mention on the package the content that is present inside.
International Shipping
It is quite difficult to send a cell phone with battery USPS when it comes to international shipping. There is a huge process of legal documentation and permission. It will take enough of your time, and you will also not get permission in most cases.
You can send the batteries and cell phones separately after completing specific legal procedures. For some of the reasons, especially in Alaska and Hawaii, you can easily ship Lithium batteries because they are in a lot of demand. They also do not ask you for certain procedures that you need to fulfill for other regions.
Shipping lithium batteries Internationally
You can ship lithium-ion batteries internationally. However, there are certain rules that you need to follow before shipping them.
You must install battery in the device.
For international shipment, you should send the battery installed in the device that it operates. This is the rule for most of the cases; however, some of the devices are not safe when the batteries are installed in them. You will need legal procedures for shipping the batteries and the device separately. It also depends on the type of battery that you need to ship internationally.
Completely Enclosed
The Lithium-ion batteries that you are sending Overseas must be properly enclosed. They should be covered with plastic and other wrapping elements that can keep them safe throughout the shipment procedure.
You have to provide correct documentation and labeling for the product that is present inside the package.
If you do not fulfill these criteria, you will not be allowed to send your shipment overseas.
It will also cause you a lot of legal issues that no one wants to get indulged in. Most of the battery suppliers know these rules and regulations. However, if you are new in the field, you should be aware of these points.
Final Remarks:
There are many rules and regulations that you need to know about when it comes to the shipment of batteries. There are different criteria for domestic and international shipment that you have to keep in mind before shipping such products. You need to know the basics to do it better.
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