Jul 25, 2022 Pageview:753
Sometimes, when the car battery is not used for a long time, it loses its ability to store a charge. Occasionally, we use the car batteries on a daily basis. But somehow, when we stop driving the car for a certain time, the car battery starts becoming desulfated.
Over time, the lead from the batteries' internal plates then combines with the electrolyte of the battery to create lead sulfate. The only and most recommended solution to this is to desulfate the battery. In fact, it has to be done on time, otherwise the battery will be completely useless and dead afterwards.
The desulfation of the car battery is a must. The car owner must desulfate the car battery completely. After desulfation, the car battery will be able to control and hold the charge of the battery. Moreover, the battery desulfation is also called reconditioning due to the battery's toxic chemicals like lead acid. So wear protective gloves and goggles whenever you are desulfating the battery.
Desulfating a battery is easy work. It occasionally depends on the things you will require to do the desulfation. When you have everything that desulfate requires then the desolation will surely work.
Can you desulfate a car battery?
Yes, a car battery can be desulfated like any other battery. A car battery results in sulfation more than any other battery. The reason is that when cars become abundant or are not used for a while, they result in the desulfation of the battery. Sulfation makes the battery unable to hold the charge. In fact, the battery doesn't work at all. No matter how powerful a charger you use, the car battery will never hold a charge for any longer.
The sulfation condition of the battery is not very new in the cars driven in the city. This occasionally happens to cars with load-hungry accessories. which results in the low speed and the inability to charge the batteries. So with time, the battery turns into sulfation.
Some people charge the battery with an external charger like solar cells, wind turbines, and others. Although these sources of charge sometimes don't fully charge the battery, which can also lead to this sulfation.
When the car battery is left uncharged for a longer period of time, then sulfate becomes very active, which is harmful to the battery. When it is not taken care of, it becomes the cause of the dead battery. The conversion of stable crystals and deposition on the negative plates This type of procedure leads the battery to large crystals that sabotage the battery's performance.
How to Make a Car Battery Desulfator
The following are the ways to desulfate a car battery.
Step 1
First of all, get some protection. like gloves and safety goggles. So put on the gloves and safety goggles.
Step 2
Make sure to park the car in an open field. You can park the car in your garage if it has an open space.
Step 3
Now it's time to remove the car battery. Occasionally, there will be two terminals. The negative one will be denoted with "-" or "NEG" and the positive ground is signified by a "+" or "POS". So first remove the negative terminal, then the positive one. Now, if there is only a positive terminal, then you can remove that one first.
You can use a screwdriver to loosen the battery where it is fitted. Then carefully remove the battery from its place.
Process of Desulfation
Step 1
On the stove, heat 12 quarts of distilled water.Then get Epsom salt. Moreover, check the water temperature using a thermometer and make sure to boil it up to 150 degrees Fahrenheit. Afterwards, add the epsom salt to the hot water.
Step 2
Now start removing the caps of the battery cells using your gloves. Some batteries are called, and it's become harder to locate the cells. You can use the drill machine to drill the outline of each shadow plug until you see the cells.
In normal conditions, you will occasionally locate the battery cells after removing their caps.
Step 3
Now it's time to drain the fluid into the bucket. You can neutralize the fluid by putting some baking soda into it.
Step 4
This is an important step. Now you will pour the Epsom salt solution into each battery cell unit until the cells are filled with salt. After pouring all the solution into the battery, put on the caps again and gently shake the battery to distribute the Epsom salt.
Now connect the charge to your battery through the positive and negative terminals. When the charge is complete, the battery is desulfated.
How long does it take to desulfate a car battery?
Desulfation takes time depending on the condition of sulfation and the size of the battery. However, a normal battery will take up to 48 hours to completely desulfate the battery. In terms of normal car batteries, they can desulfate quickly. Moreover, it also depends on the desulfate process, like how it is done.
You can try both of them. If you have time then 48 hours will be recommended. If you don't have enough time then 24 hours will be good. The only thing is to desulfate a battery and that is what you need right now to workout a battery again.
Rightnow there is no need to give your battery to another to desulfate it. If you havent tried anything yet then with this above tutorial you can help you completely desulfate your car battery. Moreover the process is not expensive. All you need is Epsom Salt and a desulfate charger. So without wasting any further time on your sulfated battery, start to desulfate it. Otherwise it will be very hard to overcome the sulfation of your battery.
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