22 Years' Battery Customization

Why do mobile phone batteries swell?

Jun 16, 2023   Pageview:307

You might notice the size of your mobile phone's battery, but what is happening to it? Why is it swelling each day? Your mobile phone consists of a lithium-ion battery, and it uses a chemical reaction to give your mobile power so you can operate it. Once the chemical reaction gets affected for any reason, your battery will start swelling because the battery will start creating gas. 

When the battery starts making gas, this process is known as out-gassing, which makes your battery start swelling. If you keep putting your phone on charge and using it, the battery will keep getting swelled to a point when it will finally burst. 

Aging is the reason.

Every electronic device comes with an expiry date and batteries too. If its been years that you have been using the same lithium-ion battery in your cellphone, then this might be why the battery has started swelling. There is no other reason for this situation other than aging. 

Overcharging your Cellphone

We have mentioned out-gassing above, and the battery starts producing that gas if it gets overcharged other than the aging reason. When you leave your cellphone on charge for hours, and once the battery is charged completely, after that point, the electrodes and electrolytes present in the battery will start making heat and gas.

Therefore, checking your cell phone when you put it on charging is important. If you keep leaving your cell phone on charge for several hours, then the gas might cause a crack in your cellphone's battery. The battery can explore when overly recharged. 

Will it be safe to use a swollen phone battery? 

If your cellphone battery is swelling or getting swelled, that means the battery is producing gas and causing out-gassing. This situation doesn't sound ideal, and you shouldn't use that swollen phone battery. If you keep using and charging it, there will be significant consequences.

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The battery can explode.

One of the lethal consequences you can face using a swollen phone battery is that the battery might explode. There is a high chance that they might explode and catch fire. Yes, once the battery catches fire, your phone is dead. There will be going back and fixing the battery and phone anymore. 

Never put the swollen battery on charge.

Never try to put your swell cellphone battery on charge because it will explode badly. You cannot imagine the consequences if you use a cell phone and put it on a charge. If you think you can use the swell mobile battery for a few days and keep charging it, the situation will only worsen. 

Replace immediately.

If the battery explodes and catches fire, you won't be able to use the phone anymore. You will have to say goodbye to your phone as well. Therefore, it would be wise to replace the battery instead of losing your phone because it exploded and caught fire.

Signs of a Swollen Phone Battery 

You will notice the change in the battery that it got swollen. Sometimes you don't notice the little signs that tell you your cellphone battery is swelling. Here are a few signs that can help you out here:

Does the case fit well?

If you notice that your cellphone case doesn't fit well, there might be a problem with the size of your cellphone. When the battery starts swelling, the back will grow, and the case won't use your cellphone properly anymore. You might be the case a little too tight that was just fine yesterday. 

If the case is getting tighter, you must immediately check the battery. It is the only reason your cellphone feels tight in the perfectly fine case.

Stiffed Buttons

It is quite obvious that if your cell phone's battery is swelling or already swelled, the buttons on it will get stiff. You will find it hard to press the buttons, resulting in a swollen battery.

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Gap in Components

If the back of your cellphone is getting stiffed or the back cover is not closed properly, there is something wrong with the battery. The back cover gets loose or simply doesn't fit anymore because of the increasing size of the battery. The gap in components is a sign that your cellphone is swell.

How to deal with a swollen mobile phone battery?

First of all, never use a cellphone with a swollen battery, so here are a few things that you can do right away once you notice that the battery of your mobile phone as well:

Turn it off right away.

If your cellphone is on charge and you notice that the battery is swelling, you must turn off the charger. Never put your cellphone on a charge if the battery is swell. If you are using a cellphone, turn it off immediately and don't use it. 

Leave it if it is stuck.

Try to take out the battery but don't try too hard. If you find the battery stuck in the cellphone because it swelled, leave it to the professionals; they will take care of it. Don't try to open it using any tool because you might end up causing more damage to the phone that won't be able to get fixed later, even by the professionals. 

Replace it right away.

There is no solution other than replacing the swollen battery with a new one. If you think you can use the same battery for a few more days, you shouldn't even use it for a few more hours. There will be dire consequences; therefore, try to replace the battery alone or take your cell phone to a professional. 

Final Words

Never use a cellphone if its battery has started swelling because it will burst and might also catch fire. You can imagine that if you are using a cellphone, what if it bursts in your hand or while you are charging it? Replacing the swollen battery is the only solution because you won't be able to fix it once it swells. 


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