22 Years' Battery Customization

What are the types of lithium-ion batteries?

Jul 13, 2023   Pageview:216

Some batteries in the market can not recharge once you use all their stored energy. Well, lithium-ion batteries have been designed and manufactured to get recharged once they run out of energy. So you don't have to dump the old battery and get it replaced with a new one. According to a rough estimate, a lithium-ion battery would last about 3-5 years, but depending on the usage, it might last longer.

The life span of lithium-ion batteries also depends on how you maintain them, but they are a reasonable, considerable, and durable option. Lithium-ion batteries replace all other old battery options because they are more durable and long-lasting. Plus, you get a lot of variety when you start hunting for the right lithium-ion battery for your usage.  

Lithium-ion Batteries and Their Important Details

These are the most famous rechargeable batteries nowadays because they are durable, long-lasting, have safety features, and have rechargeable battery chemistry. You might not know that your cell phone, electrical vehicle, toys, and many other devices you use regularly consist of lithium-ion batteries.

You get to choose the right lithium-ion battery according to your requirements, as it is available in various sizes and shapes and consists of different energy storage features. There are lithium-ion batteries that consist of a single lithium-ion cell, or you will also find ones that consist of multiple lithium-ion cells. All of the lithium-ion batteries come with a protective circuit board. 

Lithium-ion batteries come with proper casing, so they don't get affected by external corrosion effects. With the variety you will get in lithium-ion batteries, you won't get that many options in any other category of batteries. You choose the right lithium-ion battery according to its manufacturing details and usage requirements. 

3.2V 20Ah Low Temperature Square LiFePO4 Battery Cell
3.2V 20A Low Temp LiFePO4 Battery Cell -40℃ 3C discharge capacity≥70% Charging temperature:-20~45℃ Discharging temperature: -40~+55℃ pass acupuncture test -40℃ maximum discharge rate:3C

Lithium-ion Batteries Categories According to the Internal Materials.

As mentioned above, lithium-ion batteries are available in various sizes and shapes with different energy storage specifications. Lithium-ion batteries have many types, but the two main categories according to the internal materials are the following:

Nickel Manganese Cobalt

In lithium nickel manganese cobalt oxide batteries, the cathode will combine cobalt, manganese, and nickel. Surely it is one of the best and most successful combinations, and they can be further modified to serve as power or energy cells. The reason these batteries are getting successful is because of the combination of nickel and manganese. 

Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4)

Lithium iron phosphate batteries are used in technologies like electric vehicles, robotics, and other devices requiring high power density. The mixture of lithium and phosphate makes these batteries more resistant to harsh conditions, so they would work properly without getting affected by external factors. 

Lithium-ion Batteries Divided by Usage

As mentioned, the two main categories of lithium-ion batteries are according to the internal materials used to manufacture them. Both of them are quite popular for their usage in different fields. Well, let's talk about the usage of both categories in detail now so you would be able to understand their importance:

Nickel Manganese Cobalt Uses

As we have discussed, lithium-ion batteries are in your daily routine. You can find these batteries in your cellphone were talking about nickel manganese cobalt batteries. Yes, your cellphone consists of these batteries. Laptops also contain nickel manganese cobalt batteries besides your cell phone.

Lithium-ion batteries are rechargeable batteries; for that reason, you can use nickel manganese cobalt batteries because they can store power energy and are used for the storage of power stations. You will find these batteries in hybrid vehicles as well. 

Low Temperature High Energy Density Rugged Laptop Polymer Battery 11.1V 7800mAh
Low Temperature High Energy Density Rugged Laptop Polymer Battery Battery specification: 11.1V 7800mAh -40℃ 0.2C discharge capacity ≥80% Dustproof, resistance to dropping, anti - corrosion, anti - electromagnetic interference

Nickel manganese cobalt batteries are used for both medium and high-energy requirement applications. You will have a variety of sizes and features to choose from according to your usage requirements. 

Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4) Uses

Lithium iron phosphate batteries are more famous than any other lithium-ion battery type for all the right reasons. These batteries are used in E-mobility, robotics, and other applications that require medium-power traction. 

Lithium iron phosphate batteries are surely rechargeable, and you can also use them to store energy produced by Eco-friendly methods, so you will always have a backup. It would be your backup system for having extra energy stored in them, so whenever you need it, you simply turn on the system, and you will have your backup energy.

Lithium-ion Batteries Divided by Casing Materials

Lithium-ion batteries come with casing material that would keep the battery from getting affected by external factors. Let's talk about the lithium-ion batteries that have been divided according to their casing material:

Aluminum to Ni-coated Steel Casing

You must know that lithium-ion batteries are quite sensitive, and they get affected by external factors like temperature and other atmospheric conditions. Therefore, you must cover the lithium-ion cells with a casing that protects them from all external factors.

First, aluminum was used as the casing material because it has more resistance against moisture, air, and all other factors that might have damaged the battery. 

After that, polypropylene replaced aluminum as the casing material because it is easier to mold steel than aluminum. 

Ni-coated steel casings are used to keep the battery safe from external damage. The ni-coated casing has more resistance than any other material so far, keeping lithium-ion batteries safe for a long time. This material offers safety against moisture, air, and from corrosion. 

The coating consists of nickel-coated steel, providing galvanic resistance and offering mechanical food stability. 

Paying attention to the casing material is important because it would be the wall between your lithium-ion battery cells and the damaging external environment. Therefore, using the right material for the casing is important, and Ni is the best material so far. 

Final Words

Well, you might not have heard about the details of lithium-ion batteries that we have talked about. Lithium-ion batteries are getting famous and leaving all other energy storage options behind because these batteries consist of the latest features. You get to customize the lithium-ion batteries according to your requirements and select the material you want in your lithium-ion batteries.


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