22 Years' Battery Customization

A number of listed companies accelerate the layout of solid-state lithium batteries

Jan 19, 2019   Pageview:866

With the rapid development of new energy vehicles, solid-state lithium batteries are in short supply in the electric vehicle market. As a result, a number of listed companies have accelerated the deployment of solid-state lithium batteries.


Yanfeng Lithium announced that it plans to invest in the first-generation solid-state lithium battery R&D pilot production line with no more than 250 million yuan. According to the plan, in December 2018, the first-generation solid-state lithium battery production line of the billion-watt class was delivered, and in December 2019, it sold 300 million yuan, and the second-generation solid-state lithium battery technology was mature.


At the same time, Yi Cheng Xinneng also issued an announcement that it plans to acquire 70% of Henan Pingmei Guoneng's equity of 70 million yuan and cut into the manufacturing process of lithium batteries. The total investment of 10GWh high-power lithium-ion battery project of Pingmei National Power is 5 billion yuan.


Undoubtedly, the power battery is a key component of new energy vehicles. According to the requirements of the Energy saving and New Energy Vehicle Technology Roadmap, by 2020, the energy density target of pure electric vehicle power batteries is 300Wh/kg.


It is worth mentioning that compared with liquid lithium-ion battery, solid state lithium battery have the advantages of good safety performance, high energy density and long cycle life. Chen Liquan said, "Energy density should be further improved. It is now necessary to consider all-solid-state lithium batteries. The long-term development of the electric vehicle industry requires technical reserves, and all-solid-state lithium batteries are expected to become the leading technology route for the next generation of vehicle power batteries."


According to Tiantian Securities Network, Yanfeng Lithium is currently conducting extensive testing on solid-state batteries, setting up a research and development center and a pilot production line in Ningbo to accelerate the commercialization of solid-state lithium battery technology; Fujian Province bidding procurement group investment The first phase of the construction of a single-capacity solid-state polymer-powered lithium-ion battery project was officially put into operation. This power lithium-ion battery has recently passed the authoritative inspection. The 10.5-meter pure electric bus equipped with the power lithium-ion battery pack was tested last month, and it can safely run more than 410 kilometers on a single charge.


In addition, BYD, Zhongtian Technology and other companies have also launched in the field of solid-state lithium batteries.


Professionals believe that with the improvement of comprehensive technical indicators such as cycle, magnification, high and low temperature, and safety, the application of solid-state batteries in the electric vehicle market will gradually expand and develop rapidly. Solid-state batteries are expected to solve problems such as low energy density and battery safety. It is expected that all-solid lithium secondary batteries will enter the end market in 2020.


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